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黑土肥力质量评价的生物指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受到自然因素和人类掠夺式开发利用的影响,黑土肥力下降不断加剧,对国家粮食安全构成重大威胁,黑土肥力质量评价指标已成为当今土壤学的研究热点.传统的研究涉及较多化学和物理指标,近年来生物检测技术迅猛发展,土壤生物指标因其灵敏性较高已逐渐成为土壤肥力质量评价的重要参数,但还没有形成统一的标准,因此有必要梳理一下土壤生物指标.本文对近些年土壤微生物、酶活性及动物等土壤肥力质量评价的生物指标的研究进展进行了综述,为黑土肥力质量评价提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   
用最先进的理念和技术,实现地质找矿重大突破,不断提高对经济社会可持续发展的保障能力 这次调研,最让徐绍史感到兴奋的是,辽宁省地勘队伍在本溪市平山区大台沟发现一座资源潜力非常大的铁矿.  相似文献   
农历三月三是壮族一个十分隆重的传统节日,每年农历三月初三这一天,是西南部壮族进行上坟扫墓的日子,同时也是北部壮族赶风流歌圩"唱欢"的日子.不过,不管是南壮北壮,每到这天,壮家人都从山坡上采回嫩绿的枫叶、红蓝草、黄饭花、嫩稔米果等,加上上好的糯米,精心炮制成红、黄、蓝、紫、白五色的米饭.此外,人们还在门楣上和房屋周围插上一枝枝枫树叶.然后在村头寨尾搭起棚子,在棚下摆上五色的米饭等供品,男女老少围着棚子唱山歌,赶歌圩.大人们还把染成红色的熟鸡蛋装在小网兜里,挂在小孩的胸前,表示吉祥.男女青年在赶歌圩时,还要玩"碰蛋"的游戏.  相似文献   
壮族可能是最为器重过节的一个民族了.在一些壮族地区,几乎每个月都有节过.著名节日有春节、三月三、七月十四等.  相似文献   
全国水土流失180万平方公里亟待治理 水利部部长陈雷近日强调,目前全国有180多万平方公里水土流失面积亟待治理,多年平均年土壤侵蚀量高达45亿吨,有3.6亿亩坡耕地和44.2万条侵蚀沟亟待治理,东北黑土区的保护和西南石漠化地区耕地资源的抢救十分紧迫。据中国水土流失与生态安全科学考察估算,每年水土流失给我国带来经济损失相当于GDP的2.25%左右。  相似文献   
Comparative study on rain splash erosion of representative soils in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and entrainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to analyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were collected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2mm/min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20min, respectively. Rain splash and soil crust development were analyzed. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corresponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic matter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively lower splash erosion amount because it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the stability is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. Splash rate which fluctuates over time is observed because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition, there are two locations of soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface.  相似文献   
建立"耕地保护特区",合理开发利用黑土层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国东北黑土区是世界上仅有的四大片黑土区(带)之一,属耕地中最优质部分,但近年来的开发、破坏严重。无论作为世界宝产还是最优质耕地,黑土区都值得给予特别关注。建议设立"耕地保护特区",合理开发利用这片有限的宝贵资源。  相似文献   
北枕兴安龙脉,南接万顷平畴;西望泱泱嫩水,东邻五大连池。——隶属于齐齐哈尔的讷河市,土地肥沃,水域辽阔,素有“黑土明珠”、“北国粮仓”之美誉。做为“中国马铃薯之乡”、“中国甜菜之乡”,这里虽然地处偏远,但境内阡陌流金、黑土丰饶。近年来经济社会迅猛发展,社会各项事业蒸蒸日上,  相似文献   
龙江盛夏,草长莺飞;寒地黑土,满目葱茏。 省委理论学习中心组“庆七一、学讲话、忆党史、看发展”学习考察活动刚刚结束,省国土资源厅党组书记、厅长孙纲率领工作组,于7月6日~7日、11日先后到绥化市、海伦市、大庆市、肇东市开展考察调研活动。  相似文献   
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