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栾川是个矿业大县,以其丰富的钼矿资源而享有"中国钼都"的称号.矿山企业多就意味着监管难度大,工作不容易做好.然而,从2003年以来,栾川县地矿局先后被上级授予"市级文明单位"、"整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序先进单位"、"市依法行政先进单位"、"党风廉政先进单位"等20多项荣誉称号.  相似文献   
据《中国经济时报》12月12日报道,我国煤炭开采浪费惊人,存在1吨扔2吨的普遍现象。调查显示,我国的煤炭回采率只有30%,不到国际先进水平的一半。  相似文献   
在世人心目中,玉器和中国的关系就像陶瓷、茶与中国的关系样密切:在历史长河中,它是一颗璀璨夺目的明珠,也是人类文化的块瑰宝。  相似文献   
中国申报并被批准的世界遗产有30处.其中有世界文化遗产21处、世界自然遗产4处、世界文化与自然遗产4处、文化景观1处。在这里.我们主要介绍21处世界文化遗产。  相似文献   
1IN TR O D U C TIO NA s a persistentand toxic pollutant, cadm ium (C d) canresultin m any adverse health effects in a variety oftis-suesand organssuch asthe lung,kidney,urinary,blad-der,pancreas,breast and prostate (SA TA R U G etal.,2003).C adm ium in so…  相似文献   
据透露.2005年政府将要设立国有土地收益基金。近年来.由于许多地方政府,片面追求政绩工程,到处圈地占地以地生财,把70年的土地收益用于本届政府土地开发和城市建设,导致许多中等城市,特别是东部城市现在已经没有地可卖.这样直接影响到了下届政府的土地收益,为此国家准备从今年开始设立国有土地建设资金,也就是将卖地收益纳入基金,为以后政府的使用做准备。  相似文献   
鸡,在十二生肖中排行第十。因每天下午5~7点(即酉时)日落时鸡便归窝夜宿,故鸡的十二地支配属为“酉”。  相似文献   
The authors analyzed the data collected in the Ecological Station Jiaozhou Bay from May 1991 to November 1994, including 12 seasonal investigations, to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and variation trends of the silicate in the bay. The results indicated that the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay provided abundant supply of silicate to the bay. The silicate concentration there depended on river flow variation. The horizontal variation of silicate concentration on the transect showed that the silicate concentration decreased with distance from shorelines. The vertical variation of it showed that silicate sank and deposited on the sea bottom by phytoplankton uptake and death, and zooplankton excretion. In this way, silicon would endlessly be transferred from terrestrial sources to the sea bottom. The silicon took up by phytoplankton and by other biogeochemical processes led to insufficient silicon supply for phytoplankton growth. In this paper, a 2D dynamic model of river flow versus silicate concentration was established by which silicate concentrations of 0.028–0.062 μmol/L in seawater was yielded by inputting certain seasonal unit river flows (m3/s), or in other words, the silicate supply rate; and when the unit river flow was set to zero, meaning no river input, the silicate concentrations were between 0.05–0.69 μmol/L in the bay. In terms of the silicate supply rate, Jiaozhou Bay was divided into three parts. The division shows a given river flow could generate several different silicon levels in corresponding regions, so as to the silicon-limitation levels to the phytoplankton in these regions. Another dynamic model of river flow versus primary production was set up by which the phytoplankton primary production of 5.21–15.55 (mgC/m2·d)/(m3/s) were obtained in our case at unit river flow values via silicate concentration or primary production conversion rate. Similarly, the values of primary production of 121.98–195.33 (mgC/m2·d) were achieved at zero unit river flow condition. A primary production conversion rate reflects the sensitivity to silicon depletion so as to different phytoplankton primary production and silicon requirements by different phytoplankton assemblages in different marine areas. In addition, the authors differentiated two equations (Eqs. 1 and 2) in the models to obtain the river flow variation that determines the silicate concentration variation, and in turn, the variation of primary production. These results proved further that nutrient silicon is a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010), and the Director's Fund of the Beihai Sea Monitoring Center, the State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   
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