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在苏南某工业厂房扩建工程中,为了妥善解决新旧熔炉区的不均匀沉降,通过多方案的比选,最终采用树根桩托换技术进行地基加固。并且对新旧熔炉区的基础进行了化学植筋连接和防渗漏处理。  相似文献   
为研究大厚度自重湿陷性黄土的湿陷变形特性、水分入渗规律以及地基处理合理方法等问题,选择典型大厚度自重湿陷性黄土场地,进行了布置沉降观测点和埋设水分计的浸水试验以及挤密桩、DDC(孔内深层强夯)桩地基处理试验。试验结果表明,在水分入渗过程中,深度22.5~25.0 m以上土体易发生湿陷,该深度以下土体则含水率增加缓慢,达不到湿陷起始含水率,不易发生湿陷,因此该深度考虑可作为现场湿陷性评价的临界深度,也可作为大厚度湿陷性黄土地区进行地基处理时可参考的地基处理下限深度。DDC桩间距为1.0~1.4 m时,无论从挤密系数还是湿陷系数都能满足规范要求;挤密桩15 m试验区域沉降量较小,但其剩余湿陷量任未满足要求,这也佐证了关于22.5~25.0 m深度难于发生湿陷的结论。试验成果可作为今后大厚度自重湿陷性黄土地区工程建设以及黄土规范进一步修订的参考。  相似文献   
矿物及材料表面的SPM微形貌研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿物及材料表面形貌研究手段经历了从肉眼和手指到触针技术、光学技术及扫描电镜,最后到扫描探针技术(scanningprobemicroscopy,简称SPM)的发展阶段,使可获取的表面形貌信息量不断丰富,分辨率不断提高,研究从宏观进入微观,从定性进入了...  相似文献   
近期,国家黄金钻石制品质量监督检验中心对一串具蓝色晕彩的长石手链样品进行常规检测时,在长波紫外灯下多数珠子发中等强度的蓝白色荧光,且荧光在珠子中呈线状分布。为了对该长石样品进行准确定名,并探究其紫外荧光产生的原因,对其进行了常规宝石学检测、电子探针和红外光谱测试与分析。结果显示,该样品的折射率约为1.53,在显微镜下具有层状结构和针片状包裹体,结合其电子探针的分析结果,确定该样品为晕长石,即具有蓝色晕彩的钠长石;基于样品表面具有典型的"蚯蚓行踪"纹路、沿裂隙发出的紫外荧光及红外光谱下3 053,3 038cm^-1处的吸收峰,确定其为注胶处理的晕长石。  相似文献   
光学图像和雷达图像的IHS融合方法是提取构造信息的一种较好的信息增强方法,这种方法既可以保留波谱信息,又可以增加图像的立体效果。本文以鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗—东胜地区一带为研究区,选用光学TM图像和雷达JERS图像进行了IHS融合处理,重点研究了光学图像波段的选取以及雷达图像的预处理过程,并在融合过程中注意通过光学TM图像和雷达JERS图像之间的直方图匹配,以降低其融合后图像的变化差异度,从而使此种融合方法更适用于研究区的构造信息提取。  相似文献   
植物样品中无机元素分析的样品前处理方法和测定技术   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
植物样品中无机元素的分析测定在环境地球化学和生物地球化学的研究中起着重要作用。植物样品中元素含量一般较低,须选用科学合理的前处理技术和灵敏度高、精密度好、检出限低的测定方法。本文针对植物样品前处理方法和无机元素分析测定技术的研究进展、优势与不足进行评述。前处理方法主要根据样品和待测元素的性质进行选择:干法灰化所用试剂少、空白值低,但组织致密型的样品不易灰化完全、高温下易造成元素挥发损失;湿法消解样品消解较为完全,但试剂消耗大、空白值高、操作繁琐;微波消解可以防止部分易挥发元素损失,用酸量少、消解速度快,但称样量相对较小,不适于需要大称样量的样品分析。几乎所有针对元素分析的仪器分析技术都可以用于植物样品分析,主要根据仪器适用的元素、必要的干扰校正以及基体改进等方面进行选择:电感耦合等离子体质谱法可同时测定植物样品中40种以上的元素,高分辨质谱的检出限可达fg/mL;电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法适用于某些植物样品中含量较高的P、K、Na等元素的测定;原子吸收光谱法可分析元素达70余种,是普及程度最高的仪器分析技术之一;原子荧光光谱法与氢化物发生技术的联用,在元素含量较低的植物样品分析中技术优势更加明显;新兴的激光诱导击穿光谱技术已被应用于植物样品分析,无需复杂的样品前处理,操作简单快速,可实现原位、在线、实时、多元素同时检测;其他选择性强、灵敏度高的分析技术,满足了一些特定元素不能用常规分析技术测定的需求。当前主流分析技术的样品前处理方法都存在着缺陷,固体进样技术将成为植物样品分析领域的发展方向之一。  相似文献   
The exploration conducted in the Bohai Bay basin, eastern China has demonstrated that the abundant petroleum resources have close affinities to the hydrocarbon kitchen with rich organic matter. A number of oil-generating associations with various characteristics of organic geochemistry and assemblages of multiple reservoir facies are developed due to the multi-center sedimentation, multi-source supply and multi-cycle evolution of filling, which have resulted in the formation of multiple oil and gas accumulation zones of various layers and trap styles. Among them the Paleogene Shahejie Formation is the most important hydrocarbon accumulation combination in the Dongying sag. Heretofore, its proved reserve has reached nearly 1.8×109t, which accounts for more than 90% of the total proved reserves of the Dongying sag. Based on previous studies, more than 600 source rock samples and 186 crude oil samples of the Shahejie Formation, collected from 30 oilfields, have been treated with organic geochemical testing  相似文献   
不断研究地震勘探新技术努力提高煤田勘探精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屈学贤 《吉林地质》2004,23(3):102-105
重视地震勘探新技术的研究,充分发挥地震勘探的优势,提高地震勘探的精度,地震勘探才会有更广泛的市场,赢得更好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
As gravity field,magnetic field,electric field and seismic wave field are all physical fields,their object function,reverse function and compound function are certainly infinite contiuously differentiable func-tions which can be expanded into Taylor (Fourier) series within domain of definition and be further reduced in-to solving stochastic distribution function of series and statistic inference of optimal approximation,This is the basis of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion built on the basis of separation of field and source gravity-magnetic difference-value(D-value)trend surface,taking distribution-independent fault sys-tem as its unit,depths of seismic and electric interfaces of interests as its corresponding bivariate compound re-verse function of gravity-magnetic anomalies and using high order polynomial(high order trigonometric func-tion)approximating to its series distribution,The difference from current dominant inversion techniques is that,first,it does not respectively create gravity-seismic,magnetic-seismic deterministic inversion model from theoretical model,but combines gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic stochastic inversion model from stochastic model;second,after the concept of equivalent geological body being introduced,using feature of independent variable of gravity-magnetic field functions,taking density and susceptibility related to gravity-magnetic func-tion as default parameters of model,the deterministic model is established owing to better solution to the con-tradictioc of difficulty in identifying strata and less test analytical data for density and susceptibility in newly explored area;third,under assumption of independent parent distribution,a real modeling by strata,the prob-lem of difficult plane closure arising in profile modeling is avoided,This technology has richer and more detailed fault and strata information than sparse pattern seismic data in newly explored area,successfully inverses and plots structural map of Indosinian discontinuty in Hefei basin with combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion,With development of high precision gravity-magnetic and overall geophysical technology,it is certain for introducing new methods of stochastic modeling and computational intelligence and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial path.  相似文献   
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