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2006年南极臭氧洞为有记录以来最严重的一年,超过2000年。臭氧洞不仅面积最大(与2000年相当),且耗损最严重,这意味着南极地区2006年臭氧含量比过去的探测记录还要少。美国国家宇航局(NASA)和欧洲空间局(ESA)卫星搭载仪器对此进行了探测。世界气象组织(WMO)全球大气臭氧监测网的地基观测也证实了该监测结果。各单位使用不同观测仪器,监测结果略有差异。NASA监测结果显示2006年9月25日臭氧洞面积为2.95×107km2,2000年9月最大则为2.94×107km2。而ESA观测2006年9月25日臭氧洞面积为2.80×107km2,非常接近2000年最大值2.84×107km2。2006年10月1日测量的臭氧耗损达39.8兆吨(Mt),高于2000年9月29日测量的峰值  相似文献   
断层活动方式与地震地表变形分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于断层弹性位错理论及断层滑动非均匀模型,用三维有限元方法计算了发震断层逆断、正断和水平走滑三种不同活动方式下的地表变形,探讨了断层不同活动方式下的地震应变与位移的分布规律及震级、断层倾角对地震地表变形分布的影响。研究结果表明,地震地表变形影响因素很多,如地质构造条件、岩性介质特征、断层活动强度、断层产状和区域构造应力场等,但分布形态最终决定于断层活动方式,变形大小则决定于断层活动强度,其它均为局地因素,只影响分布形态的局部扭曲。断层不同活动方式下的地震地表变形分布各有其自身的规律和特点,这些分布特征可作为地震研究及近活动断层建筑工程抗震设计或加固防护参考。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级强震北川、映秀地表破裂现象   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在汶川8.0级大地震后,通过对北川和映秀2个极震区地表破裂的初步调查发现:北川、映秀地震形变带总体上为NE-SW向展布;地震破裂带以逆冲为主,兼小量走滑位移;北川地表形变带挤压缩短量为3~4m,映秀地表破裂左旋走滑位移为0.4~0.5m  相似文献   
Impact of Aircraft NOx Emission on NOx and Ozone over China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A three-dimensional global chemistry transport model (OSLO CTM2) is used to investigate the impact of subsonic aircraft NOx emission on NOz and ozone over China in terms of a year 2000 scenario of subsonic aircraft NOx emission. The results show that subsonic aircraft NOx emission significantly affects northern China, which makes NOx at 250 hPa increase by about 50 pptv with the highest percentage of 60% in January, and leading to an ozone increase of 8 ppbv with 5% relative change in April. The NOx increase is mainly attributed to the transport process, but ozone increase is produced by the chemical process. The NOx increases by less than 10 pptv by virtue of subsonic aircraft NOx emission over China,and ozone changes less than 0.4 ppbv. When subsonic aircraft NOx emission over China is doubled, its influence is still relatively small.  相似文献   
Since the early or late onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSM) has a large impact on summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia, the mechanism and process of early or late onset of the SCSM are an worthy issue to study. In this paper, the results analyzed by using the observed data show that the onset date and process of the SCSM are closely associated with the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific in spring. When the tropical western Pacific is in a warming state in spring, the western Pacific subtropical high shifts eastward, and twin cyclones are early caused over the Bay of Bengal and Sumatra before the SCSM onset. In this case, the cyclonic circulation located over the Bay of Bengal can be early intensified and become into a strong trough. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity can be intensified over Sumatra, the Indo-China Peninsula and the South China Sea (SCS) in mid-May. This leads to early onset of the SCSM. In contrast, when the tropical western Pacific is in a cooling state, the western Pacific subtropical high anomalously shifts westward, the twin cyclones located over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean and Sumatra are weakened, and the twin anomaly anticyclones appear over these regions from late April to mid-May. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity cannot be early intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS. Only when the western Pacific subtropical high moves eastward, the weak trough located over the Bay of Bengal can be intensified and become into a strong trough, the strong southwesterly wind and convective activity can be intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS in late May. Thus, this leads to late onset of the SCSM. Moreover, in this paper, the influencing mechanism of the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific on the SCSM onset is discussed further from the Walker circulation anomalies in the different thermal states of the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   
郑昌玲  王春乙 《气象学报》2005,63(2):192-203
针对CO2和O3浓度变化对冬小麦影响,改进了农田生态系统碳氮生物化学模型(DNDC),并利用模型模拟了O3和CO2浓度变化对冬小麦生长发育和产量的影响,检验了模型的模拟效果.通过对原DNDC模型适用性的调整,使之适用于固城站,为进一步改进作物模型打下了可靠的基础.通过试验资料验证表明,模型较好地反映了O3和CO2浓度变化对冬小麦生长发育和产量形成的影响.通过敏感性分析得出,模型对温度变化反映灵敏;在CO2浓度倍增情况下,O3浓度变化对冬小麦的复合影响分析看出,一定浓度范围内,CO2可缓解O3对作物影响的负效应,O3对CO2带来的正效应有削弱作用.  相似文献   
青藏高原地表净辐射的气候学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据作者提出的地表净辐射各分量的气候学计算方法,计算出青藏高原及其周边地区173站的净辐射和其各分量的年,月平均通量密度,并分析其地理分布特征。指出高原主体为总辐射,有效辐射的高值区,地表净辐射场在冬,夏季有较大差异。冬季为一弱正值区,相对低中心呈块状散布在祁连山区等几个地区;夏季因夜雨及地表湿润的缘故,高原大部地区的地表净辐射反有加强。各地净辐射年变化基本形式与总辐射相似。有效辐射年变化一般呈双  相似文献   
地表通量的计算问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文简略地评述了地表通量(动车,感热和潜热通量)计算的用途,方法,某些结果以及不同方法的优缺点,对于未来的工作也提出了建议。  相似文献   
A surface runoff parameterization scheme that dynamically represents both Horton and Dunne runoff generation mechanisms within a model grid cell together with a consideration of the subgrid-scaie soil heterogeneity, is implemented into the National Climate Center regional climate model (RegCM_NCC). The effects of the modified surface runoff scheme on RegCMANCC performance are tested with an abnormal heavy rainfall process which occurred in summer 1998. Simulated results show that the model with the original surface runoff scheme (noted as CTL) basically captures the spatial pattern of precipitation, circulation and land surface variables, but generally overestimates rainfall compared to observations. The model with the new surface runoff scheme (noted as NRM) reasonably reproduces the distribution pattern of various variables and effectively diminishes the excessive precipitation in the CTL. The processes involved in the improvement of NRM-simulated rainfall may be as follows: with the new surface runoff scheme, simulated surface runoff is larger, soil moisture and evaporation (latent heat flux) are decreased, the available water into the atmosphere is decreased; correspondingly, the atmosphere is drier and rainfall is decreased through various processes. Therefore, the implementation of the new runoff scheme into the RegCMANCC has a significant effect on results at not only the land surface, but also the overlying atmosphere.  相似文献   
臭氧和平流层动力学的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了给定的南极春季臭氧洞(取自1979—1985年臭氧减少的观测结果)对二维平流层—对流层模式中温度和环流的影响。11月份,南极上空约17km处,温度最多可降低6℃。这种温度变化引起的平均经向环流对臭氧洞起填塞作用,不过,这种影响很小,每年仅产生14DU的变化。观测事实表明,近年来10月份,南半球波活动减弱。为此,我们作了南半球波作用全年都减少一半,并考虑了臭氧洞的数值试验。结果表明,臭氧柱在11月份76°S减少了44DU,在赤道却增加了12DU。  相似文献   
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