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With rapid urbanization process, the pace of urban sprawl has been quickened and most metropolises have experienced expansions in leaps and bounds in suburbanization, which has greatly changed the urban and rural spatial structure of the metropolis fringe area. In this paper, Shuangliu County is taken as a case, since it is a typical fringe area of Chengdu Metropolis. Based on Landsat TM images of Chengdu City and Shuangliu County obtained in 1985, 2000 and 2004, characteristics of urban and rural spatial structure in Shuangliu County were analyzed, such as core-periphery spatial structure and some obvious integration trends. Then the influencing factors for the formation of urban and rural spatial structure were identified, including some natural, social, economic and political factors. According to the discussion of this paper, Shuangliu County is undergoing a key transition and reform period. Its formation of urban and rural spatial structure was affected not only by such common factors as the location, natural background, industrial transition, migration, etc., but also by some unique factors such as city planning and policy guidance, which played an important role in accelerating its uneven spatial structure. The understanding of the role of the influencing factors would be useful for carrying out spatial management and development planning of metropolis fringe area.  相似文献   
打造杭州湾湾口强劲增长极,有助于支撑我国高质量发展和现代化建设,并成为引领浙江省又快又好发展的新引擎。文章探究打造杭州湾湾口强劲增长极的相关问题,以期提供理论参考。研究结果表明:打造杭州湾湾口增长极具有特殊的时代必要性和现实可行性,其以“互联网+创新”为发展路径,实现以区域产业结构、科技创新、基础设施、资源要素和公共服务等为核心的共同发展目标。重点举措包括:补齐“短板”,构建错位互补产业体系;集聚资源,打造科创协同优质网络;凝聚共识,建设一流高效基础设施;立足开放,打造高端要素汇聚平台;共建共享,构筑民生服务品质湾区;绿色发展,缔造宜居宜业幸福湾区。  相似文献   
彭州市立体农业气候资源的研究(一)降水资源分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了彭州市境内位于不同海拔高度的4个观测站的降水资料,结果表明,彭州市雨量充沛,但降水量的年际变化显著,雨季起、止时间和雨季长、短的年际变化很大,降水的时间分配极不均匀,因为这4个站具有相同的气候背景、,降水量的年、季、月变化呈现基本一致的规律和趋势,但因为海拔高度不同等气候背的差异,4站的降水特点又显著不同。降水量随海拔高度的升高而增加,降水变幅和雨日也阴海拔高度的升高而增加,大降水过程具有明显的局地性,不同海拔高度的旱、涝情况亦有差异,降水的空间分布表现出明显的立体性特征。  相似文献   
研究了十堰及邻区区域构造背景和地球物理场分布特点,分析了区域性地震构造与有感地震和中强地震活动的关系。结果表明:区内中强地震活动与北西西向、北北西向断裂及北东-北北东向断裂密切有关;5级左右地震活动发生在大型沉降区内次级凸起与凹陷的交接带、现代构造活动的盆地或地槽、莫霍面斜坡扭曲部位;6级以上地震发生在现代地壳隆起边缘的沉降区一侧或大型凸起与凹陷区的过渡部位。  相似文献   
收集2 291个来源于NIED F-net宽频带地震台网中心Mw≥3.0地震的震源机制解,采用MSATSI构造应力反演方法,得到反映应力相对大小的R值的量θ和3个主应力轴的方位角与倾伏角,同时反演出每个网格的极射赤平投影P、T轴.以3D应力反演为导向,采用矩阵网格分区的方法,以纬度、经度、深度为坐标,将发生在每一区域的...  相似文献   
基于Fortran语言对GAMIT10.7软件进行二次开发,实现了Hopfield模型、Saastamoinen模型、Black模型、UNB3模型、EGNOS模型、GPT2w_1+ Saastamoinen模型和GPT2w_5+ Saastamoinen模型在中国西北地区的对流层延迟解算服务,并分析不同对流层延迟模型在...  相似文献   
非言语行为包括言语行为之外的一切由人类和环境所产生的刺激,这些刺激对于信息发出和接受者具有潜在信息价值或意义。通过对非言语行为的分类和特点分析,探讨了身势语、手势语、目光语、物体语、时空观等几种重要的非言语行为所体现出来的文化差异,说明非言语行为的文化差异往往是十分微妙和难以辨认的,这意味着在跨文化交际中,交际者对非言语行为的差异必须有非常敏锐的认识。  相似文献   
伊春市新青国土资源分局在学习实践科学发展观活动中,紧紧围绕区委、区政府提出的“解放思想,改革创新,优化环境,在保护中加强发展”主题,以“推动新青科学发展,和谐发展”为实践载体,以服务新青经济发展为己任,全力为推动新青经济发展提供优质服务。全局上下锐意进取,扎实工作,不断增强服务经济建设的主动性,责任感,主动服务意识明显提高,  相似文献   
Two field studies were conducted to measure pigments in the Southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and the northern East China Sea (NECS) in April (spring) and September (autumn) to evaluate the distribution pattern of phytoplankton stock (Chl a concentration) and the impact of hydrological features such as water mass, mixing and tidal front on these patterns. The results indicated that the Chl a concentration was 2.43±2.64 (Mean ± SD) mg m?3 in April (range, 0.35 to 17.02 mg m?3) and 1.75±3.10 mg m?3 in September (from 0.07 to 36.54 mg m?3) in 2003. Additionally, four areas with higher Chl a concentrations were observed in the surface water in April, while two were observed in September, and these areas were located within or near the point at which different water masses converged (temperature front area). The distribution pattern of Chl a was generally consistent between onshore and offshore stations at different depths in April and September. Specifically, higher Chl a concentrations were observed along the coastal line in September, which consisted of a mixing area and a tidal front area, although the distributional pattern of Chl a concentrations varied along transects in April. The maximum Chl a concentration at each station was observed in the surface and subsurface layer (0–10 m) for onshore stations and the thermocline layer (10–30 m) for offshore stations in September, while the greatest concentrations were generally observed in surface and subsurface water (0–10 m) in April. The formation of the Chl a distributional pattern in the SYS and NECS and its relationship with possible influencing factors is also discussed. Although physical forces had a close relationship with Chl a distribution, more data are required to clearly and comprehensively elucidate the spatial pattern dynamics of Chl a in the SYS and NECS.  相似文献   
三道湾子金矿位于黑龙江省黑河市,是20世纪90年代末通过区域地质调查及化探异常查证在罕达气一洪业家燕山期金成矿带发现的石英脉型金矿床。该成矿带内还有洪叶家金矿床、傲山金矿化点及三道湾子铜钼矿化点等。这些矿床和矿化点主要分布于三道湾子西南、东北及北部,从纳金口子至傲山一带呈北东向展布,构成一个明显的矿化带。三道湾子金矿床的发现是该成矿带的一个重大突破,说明了区域地质调查及土壤地球化学测量工作方法在浅覆盖区的应用效果是显著的,也为进一步找矿拓展了空间。  相似文献   
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