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波束角偏差是影响多波束系统测量精度的因素之一,严重时导致测量的海底地形成凸凹形状的伪地形。论述了波束角偏差产生的原因以及对多波束系统测量精度的影响,介绍了借用EM系列多波束系统配置的横向参数校准软件对波束角偏差进行校正的方法,经实际应用,该方法很好地校正了波束角偏差,提高了测量数据的精度。  相似文献   
To study the relationship between zooplankton community structure and environmental factors and water quality in the Harbin Section of the Songhua River, investigations were carried out in June, August, and October 2011. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and saprobic indices were used to process and analyze the data. Seasonal variability was identified as a significant source of variation, which explains the fluctuation in zooplankton density. In autumn, the dry season, water residence time increased and zooplankton biomass and abundance accumulated in the slow flowing waters. Zooplankton abundance increased when food conditions improved. Therefore, the total zooplankton abundance in autumn is much higher than that in spring and summer. According to the saprobic indices, all the sample sites had mesosaprobic water and water quality was worse in autumn. CCA revealed that temperature accounted for most of the spatial variation in the zooplankton community. Moreover, pH, dissolved oxygen saturation, and turbidity were important factors affecting zooplankton community distribution.  相似文献   
正"杨家湾风电项目的建设,将极大地改善地区能源布局,必将对灵宝乃至黄河金三角区域经济发展产生积极的影响……"日前,在灵宝杨家湾风电项目评审会上,与会专家一致这样认为。2013年以来,灵宝市阳平国土资源所积极服务风电项目建设,从实地选址到技术勘测,从合同签订到项目评估,实行全程服务,促成中国风电集团注册300万元成立灵宝协和风力发电有限公司,全力开发杨家湾风电项目。该项目总装机容量48兆瓦,设  相似文献   
The stock of Bigeye tuna(Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean supports an important international fishery and is considered to be fully exploited. The responsible management agency, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission(IOTC), does not have an explicit management decision-making framework in place to prevent over-fishing. In this study, we evaluated three harvest control rules, i) constant fishing mortality(CF), from 0.2 to 0.6, ii) constant catch(CC), from 60000 to 140000 t, and iii) constant escapement(CE), from 0.3 to 0.7. The population dynamics simulated by the operating model was based on the most recent stock assessment using Stock Synthesis version Ⅲ(SS3). Three simulation scenarios(low, medium and high productivity) were designed to cover possible uncertainty in the stock assessment and biological parameters. Performances of three harvest control rules were compared on the basis of three management objectives(over 3, 10 and 25 years): i) the probability of maintaining spawning stock biomass above a level that can sustain maximum sustainable yield(MSY) on average, ii) the probability of achieving average catches between 0.8 MSY and 1.0 MSY, and iii) inter-annual variability in catches. The constant escapement strategy(CE=0.5), constant fishing mortality strategy(F=0.4) and constant catch(CC=80000) were the most rational among the respective management scenarios. It is concluded that the short-term annual catch is suggested at 80000 t, and the potential total allowable catch for a stable yield could be set at 120000 t once the stock had recovered successfully. All the strategies considered in this study to achieve a ‘tolerable' balance between resource conservation and utilization have been based around the management objectives of the IOTC.  相似文献   
正开封市各级政府和有关部门统筹安排、精心组织,部门联动、狠抓落实,全市农村集体土地确权登记发证工作顺利推进。截至2014年1月7日,各县、区市级验收工作全部完成。农村集体土地所有权确权登记发证工作开展以来,全市各县(区)共落实经费4000余万元。全市均采用实测法,共完成了94个乡镇2384个行政村15177个村民小组886466宗土地的地籍调查,调查面积569973.762公顷,调查界址点492333个,其中实测界址点469808个,全市平均实测率95.42%。  相似文献   
正中国伏牛山世界地质公园顺利通过第二次中期评估本刊讯9月18!22日,联合国教科文组织世界地质公园执行局在加拿大圣约翰市召开了第六届国际地质公园大会,会上宣布中国伏牛山世界地质公园等国内10家世界地质公园顺利通过中评估。按要求,每隔四年,联合国教科文组织都对网络成员进行一次中期评估,并根据结果作出改进建议或作出是否继续作为地质公园网络成员的决定。评估内容涉及园区建设、遗迹保  相似文献   
正安阳市龙安区地处豫北丘陵地区,境内地表形态西高东低,低山丘陵区约占全区总面积的五分之四,地质灾害防治工作尤为突出。近年来,龙安区坚持"以人为本、预防为主、防治结合"的原则,深化地质灾害防治机制,实行区、乡、村三级群测群防联动机制,开创了地质灾害防治工作新局面。健全领导工作机制。按照国土  相似文献   
6月17日,省厅矿产储量评估中心主任张文友带领中心职工,到“中国土改文化第一村”——尚志市元宝镇元宝村参观学习。在“七一”前夕,以实际行动践行党的群众路线教育实践活动,“聆听”一堂生动的党课。  相似文献   
To make a detailed test on the reliability and detection performance of the electrochemical concentra- tion cell (ECC) type ozonesonde which had been devel- oped and preliminarily evaluated by the authors, an inten- sive ozonesonde release experiment was held at two sites in Beijing and Changchun in June 2013. The results showed that the mean background current and its standard deviation were 0.03 (0.04) pA and 0.02 (0.03) pA in Bei- jing (Changchun). The average response time and its standard deviation were 27.8 s (30.4 s) and 4.0 s (3.7 s) in Beijing (Changchun). The ozone partial pressure profiles at both sites showed a central peak in the stratosphere and a side peak in the boundary layer. Large variation in ozone partial pressure was observed at the middle levels of the atmosphere (10-17 kin). A more marked gradient of ozone change was observed in Beijing (3.4 mPa km-1) at the lower atmosphere level, as compared to that in Changchun (0.4 mPa km-l). The results presented in this paper indicate that this self-developed ozonesonde shows a high level of reliability and good performance. The ozonsonde is expected to play an important role in opera- tional observations of ozone profiles.  相似文献   
The Common Land Model(CoLM) was coupled with the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(IAPDGVM), and the performance of this combined CoLMIAP model was evaluated. Offline simulations using both the original Common Land Model(CoLM-LPJ) and CoLM-IAP were conducted. The CoLM-IAP coupled model showed a significant improvement over CoLMLPJ, as the deciduous tree distribution decreased over temperate and boreal regions, while the distribution of evergreen trees increased over the tropics. Some biases in CoLM-LPJ were preserved, including the overestimation of evergreen trees in tropical savanna, the underestimation of boreal evergreen trees, and the absence of boreal shrubs. However, most of these biases did not exist in a further coupled simulation of IAP-DGVM with the Community Land Model(CLM), for which the parameters of IAP-DGVM were optimized. This implies that further improvement is needed to deal with the differences between CoLM and CLM in parameterizations of landbased physical and biochemical processes.  相似文献   
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