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Understanding of the habitat range of threatened Himalayan medicinal plants which are declining in their abundance due to high anthropogenic disturbances is essential for developing conservation strategies and agrotechnologies for cultivation. In this communication, we have discussed the habitat range of two alpine medicinal plants, Aconitum naviculare (Bruehl) Stapf and Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennel) Hong in a trans-Himalayan dry valley of central Nepal, Manang district. They are the most prioritized medicinal plants of the study area in terms of ethnomedicinal uses. A. naviculare occurs on warm and dry south facing slopes between 4090-4650 m asl along with sclerophyllous and thorny alpine scrubs, while N. scrophulariiflora is exclusively found on cool and moist north facing slope between 4000 and 4400 m asl where adequate water is available from snow melt to create a suitable habitat for this wetland dependent species. The soil in rooting zone of the two plants differs significantly in organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (N) and carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Due to cool and moist condition of N. scrophulariiflora habitat, accumulation of soil OC is higher, but soil N content is lower probably due to slow release from litter, higher leaching loss and greater retention in perennial live biomass of the plant. The C/N ratio of soil is more suitable in A. navuculare habitat than that of N scrophulariiflora for N supply. Warm and sunny site with N rich soil can be suitable for cultivation ofA. naviculare, while moist and cool site with organic soil for N. scrophulariiflora. The populations of both the plants are fragmented and small. Due to collection by human and trampling damage by livestock, the population of A. naviculare was found absent in open areas in five of the six sampling sites and it was confined only within the bushes of alpine scrubs. For N. serophulariiflora, high probability of complete receding of small glaeiers may be a new threat in future to its habitat. The information about habitat conditions, together with the information from other areas, ean be useful to identify potential habitats and plan for cultivation or domestication of the two medieinal plants.  相似文献   
基础地理信息系统的构建是建立数字山西的基础载体,而基础地理信息的推广应用则有赖于计算机网络的发展和广泛的应用。否则基础地理信息系统就是一滩死水。随着国际互联网Internet的不断推广应用,计算机网络越来越成为人们所关注的热点。在很好的使用信息系统的同时,如何保障计算机网络的安全也成为一个愈来愈受重视的问题。本从防火墙技术、数据加密技术及计算机病毒防治三个方面简要地说明了如何解决计算机网络安全的问题。  相似文献   
河南淮北平原砂姜黑土综合研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河南省淮北平原砂姜黑土与低洼易涝区呈复域分布。涝、渍、旱、僵、薄灾害并在,严重。过去,灾害防治缺少区域综合研究且没有与区域发展紧密联系起来。因此,今后的灾害防治应当是宏观研究与微观研究结合,区域综合研究与部门技术研究结合;综合研究控制部门研究,部门研究深化综合研究。  相似文献   
南京市地质灾害的表现形式及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
5月12日四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0的强烈大地震,给人民生命财产造成了巨大损失,给灾区人民的生产和生活带来了难以想象的困难,给灾区甚至全国的经济建设和发展都造成了很大的影响。  相似文献   
近年来,一提到矿山事故,特别是重大安全事故,人们心里就会隐隐作痛、心有余悸,而引发事故的源头和罪魁祸首就是安全隐患。有了隐患,只要我们能够预防到位,及时消除,源头治理,也不会有事故的发生。因此,搞好矿山企业的隐患排查整治工作,是预防安全事故的重中之重。而要全面做好矿山安全隐患排查整治工作,必须首先要摸清辖区内矿山企业隐患产生的背景及原因,然后才能找到有效的根治措施和方法。现结合禹州市,就国土资源管理部门矿山安全隐患监管防治问题做一下简单的探讨。禹州市地处豫中西部,矿产资源丰富,在全市西部偏远山区12个乡镇1000余…  相似文献   
北京门头沟区涧沟泥石流危险性调查评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涧沟泥石流位于北京市门头沟区潭柘寺镇西北,本文分析了涧沟泥石流的基本特征和形成条件,预测了不同暴雨频率下的泥石流流量,结合泥石流的易发程度及可能造成的损失,评价了泥石流隐患的危险性,并提出了防治建议。  相似文献   
汝阳县上店国土资源所,是这么一个其乐融融的三人之家:我,年龄最小,却是一家之主,主管家里的全面工作;田永前(左),主管家里的档案、巡查台账登记、地质灾害防治工作;郭敏庆(右),年纪最大,是我们心目中的老大哥,负责着家里的信访纠纷、农宅审批资料的整理上报工作。  相似文献   
黄琨  武亚遵  万军伟  肖攀 《中国岩溶》2010,29(4):385-388
根据区域岩溶发育史分析认为,湖北宣恩县落马洞暗河的形成总体上可分为两个阶段:第一阶段发生在白垩纪末至晚第三纪。在该阶段中,降水主要通过发育于卧西坪岩溶坡立谷地两侧的小型洼地、落水洞汇入地下管道,往卧西坪谷地排泄,在卧西坪一带形成一小型岩溶湖泊的同时,还在谷地西侧形成了下黑槽、铜锣坪、扁洞三个近东西向地下暗河系统。第二个阶段发生在晚第三纪至今。在这一期间,随着区域构造运动的振荡性抬升,岩溶侵蚀基准面不断下降,在谷地内形成了上、下黑槽、铜锣坪落水洞与卧西坪消水洞等垂向岩溶管道,贯通早期形成的东西向管道并袭夺卧西坪和铜锣坪一带的地表岩溶湖水,使得原分散的岩溶水系统通过南北向的主管道集中排泄,形成了多进口的树枝状复杂管道暗河系统。卧西坪岩溶坡立谷内常年遭受洪涝的原因主要是由于落马洞地下暗河形成年代较晚,管道规模较小,且洞内坍塌淤积严重,排水能力小。在此基础上,提出了加强流域水土流失管理、疏通河道和新建排水隧洞等治理措施与防治对策。   相似文献   
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