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Based on detailed and systematic researches of the geology of ore deposits, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry etc., and regarding the Late Paleozoic fluid system of the Yuebei Basin as an integrated object in this paper, we have revealed the temporo-spatial evolution law of the basin's fluid system and discussed its ore-forming effects by simulating and analyzing the distribution of ore-forming elements, the fluid thermodynamics and dynamics of evolution processes of this basin. The results show that Late Paleozoic ore-forming fluid systems of the Yuebei Basin include four basic types as follows. (1) The sea floor volcanic-exhalation system developed during the rapid basin slip-extension stage in the Mid-Late Devonian, which affected the Dabaoshan region. It thus formed the Dabaoshan-type Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sea floor volcanic-exhalation sedimentary deposits. (2) The compaction fluid system developed during the stable spreading and thermal subsidence-compression stage of the basin in the Mid-Late Devonian. The range of its effects extended all over the whole basin. It resulted in filling-metasomatic deposits, such as the Hongyan-type pyrite deposits and pyrite sheet within the Fankou-type Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposits. (3) The hot water circulation system of sea floor developed during the stage of basin uplifting and micro-aulacogen from the late Late Carboniferous to Middle Carboniferous. The range of its effects covered the Fankou region. It thus formed MVT deposits, such as the main orebody of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn-S deposits. (4) The gravity fluid system developed during the stage of fold uplifting and the basin closed from Middle Triassic to Jurassic, forming groundwater hydrothermal deposits, e.g. the veinlet Pb-Zn-calcite orebodies of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn- S deposits. Migration and concentration of the ore-forming fluids were constrained by the state of temporo-spatial distribution of its fluid potential. Growth faults not only converged the fluids and drove them to move upwards, but also the fluids often crossed the faults to the edges of the basin at the bottom of these faults and the lithologic interfaces, and even migrated to the basin's edges from top to bottom along the faults, which may be one of the basic reasons for the stratabound deposits to cluster mainly along the contemporaneous faults on the inner border of the basin. The superposed mineralization resulting from the multi-stage activity of contemporaneous faults and ore-forming fluid systems in the basin may be one of the key factors for forming superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   
高速铁路列车运行过程中产生的振动波对沿线建筑结构的影响不可忽视,适用于高速铁路线路周边建筑结构的振动评价方法具有重要工程意义。首先,基于萨道夫斯基公式与简谐激励作用下建筑结构响应的原理,建立了等效质点峰值振动速度(peak particle vibration velocity,简称PPV)计算式;随后,开展现场土体监测试验,分析了振动信号质点峰值振动速度的衰减特征,并通过小波包变换分析振动信号的频带能量特征,理论计算得出了等效PPV;最后,以现有交通振动作用下建筑容许振动值为评价标准,进行高速铁路线路周边建筑结构的振动安全评价。结果表明:除局部放大程度显著的位置外,高架桥桥墩地基中高铁振动波质点峰值振动速度衰减公式对实际质点峰值振动速度的整体拟合结果较好;基于等效PPV的振动评价方法发现,在振源距45 m处,G924次列车的0~10 Hz等效PPV值大于1 mm/s,超过了振动敏感和具有保护价值建筑的振动容许值;与现有振动评价相比,等效PPV的振动评价方法具有振动敏感性大、可针对特定建筑结构进行振动控制、可在高铁线路周边建筑选址前进行振动评价等优点。  相似文献   
最近,美国乔治敦大学医学中心的研究者们发现,一种人工合成的可可衍生物能够减缓人类肿瘤细胞的生长.加快摧毁肿瘤细胞的速度。这种化合物与可可豆中的一种天然物质有相似的结构,而它发挥作用的有效浓度与人的日常摄入量差不多。这一研究的带头人说:“我们都听说过吃巧克力对身体有好处,此研究正好提供了一项证据。”研究者表示,实验中获得的数据十分有说服力,相关动物试验正在进行中。  相似文献   
仪器信息网"试剂标物"栏目是近期推出的一个全新的专业展示试剂产品的信息平台,栏目汇集了300家知名试剂厂商,30万试剂产品信息,以及栏目人性化的搜索功能,使用户在查找试剂标物过程中体验了专业与便捷的结合。  相似文献   
无机碳与雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)细胞调节物质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以单细胞雨生红球藻为材料,采用酸碱滴定和CO2加富通气培养微藻的方法,对旧液中HCO3^-和CO3^2-浓度变化以及对红球藻细胞生长的影响进行了研究。结果表明,旧液具有限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的作用。同时,旧液中无机碳离子浓度明显高于新液。培养液中富含CO3^2-时,各细胞数量与CO3^2-浓度呈正相关,相关系数为0.88。溶液中仅有HCO3^-时,各细胞数与HCO3^-浓度也呈正相关性。因此,排除了CO3^2-和HCO3^-作为旧液中的调节物质,限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的可能性。旧液乙酸乙酯提取物生物检测实验表明,在粗提取物中有降低细胞增长和诱导细胞转化的活性,表明调节物质能溶于有机相,也反过来证实无机碳离子不是旧液中的调节物质。DNA含量和倍性分析结果表明,红球藻游动细胞DNA复制可以加倍后不经过原生质分裂就可以再次进行,因此推测旧液中的调节物质对原生质分裂过程产生抑制作用,而不对DNA复制过程产生抑制作用。  相似文献   
提出一种基于局部能量规则的第二代Curvelet变换和主成分分析(PCA)相结合的影像融合方法。实验表明,和其他方法相比,提出的新方法能把两种影像的优点集中在一张影像上,得到的融合影像清晰度高,地质构造可解译程度高,能提供更细致准确的地层岩体、线性和环形构造信息,对矿产资源评价和成矿预测非常有利。  相似文献   
常量金标准物质定值中离群值的统计识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离群值的剔除常用数理统计的方法,如格拉布斯检验法和迪克逊检验法等,但是这些统计方法用于常量金标准物质分析结果的统计检验,都存在着对离群值剔除明显不够的问题.本文建立了以常量金重复分析相对偏差允许限为依据的离群值统计识别方法,包括统计计算待定值样品中金的算术平均值x和相对偏差允许限YG,确定合格的测定结果的数据区间,从而识别出离群值并予以剔除;一次剔除后,按照新的统计量确定下一轮的离群值剔除范围,直到无离群值后,给出金的平均值及其波动范围.以15个人工组合的常量金标准物质为例,模拟金标准物质定值分析,以密码形式分派给不同单位和分析者,共收集10套独立分析结果,采用本法剔除离群值后,所得金算术平均值与金标准参考值更加接近,其相对偏差的质量分数为0.35,达到优秀;而格拉布斯法(或迪克逊法)和中位值法的质量分数分别为0.42和0.40,只能达到良好.应用本文建立的离群值统计识别方法,质量分数等级有了明显提高,增强了数据统计分析的有效性.  相似文献   
王东胜  任福弘 《地球科学》1995,20(4):469-473
在分析格尔木含锶矿水田供锶环境和水迁移条件的基础上,将形成含锶矿水田的地质空间分为两个区:山区淋溶迁移区和平原迁移聚集区,运用物质流通量分析的观点,对锶的迁移聚集进行了系统分析,山区为锶矿水的形成提供了物质环境,平原区为锶矿水提供了贮存环境。  相似文献   
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