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陆生植物氮同位素组成与气候环境变化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,由于植物氮同位素组成(δ15N)记载了气候环境变化的信息,因而被广泛应用于全球变化研究中,成为古气候环境再造和了解现代气候环境变化信息的有力工具。然而,人们对气候环境引起的δ15N变化及其指示的气候环境意义并不完全清楚,这就有可能限制植物δ15N在古气候环境变化等领域研究中的应用。在概述植物氮同位素分馏和植物不同氮源的氮同位素分布的基础上,分析了温度、降水、大气CO2浓度和海拔高度等气候环境因子对陆生植物δ15N的影响以及它们的关系。指出了目前研究中存在的问题及其研究前景,认为在全球变化研究中利用植物氮同位素技术不仅可以重建古气候环境(如重建大气CO2浓度变化),揭示历史时期温度、降水的变化,而且还可以在一定的时间和空间上综合反映生态系统氮循环的特征。  相似文献   
土壤碳氮与土壤酶相关性研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
土壤酶在生态系统中起着重要的作用,是土壤有机体的代谢动力,参与包括土壤生物化学过程在内的自然界物质循环。土壤碳氮作为土壤生物化学研究的重要内容。与土壤酶具有密切的关系。综述土壤碳氮与土壤酶的相关性,对研究其全球的变化很有必要。  相似文献   
基于Jenkins(1989)建立的包含Stokes漂流、风输入和波耗散影响的修正Ekman模型,采用Paskyabi等(2012)使用的推广的Donelan等(1987)中的谱和波耗散函数,并利用Paskyabi等(2012)中修正方法给出的包含高频波的风输入函数,在粘性不依赖于水深及粘性随深度线性变化的条件下,研究了包含高频毛细重力波的随机表面波对Stokes漂流和Song(2009)导出的波浪修正定常Ekman流解的影响。结果表明高频表面波使Stokes漂流在海表面剪切加强,对定常Ekamn流解的影响通常不能忽略,但对Ekman流场的角度偏转影响很小。最后,将考虑高频表面波尾谱影响所估算的定常Ekman流解与已有观测结果以及经典Ekman解进行了比对分析。  相似文献   
考虑到多维地震输入对网架结构的不利影响,基于形状记忆合金超弹性,研制出一种兼具自复位、高耗能及放大功能于一体的形状记忆合金复合黏滞阻尼器(Hybrid Shape Memory Alloy Viscous Dampers,简称HSMAVD),并通过试验研究该阻尼器在循环荷载作用下的力学性能;然后以平面四角锥网架模型为基础,将该阻尼器替换部分网架结构杆件,并分析该阻尼器减震控制效果。结果表明形状记忆合金与黏滞阻尼器复合后具有良好的协同工作能力,可有效发挥形状记忆合金的超弹性和黏滞阻尼器的速度相关特性,使其具有稳定的滞回性能和良好的耗能能力;采用阻尼杆件替换原杆件的方法既能对结构进行有效的减震控制,又不改变原有的结构形式,是一种优越的减震控制方法,并为HSMAVD被动控制系统在结构抗震中的实际应用提供新思路。  相似文献   
Forty-eight surface sediments of the southern Yellow Sea are separated into three grain-size fractions. Four forms of extractable nitrogen (nitrogen in ion-exchangeable form (Nie), nitrogen in weak-acid extractable form (Nwa), nitrogen in strong-alkali extractable form (Nsa) and nitrogen in strong-oxidant form (N50))are obtained by the sequential extraction. The results show that the contents and the distributions of the extractable nitrogen in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments are closely related to sediment grain size. The distributions ofNie, Nso and total nitrogen (TN) present positive correlations with fine particles content, while Nwa and Nsa does not have such correlation. The net contents of all the forms of nitrogen increase with sediment grain size finer.  相似文献   
To clarify the responses of plant functional traits to nitrogen(N) enrichment, we investigated the whole-plant traits(plant height and aboveground biomass), leaf morphological(specific leaf area(SLA) and leaf dry mass content(LDMC)) and chemical traits(leaf N concentration(LNC) and leaf phosphorus(P) concentration(LPC)) of Deyeuxia angustifolia and Glyceria spiculosa following seven consecutive years of N addition at four rates(0 g N/(m^2·yr), 6 g N/(m^2·yr), 12 g N/(m^2·yr) and 24 g N/(m^2·yr)) in a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results showed that, for both D. angustifolia and G. spiculosa, N addition generally increased plant height, leaf, stem and total aboveground biomass, but did not cause changes in SLA and LDMC. Moreover, increased N availability caused an increase in LNC, and did not affect LPC. Thus, N addition decreased leaf C∶N ratio, but caused an increase in leaf N∶P ratio, and did not affect leaf C∶P ratio. Our results suggest that, in the mid-term, elevated N loading does not alter leaf morphological traits, but causes substantial changes in whole-plant traits and leaf chemical traits in temperate freshwater wetlands. These may help to better understand the effects of N enrichment on plant functional traits and thus ecosystem structure and functioning in freshwater wetlands.  相似文献   
