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王开泳  邓羽 《地理研究》2016,35(5):825-835
“胡焕庸线”提出80年来,在国际上产生深远影响。随着中国新型城镇化进程的全面推进,对胡焕庸线的研究急剧升温。在新的历史背景下,如何客观看待胡焕庸线成为亟待解决的一个问题。研究认为:胡焕庸线不仅是中国人口分布的分界线,也是重要的自然生态界线,这条界线的形成不以人的意志为转移,不宜人为去“打破”。同时,在新型城镇化背景下,应该树立理性思维,稳妥有序地推进城镇化进程,不断优化城镇化的空间分布格局。在全面放开二孩的新政策推动下,由于中国区域人口政策的差异性,东部和中部地区的人口有望实现较为明显的增长,西部地区增长相对缓慢,由此可能对胡焕庸线两侧的人口空间格局产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
区域产业布局优化及理论依据分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前关于产业布局的理论多强调其经济效益,在一定程度上忽视了环境效益和社会效益。从经济、社会与环境协调发展的角度对产业布局优化的内涵进行阐释,并论述实现区域产业布局优化的经济学、环境学及生态学理论依据。  相似文献   
本文主要研究了河南省地域开发布局现状与特点,对今后地域开发布局设想和综合开发的重点经济区域及建设项目也作了探讨。  相似文献   
近20 a中亚净初级生产力与实际蒸散发特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中亚碳、水循环在气候变异和人为活动的影响下呈现新的时空特征。但由于观测数据稀缺,生态过程特殊,植被、土壤空间异质性强,中亚植被净初级生产力(NPP)、实际蒸散发(AET)的时空特征相关信息相对不足,且时效性不高。利用全球尺度的NPP、AET、土地覆被数据,气象站点与区域气候数据分析近20 a中亚地区NPP和AET的时空特征。结果表明:与1990年相比,2000年中亚地区农田NPP增幅小于自然植被,植被总固碳量增加了254.65 Tg C;近20 a中亚地区实际总蒸散量先增后降,农田对中亚水资源散失的贡献减小,自然植被的贡献增大,自然植被与农田面积变化决定中亚总蒸散量动态;北部农田区、东部山区及山前绿洲为NPP和AET的高值区,中西部荒漠为低值区。  相似文献   
通过自然、经济与社会因素方面构建限制修正系数,用限制修正系数把理论潜力修正至现实潜力,且从区位、自然等方面对整理后居民点进行布局优化,在ArcGIS 9.3中用多因素综合评价法评价栅格单元的居民点建设适宜度,把适宜度高的栅格变成居民点用地,直到所选择栅格面积等于现状居民点释放完潜力而保留的面积。研究发现2008年江都市居民点整理的理论潜力是6 128 hm2,经限制因素修正后现实潜力是2 013 hm2,其中半数以上在仙女镇;经布局优化后居民点集中分布,且主要集中分布在城镇周围与交通便捷地区,改变了目前散乱分布状况,居民点分布斑块数减少,其集聚度显著增加。  相似文献   
羌塘盆地白垩系海相油页岩特征及其形成条件分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在羌塘盆地胜利河、长梁山、长蛇山、托纳木等地发现的油页岩为目前我国规模最大的海相油页岩矿床,具有重要的工业开采价值。海相油页岩的主要矿物成分为碳酸盐、粘土矿物和石英,并见有黄铁矿、石膏、菱镁矿等矿物。粘土矿物以伊利石为主,少量高岭石,不含蒙脱石。有机地球化学分析表明,这些油页岩的有机质丰度较高,有机质类型较好。胜利河油页岩TOC含量在4.31%~21.37%之间,均值为8.40%;托纳木油页岩的TOC含量也较高,最大值为25.68%,平均为9.32%;长梁山剖面油页岩的TOC含量在2.96%~23.47%之间,平均值为9.56%;长蛇山油页岩的TOC含量在4.53%~9.49%之间,平均值为7.74%。长蛇山油页岩干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ1型,少数为Ⅱ2和Ⅲ型;胜利河油页岩主要为Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2型干酪根,而托纳木油页岩的干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ1型和Ⅰ型。白垩系海相油页岩的形成受多方面因素控制,包括缺氧富氧状态、古生产力、古气候、粘土矿物的混积作用、古地形条件以及海平面变化等。其中,油页岩的总有机碳含量(TOC)与古环境元素指标Mo、V存在较强的相关关系,相关系数分别为0.975和0.917,而与古生产力指标P/Ti、Ba/Al之间为弱相关或无相关关系,相关系数分别为0.481和-0.739。因此,本文认为海相油页岩的形成以"保存模式"为主,有机质沉积时的水体环境对高有机质含量的油页岩的形成起主导作用,并在此基础上建立了海相油页岩的形成演化模式。  相似文献   
开封市是座历史悠久的老城,又是一个农业大市。节约集约用地工作对开封市的经济发展至关重要。在开封市区,我们将结合开封市旧城区面积较大的特点,加快"城中村"和旧城改造步伐,优化城市用地布局。在搞好调查,摸清闲置、空闲、低效用地的数量和空间分布的基础上,千方百计盘活、利用好城镇存量土地。  相似文献   
全城城市化战略的具体实施方案是大连市委十届八次全会提出的。实施该战略,是大连市在振兴发展进程中,对突破资源、空间制约形成的广泛共识,是落实辽宁沿海经济带战略,拉开发展框架的必然选择,也是当前调结构、扩内需,加快发展方式转变的重要途径。2010年,大连市将以全域城市化为契机,按照组团式、链条式发展的思路,拓展空间、优化布局,  相似文献   
Vertical profiles of chl-a and primary productivity in the middle continental shelf area and eddy area of the East China Sea were studied using data from a cruise in the East China Sea in February to March, 1997 and a cruise in July, 1998. The results showed that chl-a vertical distribution closely related to in situ hydrological and nutrient conditions. Chla-a concentration ranged from 0.22 to 0.35 mg/m3 and 0.93–1.09 mg/m3 in the eddy area and in the middle continental shelf