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为加强全县国土资源系统党风廉政建设和机关文化建设,日前,潢川县国土资源局投资20万元组建了廉政图书室。新建的廉政图书室收录了包括党建、廉政、纪检、监察、文史、法律及国土资源管理等方面的系列丛书1万多册,还收录了有关党纪党规、  相似文献   
近代城市的发展与城市公共空间的扩大密切相关。我们虽然不能直接套用研究西方资本主义时代城市的“公共空间”概念,但也不妨把这一概念背后所代表的社会大众与地理空间之间的互动关系,作为观察中国中古时期城市变化的切入点。从城市“公共空间”的扩大来看唐代长安,这是探讨唐代“中古式”都城向宋代“近世化”都城转变的极佳视角。  相似文献   
为庆祝新中国成立60周年,进一步丰富全省国土资源系统干部职工的文化生活,提升全系统广大干部职工的凝聚力和爱国热情,根据省国土资源厅《关于开展庆祝建国60周年系列活动方案》的安排和部署,现将开展“庆祝中华人民共和国建国60周年书法绘画展览活动”的有关事宜通知如下:  相似文献   
黑龙江冰雪文化以其丰富的内涵和多彩的展现令世人瞩目。经过千百年来的积累和升华。如今的冰雪文化更具特色,也更加趋于成熟,并已经与黑龙江各族人民的生活融合在一起了。这种升华与融合是经历了千百年的磨砺与洗练,在悠远、漫长的历史进程中逐渐形成的,它体现了时代的进步与发展,昭示了黑龙江大地的与时俱进和走向辉煌。如今,这片土地更加富饶,更加绮丽。有人说她山川秀美,有人说她江河神秘,有人说她粗犷豪放,有人说她悠然飘逸。历史的真实永远是印刻和隐匿在自己的江河湖泊、土地森林之中的,的确,这就是令世人称奇的黑龙江大地。  相似文献   
“海客谈瀛洲,烟涛微茫信难求。越人语天姥,云霓明灭或可睹。天姥连天向天横,势拔五岳掩赤城……”这是李白《梦游天姥吟留别》的开头诗句。天姥山自然景观优美。人文积淀深厚,为历代诗人所钟情,唐代鼎盛时期,孟浩然、李白、杜甫等400多位诗人游览其间。留下了众多遗迹和不朽诗章,形成了一条飘飘逸逸的“唐诗之路”,光彩夺目的历史文化明珠。天姥山因唐诗成为中国乃至世界文化名山。今天,天姥山下的国土人,更是对这片神奇的土地,倾注了无限的汗水和心血。  相似文献   
Large-scale detachment faults on mid-ocean ridges (MORs) provide a window into the deeper earth. They have megamullion on their corrugated surfaces, with exposed lower crustal and upper mantle rocks, rela- tively high residual Bouguer gravity anomaly and P-wave velocity, and are commonly associated with ocean- ic core complex. According to 30 detachment faults identified on MORs, we found that their distances to the axis mostly range from 5 to 50 km, half-spreading rates range from 6.8 to 17 mm/a, and activity time ranges from recent to 3 Ma. Most of the detachment faults are developed on the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIRl, with the dominant half-spreading rates of 7-13 mm/a, especially 10-13 mm/a. Furthermore, they mostly occur at the inside corner of one segment end and result in an asymmetric seafloor spreading. The detachment faults on MORs are mainly controlled by the tectonism and influenced by the magmatism. Long-lived detachment faults tend to be formed where the ridge magma supply is at a moderate level, although the tectonism is a first-order controlling factor. At the slow spreading ridges, detachment faults tend to occur where local magma supply is relatively low, whilst at the ultra-slow spreading ridges, they normally occur where local magma supply is relatively high. These faults are accompanied by hydrothermal activities, with their relationships being useful in the study of hydrothermal polymetallic sulfides and their origin.  相似文献   
刘佳  贾楠 《海洋通报》2018,(4):378-388
在改进计划行为理论(TPB)模型基础上,引入人口特征和游艇文化变量,构建游艇旅游行为意向的影响机制模型,以实地调研和问卷调查作为数据来源,运用结构方程模型(SEM)实证检验影响旅游者参与游艇旅游行为意向的主要因素及其作用机制。研究表明:当前我国旅游者参与游艇旅游的意向较高;旅游者的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制和游艇文化是影响其选择游艇旅游活动的重要因素;旅游者的行为态度、游艇文化2个变量对游艇旅游行为意向具有显著的正向影响;主观规范和感知行为控制均通过行为态度这一中介变量间接影响游艇旅游行为意向。  相似文献   
公立医院思想政治工作和文化建设是社会主义文化的一个重要组成部分,也是我国医疗卫生文化生产力的重要体现。思想政治工作是医院文化建设的重要内容和思想保证,医院文化是思想政治工作的主要环境与重要载体。加强思想政治工作与文化建设有利于促进人文关怀,有助于推动医疗体制改革,二者相互联系、相互促进。推动公立医院思想政治工作与文化建设,对公立医院的改革发展具有重要意义。实践中,医院思想政治工作与医院文化建设的实现途径主要有三个方面:党建引领下开展思想政治工作与文化建设,推进医院高质量发展;丰富医院文化形式,更新思想政治学习形式,提升思想政治认识;完善人才培养机制,加快人才队伍建设。医院在不断改革发展,应该坚持不断调整思想政治的引导方式,开展多样化的思想政治教育形式,并不断加强医院文化建设,从而高效推动医院的可持续高质量发展。  相似文献   
地图所能表现的客观存在真是多彩多样,地图的种类也随之层出不穷,它们以各种方式记录着我们所生活着的这个世界的种种实物奇观。  相似文献   
Neolithic culture series in the Yishu River Basin developed in the order of Beixin culture-Dawenkou culture-Longshan culture-Yueshi culture. During the early and middle stage of Longshan culture (4600-4300 cal. yr BP), the climate in the Yishu River Basin was warm and wet. Paddy-oriented agriculture planted paddy was very developed. The society was flourishing with great amount of archaeological sites. The cooling starting in 4200 cal. yr BP made the paddies shortfall in output or even no seeds were gathered. This situation intensified the discrepancy between population and resource. The scarcity in natural resource led to substantial decrease in population and subsequent drop in archaeological sites. About 4000 cal. yr BP Longshan culture was displaced by Yueshi culture which was relatively un- derdeveloped, simple and unsophisticated.  相似文献   
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