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2010年以来,淮阳县国土资源局用“下访”代替群众“上访”,全方位、多角度开展土地“维稳”工作,为全县经济平稳较快发展创造了良好的社会环境。  相似文献   
未来大型矿业公司要在更偏远的荒野环境中开发大型矿床,开采的规模也越来越大,同时小型矿业公司对环境管理的需求日益增强,在矿业发展中纳入可持续发展政策的要求也日益强烈,这些都构成了未来矿业在环境恢复方面的挑战。应对这些挑战,未来矿业公司在环境管理上必须有所改进,也有着新的需求。  相似文献   
今年以来,登封市积极开展大规模砂矿秩序专项治理集中行动,通过制定完善砂矿准入管理、安全管理、销售管理、税费管理、环境管理和查处违法活动工作制度,建立了砂矿管理长效机制,促进了全市砂矿业健康、有序发展。  相似文献   
在“两整治一改革”专项行动中,平顶山市国土资源局党组通过规范国土资源管理行为,在重点岗位和重点环节做到有效管控,在全系统营造了风清气正的良好氛围,构建了和谐的国土资源管理环境,取得了丰硕成果。  相似文献   
据巴西科技部网站报道,巴西环境部近日举行情况通报会,介绍最近亚马孙森林砍伐监控情况,科技部部长阿罗休·梅尔卡特宣布将采取新的手段促进与亚马孙森林乱砍滥伐作斗争。由巴西空间研究院提供的监控亚马孙森林砍伐情况的资料将上网,以加强监控。  相似文献   
Fisher Island and Broknes Peninsula in the Larsemann Hills constitute part of a polar lowland periglacial environment between marine and glacial ecosystems. The landscape is characterized by gently rolling hills and broad valleys interspersed with lakes formed in glacially scoured basins. We analyzed the physieochemical parameters and the ionic constituents of water samples from 10 lakes in each of these two locations. Our results showed considerable differences between the two regions and demon- strated the influence of lithology and processes including weathering, evaporation, and atmospheric precipitation. All major cations and anions in the lake waters showed positive correlations indicating balanced ionic concentrations. Unconsolidated sediments were sparsely distributed and scattered over glacial deposits, valley fills, and occasional moraine ridges. The type and rate of sedi- mentation was mainly controlled by surface run-off and aeolian influx. The sediment samples from lake beds and the catchment area on Fisher Island were immature and poorly to very poorly sorted, consisting of gravelly sand with negligible silt and finer fractions. Sediments had a polymodal grain size distribution with the two major populations lying between -2 and 1 phi and be- tween 0 and 1.5 phi. The sediments were lithic arenite to arkosic in composition and the microtextures imprinted over quartz grains were dominated by mechanical textures resulting from several stages of glacial crushing and grinding. The presence of deep disso- lution cavities, cryptocrystalline precipitation, and euhedral crystal growth signified the effect of chemical activity after the deposition of grains in the lacustrine environment.  相似文献   
From the editors     
<正>Dear JEEEV Contributors, Readers and Friends,This issue of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (Vol. 9, No. 3) includes five papers that were presented at the 4th  相似文献   
矿体赋存于下奥陶统多泉山组中,矿石类型为泥晶灰岩和含生物碎屑泥晶灰岩,典型的残海生物化学沉积,含CaCO393.69ω%~94.0ω%,理想的制碱石灰岩,受地层控制,矿体稳定易采.  相似文献   
2006年1月20日.国务院印发了《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》。《决定》全面分析了我国地质工作面临的新形势.阐述了加强地质工作的重要意义.明确了新时期地质工作的总体要求、基本原则、主要任务及加强地质工作的主要措施.是新时期推进地质工作改革发展的纲领性文件。温  相似文献   
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