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“青川”、“广元”、“利州”这些原本比较陌生的名字,现在只要提起就会让人想起那没有尽头的废墟、倒塌的楼房、破裂的地面、崩塌的山体、庞大的堰塞湖……“5.12”大地震之后,地质队走遍了那里的山头、农家,开展地质灾害调查评估、险情排查、协助组织紧急避让,二十多个13日夜夜让所有人终身难忘。经历了“5.12”的痛苦,  相似文献   
"5·12"汶川大地震一周年之际,宋光齐在百忙之中接受了记者的采访,讲述四川省国土资源部门在灾后重建中所发挥的作用和今后的打算. 进入5月汛期,四川省国土资源厅厅长宋光齐牵挂着全省各地特别是地震灾区的地灾险情,脚步越发匆忙.5月7日,全省已连续下了几天大雨,由于放心不下绵阳唐家山堰塞湖,宋光齐冒雨前去实地察看.对宋光齐来说,险情就是命令,亲赴一线的举动太寻常不过."5·12"汶川大地震一周年之际,宋光齐在百忙之中接受了记者的采访,讲述四川省国土资源部门在灾后重建中所发挥的作用和今后的打算.  相似文献   
“5·12”汶川特大地震过去一年了,然而关于地震的争议远没有停止。中国是否进入强震频发期?地震预报为什么这么难?水库是否诱发了地震……地震带来的一系列问题让地质专家不断研究和思索。1争论一:中国乃至全球是否进入强震频发期 有学者认为,2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊发生的9级强震拉开了2004-2018的全球强震序幕。  相似文献   
2009年10日1日,让我们铭记这一天吧!苏醒的东方巨龙——中国,度过了她60岁的生日。十三亿华夏儿女一同欢呼,60年,一个甲子。新中国成立,香港、澳门回归,“五一二”汶川大地震,神七发射成功,北京举办奥运会……新中国成立后经历了太多、太多……有酸、有甜、有苦、有辣,说也说不完。  相似文献   
It is considered that the damage of the underground structures caused by earthquakes is minor for a long time. However, the catastrophic damages induced by several recent earthquakes ( e. g. Kobe earthquake in 1995) revealed that the study on the dynamic properties of the underground structures is indispensable. The dynamic behavior and damage mechanism of underground structure are analyzed by using shaking table tests ( both shallow- and deep-buried) and numerical simulation ( 3D FEM) including horizontal and vertical input motions, individually and simultaneously. From the results, the underground structure collapsed due to strong horizontal forces although vertical deformation is not negligible. The vertical excitation increases the response of structure, especially the stress and shear stress at the upper section; the soil influenced the property of soil-structure system. In the same excitation, the response in shallow-buried test is larger than deep case. Both overburden and vertical earthquake play important roles in the response of structure and those are two critical aspects in the design of the large-span underground structures, such as subway stations.  相似文献   
禹里乡位于北川县境中部,是大禹故里。在去年“5·12”大地震中,禹里乡受灾惨重,遭受地震和堰塞湖双重灾难。一年来,由于多次滑坡与泥石流,唐家山堰塞湖水位反复涨落,禹里数次遭淹,淹没禹里场镇长达1个月。由于S302省道被唐家山堰塞湖淹没,地震导致山体滑坡等次生灾害,禹里乡灾后的外出道路状况非常差,两条县境内的通道(擂禹路、都开路)都只能过小型四驱越野轿车,  相似文献   
2011年3月11日,日本发生9级地震,强震引发海啸和核事故。自有记录以来,此次地震是人类历史上第三大地震,同时也是日本历史上最大级别的地震。这次地震来得如此意外又如此让人震惊!对于世界  相似文献   
Yong Tang 《山地科学学报》2014,11(5):1326-1341
This study investigates the motivations of Chinese domestic tourists visiting seismic memorial sites after the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008, and examines their interpretation of experiences and benefits of the visits. Recent research on dark tourism has raised the possibility that people are attracted to death and memorial sites in ways different from other tourist attractions. The study used an empirical research design employing questionnaires to collect data from 255 Chinese domestic visitors at seismic memorial sites in west Sichuan. Analysis revealed that the obligation of commemoration mixed with curiosity represents a different set of travel motivation in dark tourism settings than in other kinds of tourism. In addition, the empirical evidence also suggests an interrelated pattern between motivations, experiences and benefits. This study implies that Chinese domestic tourists were attracted in ways different from other tourist attractions both because they tended to fulfill their obligation of commemoration and were interested in destruction; and visitor experiences played an important mediating role between travel motivations and benefits gained.  相似文献   
地震预测,在争论中寻找技术路径在汶川大地震这场巨大的灾难面前,科学界尤其是地震学界被深深刺痛。在其后紧急召开的会商会上,对各种预报理论及技术方法的争论更带有一种别样的情感背景。  相似文献   
汶川县地震次生山地地质灾害遥感调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5.12汶川大地震瞬间释放巨大的能量,致使山体破碎,河流变迁,极大的改变了震区的地貌和地表景观,形成了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等一系列次生山地地质灾害,对人民群众的生命财产和社会经济的发展形成了严重威胁.采用传统实地调查山地地质灾害分布状况的方法困难很大,航空遥感技术可以宏观、全面、精确、及时地获取地质灾害相关信息,及时采取应急措施预防灾害的进一步发生.综合利用不同时相、不同传感器的影像对汶川县地震次生山地地质灾害进行监测,很短时间内全面掌握了汶川境内的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、堰塞点的分布情况,利用先进的RS、GIS技术,在DEM的基础上,结合地质信息,通过水系流域的划分,探讨了地震地质灾害的特点和分布规律,为预防预警次生山地地质灾害提供了新的思路和方法.  相似文献   
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