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城市化过程也是大量耕地非农化的过程。建国初期,我国的人均耕地是0.18公顷,每公顷养活5.5人,到了2000年,人均耕地已经减少到0.105公顷,每公顷要养活9.6人,已经远远超过世界平均值,人口对耕地的压力已经达到了极限,2003年我国需要从国外进口5000万吨粮食来补充缺口。作为国家民生和战略物资,粮食安全已经成为中国现代化进程和经济可持续发展的瓶颈。据国土资源部统计,全国各类开发区规划面积达3.6万平方公里,超过了全国现有城镇建设用地总量。  相似文献   
近年来,潢川县以保护耕地总量动态平衡为目标,逐年加大上地整理复垦力度,不断增加耕地面积.提高土地产出率.为农业结构调整、粮食基地建设和基础设施建设构筑保障平台.促进了当地经济的可持续发展。从去年初至今年9月份,全县累计实施土地整理复垦面积3267亩,净增耕地2665亩。  相似文献   
目前,中国已经进入全面建设小康社会、加快推进现代化的新发展阶段,人口增长逼近高峰期。从现实情况看,以人为本,实现经济社会的持续、快速、协调、健康发展需要更多的矿产资源作保障。近20年来,随着我国经济的快速增长,对矿产资源消耗大幅度增加,使地质勘查新增储量低于消耗储量,尤其是一些重要矿产资源短缺,已成为经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈。今后20年是我国经济发展难得的战略机遇期。  相似文献   
广西区党委书记曹伯纯在2005年1月23日召开的全区人口资源环境工作座谈会上指出,实现经济社会可持续发展,在银大程度卜取决于资源能不能可持续利用一只有往意保护资源,节约利用资源,依靠科学进步推进资源利用方式的根本转变,不断提高资源利用效率,形成有利于节约资源的产业结构和消费方式.才能实现资源的永续利用,为经济社会可持续发展提供物质保障。  相似文献   
随着经济的快速发展和城镇化进程的加快,土地的价值日益显现出来,如何发挥市场机制合理配置土地资源,经营和管理好城镇国有存量建设用地,促进经济社会环境可持续发展,就需要认真作好土地资产经营这篇文章。  相似文献   
树立和落实科学发展观,对贯彻落实省委工作会议精神.加强国十资源保护与台理利用,促进全省经济社会全面.协调和可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
这次全省国土资源系统财会人员培训班,是厅党组同意举办的。主要任务是:组织全系统财会人员学习行政事业单位会计制度和国土资源财务管理法规规章,提高业务素质和管理水平,推动全省国土资源事业蓬勃健康发展。  相似文献   
土地利用控制(1and use control)是近年来发展起来的一门新兴学科,已越来越多地受到世界各国的普遍重视。本文从公共行政、公共财政、公共政策、公共组织等方面,分析现代公共管理下的土地利用控制,以期寻找出与传统土地管理相区别、更符合公共管理特点的土地利用控制的方法和手段。  相似文献   
发展,这是当前中华大地上最响亮、最激奋人心的时代强音。然而,在不同的历史阶段,发展的内涵、方式也各不相同。在长期处于贫穷落后境态的国情面前,我们没有任何理由不把发展的目标锁定在解决温饱这个最基本、最紧迫的问题上。而今,中国社会基本  相似文献   
Himalayan mountain system is distinguished globally for a rich biodiversity and for its role in regulating the climate of the South Asia.Traditional crop-livestock mixed farming in the Himalaya is highly dependent on forests for fodder and manure prepared from forest leaf litter and livestock excreta. Apart from sustaining farm production, forests provide a variety of other tangible and intangible benefits, which are critical for sustainable livelihood of not only 115 million mountain people, but also many more people living in the adjoining plains. Extension of agricultural landuse coupled with replacement of traditional staple food crops by cash crops and of multipurpose agroforestry trees by fruit trees are widespread changes. Cultivation of Fagopyrum esculentum,Fagopyrum tataricum, Panicum miliaceum, Setaria italica and Pisum arvense has been almost abandoned. Increasing stress on cash crops is driven by a socio-cultural change from subsistence to market economy facilitated by improvement in accessibility and supply of staple food grains at subsidized price by the government. Farmers have gained substantial economic benefits from cash crops. However, loss of agrobiodiversity implies more risks to local livelihood in the events of downfall in market price/demand of cash crops, termination of supply of staple food grains at subsidized price, pest outbreaks in a cash crop dominated homogeneous landscape and abnormal climate years. Indigenous innovations enabling improvement in farm economy by conserving and/enhancing agrobiodiversity do exist, but are highly localized. The changes in agrobiodiversity are such that soil loss and run-off from the croplands have dramatically increased together with increase in local pressure on forests. As farm productivity is maintained with forest-based inputs, continued depletion of forest resources will result in poor economic returns from agriculture to local people,apart from loss of global benefits from Himalayan forests. Interventions including improvement in traditional manure and management of on-farm trees,participatory development of agroforestry in degraded forest lands and policies favoring economic benefits to local people from non-timber forest products could reduce the risks of decline in agricultural biodiversity and associated threats to livelihoods and Himalayan ecosystems.  相似文献   
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