The main reasons for the high content of inorganic N and its increase by several times in the Changjiang River and its mouth during the last 40 years were analysed in this work. The inorganic N in precipitation in the Changjiang River catchment mainly comes from gaseous loss of fertilizer N, N resulting from the increases of population and livestock, and from high temperature combustions of fossil fuels. N from precipitation is the first N source in the Changjiang River water and the only direct cause of high content of inorganic N in the Changjiang River and its mouth. The lost N in gaseous form and from agriculture non-point sources fertilizer comprised about 60% of annual consumption of fertilizer N in the Changjiang River catchment and were key factors controlling the high content of inorganic N in the Changjiang River mouth. The fate of the N in precipitation and other N sources in the Changjiang River catchment are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
Due to their particular physiology and life history traits, bryophytes are critical in regulating biogeochemical cycles and functions in alpine ecosystem. Hence, it is crucial to investigate their nutrient utilization strategies in comparison with vascular plants and understand their responses to the variation of growing season caused by climate change. Firstly, this study testified whether or not bryophytes can absorb nitrogen(N) directly from soil through spiking three chemical forms of 15N stable isotope tracer. Secondly, with stronger ability of carbohydrates assimilation and photosynthesis, it is supposed that N utilization efficiency of vascular plants is significantly higher than that of bryophytes. However, the recovery of soil N by bryophytes can still compete with vascular plants due to their greater phytomass. Thirdly, resource acquisition may be varied from the change of growing season, during which N pulse can be manipulated with 15N tracer addition at different time. Both of bryophytes and vascular plants contain more N in a longer growing season, and prefer inorganic over organic N. Bryophytes assimilate more NH4+ than NO3– and amino acid, which can be indicated from the greater shoot excess 15N of bryophytes. However, vascular plants prefer to absorb NO3– for their developed root systems and vascular tissue. Concerning the uptake of three forms N by bryophytes, there is significant difference between two manipulated lengths of growing season. Furthermore, the capacity of bryophytes to tolerate N-pollution may be lower than currently appreciated, which indicates the effect of climate change on asynchronous variation of soil N pools with plant requirements.  相似文献   
在三江平原沼泽湿地,选取典型湿地植物小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)为研究对象,对比研究了连续施氮[24g/(m2·a)]3a的小叶章立枯物(N24)与自然条件下形成的立枯物(CK)的差异;并采用分解袋法对此2种小叶章枯落物的早期分解过程进行了研究。结果表明,施氮处理下小叶章立枯物的氮、磷含量均高于CK,但碳含量显著降低(n=3,p<0.05)。施氮处理下形成的小叶章枯落物的分解速率明显大于CK,分解160d后两者的失重率分别为初始值的31.13%(N24)和28.50%(CK)。分解过程中,2种处理下枯落物有机碳的绝对含量都表现为净损失;其氮、磷浓度的变化趋势大致相同,分解160d后均发生了氮、磷的净释放,其中,N24的氮、磷净释放量分别是CK的64.91和2.11倍。外源氮输入影响下小叶章枯落物C/N和C/P值的降低,加快了该枯落物的分解速率,从而影响土壤有机质的累积和CO2的排放;而该枯落物分解过程中营养元素释放量的增大,还可能会影响土壤其它营养元素可利用性。  相似文献   
湖泊在夏季由于藻类生长而消耗大量硝酸盐,水体硝酸盐含量一般要低于春季。而红枫湖南湖水体硝酸盐含量却高于春季(比平均含量高0.83mg/L),说明尚有其他重要的硝酸盐来源。据估算,南湖水体硝酸盐含量升高0.83mg/L约需要1.66×105kg硝酸盐,另外有约10.1×105kg硝酸盐随下泻水输出南湖,再加上夏季藻类生长(生产的chla量约为640kg)所消耗的硝酸盐3.52×105kg,共消耗硝酸盐15.28×105kg。扣除河流输入的4.42×105kg硝酸盐,南湖尚存在约10.86×105kg硝酸盐的亏空。利用氮稳定同位素示踪技术,结合硝酸盐及叶绿素a(chla)含量、溶解氧(DO)等的变化,认为这部分硝酸盐来自湖泊中下部(斜温层)有机质的大量矿化(硝化),是水动力驱动高DO的上部水体下沉从而引起下部有机质(硝化)的结果。南湖这种强水动力湖泊整个夏季分层期氮的生物地球化学循环是斜温层有机质矿化(硝化)释放硝酸盐和变温层藻类生长同化硝酸盐为有机质同时发生的特殊类型。  相似文献   
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