area, respectively. In both areas, chl-a concentrations in deep layers were slightly higher than those in shallow layers, but was of the same order of magnitude. In summer, when a thermocline existed in the water column, highest chl-a concentrations appeared at the base of the thermocline layers in both areas. In the eddy area, chl-a concentration maximized at 31.743 mg/m3, and averaged 1.143 mg/m3 below 30 m depth. In the middle continental shelf area, the highest chl-a concentration was 2.120 mg/m3, the average was 1.168 mg/m3. The primary productivity reached 1418.76 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 1360.69 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. In the eddy area, the primary productivity was 787.50 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 159.04 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. Vertical carbon sinking rate from the deep layer to the bottom in both areas is also discussed in this paper. Contribution NO. 4183 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project No. 49636210 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   
On farm bio-resource recycling has been given greater emphasis with the introduction of conservation agriculture specifically withclimate change scenarios in the mid-hills of the north-west Himalaya region(NWHR). Under this changing scenario, elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) may affect significantly soil quality and crop productivity. A study was conducted during 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 at the Ashti watershed of NWHR in a rainfed condition to examine the influence of elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) on soil resource and crop productivity. Two years of farm demonstration trials indicated that crop productivity and soil quality is significantly affected by elevation, slope aspect and INM. Results showed that wheat equivalent yield(WEY) of improved technology increased crop productivity by -20%-37% compared to the conventional system. Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-17%. North aspect and higher elevation increased crop productivity by 15%-25% compared to south aspect and low elevation(except paddy). Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-15%. Irrespective of slope, elevation and cropping system, the WEY increased by -30% in this region due to INMtechnology. The influence of elevation, slope aspect and INM significantly affected soil resources(SQI) and soil carbon change(SCC). SCC is significantly correlated with SQI for conventional(R2 = 0.65*), INM technology(R2 = 0.81*) and for both technologies(R2 = 0.73*). It is recommended that at higher elevation.(except for paddy soils) with a north facing slope, INM is recommended for higher crop productivity; conservation of soil resources is recommended for the mid hills of NWHR; and single values of SCC are appropriate as a SQI for this region.  相似文献   
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