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Numerical simulation of the impact of vegetation index on the interannual variation of summer precipitation in the Yellow River Basin 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Two sets of numerical experiments using the coupled National Center for Environmental Prediction General Circulation Model (NCEP/GCM T42L18) and the Simplified Simple Biosphere land surface scheme (SSiB) were carried out to investigate the climate impacts of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) on East Asia summer precipitation, especially in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). One set employed prescribed FVC and LAI which have no interannual variations based on the climatology of vegetation distribution; the other with FVC and LAI derived from satellite observations of the International Satellite Land Surface Climate Project (ISLSCP) for 1987 and 1988. The simulations of the two experiments were compared to study the influence of FVC, LAI on summer precipitation interannual variation in the YRB. Compared with observations and the NCEP reanalysis data, the experiment that included both the effects of satellite-derived vegetation indexes and sea surface temperature (SST) produced better seasonal and interannual precipitation variations than the experiment with SST but no interannual variations in FVC and LAI, indicating that better representations of the vegetation index and its interannual variation may be important for climate prediction. The difference between 1987 and 1988 indicated that with the increase of FVC and LAI, especially around the YRB, surface albedo decreased, net surface radiation increased, and consequently local evaporation and precipitation intensified. Further more, surface sensible heat flux, surface temperature and its diurnal variation decreased around the YRB in response to more vegetation. The decrease of surface-emitting longwave radiation due to the cooler surface outweighed the decrease of surface solar radiation income with more cloud coverage, thus maintaining the positive anomaly of net surface radiation. Further study indicated that moisture flux variations associated with changes in the general circulation also contributed to the precipitation interannual variation. 相似文献
本利用黄河上游人工增雨作业期间,河南站和西宁站的常规气象地面观测资料及实况记录,对两地区云状出现频率、降水机率和降水效果等进行统计和对比,以分析黄河上游人工增雨基地地区的云及降水特征。统计结果表明:黄河上游人工增雨基地地区有明显不同于西宁地区的云及降水特征。 相似文献
2月10日,省移民安置局组织召开了全省大中型水库移民安置工作会议,会议认真回顾总结了2011年的工作,全面安排部署了2012年工作任务,表彰了2011年度目标责任考核先进单位。会议提出切实抓好总资金近4亿元的黄河上游为主的水电站水库建设征地、拆迁和移民安置、后续扶持等工作,确保全省水电站项目建设顺 相似文献
马海市位于内蒙古自治区西南部,黄河上游下端,地处乌兰布和、库布其、毛乌寨三大沙漠边缘。乌海市是一个典型的矿业城市,建市30多年来,曾为国家、自治区经济建设做出过巨大贡献,也付出了资源锐减、地质灾害严重和生态环境恶化的沉重代价。乌海曾经是一方山川秀美的古老大地,据《乌海市志》记载“乌海地区是黄河三套之一的中套,‘水草丰美、狐兔出没’,桌子山森林茂密,清康熙三十六年还是优良的牧场及屯垦地。1925年修建的包银公路还是从黄河西岸的上江、 相似文献
本文简述了黄河海港的工程现状,提出了下一步建设所需解决的几个认识问题及个人看法,并从战略意义、自然条件和投资效益三个方面,论述了建设此港的必要性、可能性和经济性。最后对建港原则和方针提出了几点浅见。 相似文献