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在自然γ能谱全谱分析中,为了分离无用信息及提高解释精度,须进行γ全谱连续本底的自动扣除。介绍了γ能谱本底的来源及特征,探讨了SNIP算法扣除γ能谱本底的数学原理及过程,重点开展了SNIP方法在γ能谱本底扣除中的初步应用。通过对三个不同能量的全能峰的比较分析,指出应根据γ能谱中谱峰宽度的差异,选择合适的变换宽度,以便获得最佳的全谱本底扣除效果。实验证明,该技术可应用于自然γ能谱测井的软件处理平台中。  相似文献   
Giant earthquakes generate rich signals that can be used to explore the characteristics of the hierarchical structure of the Earth’s interior associated with the eigenfrequencies of the Earth.We employ the spectral element method,incorporated with large-scale parallel computing technology,to investigate the characteristics of global seismic wave propagation excited by the2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake.The transversely isotropic PREM model is employed as a prototype of our numerical global Earth model.Topographic data and the effect of the oceans are taken into consideration.Wave propagation processes are simulated by solving three-dimensional elastic wave governing equations with the seismic moment tensor obtained from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalog.Three-dimensional visualization of our computing results displays the nature of the global seismic wave propagation.Comparative analysis of our calculations with observations obtained from the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology demonstrates the reliability and feasibility of our numerical results.We compare synthetic seismograms with incorporated and unincorporated ocean models.First results show that the oceans have obvious effects on the characteristics of seismic wave propagation.The peak displacement and peak velocity of P waves become relatively small under the effect of the ocean.However,the effect of the ocean on S-waves is complex.The displacement and velocity of S waves decrease rapidly over time using an unincorporated ocean model.Therefore,the effects of the ocean should be incorporated when undertaking quantitative earthquake hazard assessments on coastal areas.In addition,we undertake comparative analysis on the characteristics of the Earth’s oscillation excited by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman,2008 Wenchuan,and 2011Tohoku earthquakes that incorporate the effect of the Earth’s gravitational potential.A comparison of the amplitude spectra of the numerical records indicates that energy released by the three big earthquakes is different.Our comparative analysis realizes that the computing results can accurately reproduce some eigenfrequencies of the Earth,such as toroidal modes 0T2 to 0T13and spheroidal modes 0S7 to 0S31.These results demonstrate that numerical simulations can be successfully used to investigate the Earth’s oscillations.We propose that numerical simulations can be used as one of the major tools to further reveal how the Earth’s lateral heterogeneities affect the Earth’s oscillations.  相似文献   
2013年9月24日巴基斯坦中南部发生Mw7.7地震,震中位于巴基斯坦阿瓦兰县北部69 km处,发震断层为走滑断层机制,极震区烈度达到Ⅸ度以上.我们计算了巴基斯坦地震的视应力、应力降等震源参数,明确该地震为断层动态摩擦过程中的应力上调模式;进一步选取发震断层面上滑动位移的反演结果,构建有限断层模型,对近断层区域的强地面运动进行估算,并基于强地面运动模拟结果给出震区的烈度分布图.结果显示,模拟的巴基斯坦地震烈度图极震区烈度达到Ⅸ度,Ⅶ度烈度影响范围与美国地质调查局震后给出的震动图(ShakeMap)较为一致.强烈地震发生后,基于强地面运动模拟计算给出的烈度分布情况具备较好的合理性,对震区给出及时的震情判定和开展相应的救灾工作具有较高的实际价值.  相似文献   
GPS解算的日本Mw9.0级地震的远场同震地表位移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用日本Mw9.0地震前后各3d的77个GPS连续站观测资料和JPL精密星历,计算了该地震对周缘各国及相邻板块运动的同震影响。结果显示,日本地震对日本、中国东北部、朝鲜半岛均有较大影响,其同震水平位移影响范围达2 000km,地震造成中国东北东移1~3cm,华北东移3~8mm,朝鲜半岛东移2cm。中国境内的GPS测站的垂直同震位移均呈上升趋势,但是上升幅度非常小。结合日本岛测定的GPS同震位移和约20m高的海啸可以推断,本次日本地震的同震垂直位移具有波状起伏特征,符合逆冲挤压型地震的粘弹性理论模型。鉴于近年地震活动趋势,应该密切关注横贯中国东部的深大断裂带(郯庐断裂带)的断层活动,借助中国陆态网络密集覆盖提供的有利条件,跟踪研究郯庐断裂带附近300km范围的区域地壳现今变形、应力应变场的时变过程等,分析郯庐断裂带的断层活动,捕捉异常信息。  相似文献   
Greek-Turkish boundary near the cities Kos and Bodrum has been shaken on July 20, 2017 by a Mw6.6 earthquake. The mainshock is located offshore and did not generate an on-land surface rupture. Analyzing pre- and post-earthquake continuous/survey-type static GPS observations, we investigated co-seismic surface displacements at 20 sites to characterize source parameters and slip-distribution of the mainshock. Fault plane solutions as well as co-seismic slip distribution have been acquired through the inversion of co-seismic GPS displacements modeling the event as elastic dislocations in a half space. Fault plane solution shows a southward dipping normal-type fault segment extending a depth down to ~12 km, which remains within the brittle upper crust. Results from the distributed slip inversion show that the mainshock activated a ~65 km fault section, which has three high slip patches, namely western, central and eastern patches, where the coseismic slips reach up to 13, 26, and 5 cm, respectively. This slip pattern indicates that the pre-earthquake coupling, which is storing the slip deficit, occurred on these three patches.  相似文献   
利用从2008年8月5日到2013年10月23日Fermi-LAT的观测数据,对4C 21.35的100 MeV到300 GeV的γ射线数据进行了分析,总结了1天bin情况下的光变特征,并在3小时bin的基础上详细研究了所选的11个大的爆发,得到了5.4 h的最短光变时标。先用对射电光变曲线减去一个线性增长,再通过相关分析得到100 MeVE300 GeV的γ射线光变领先于15 GHz射电光变351.2_(38.0)~(13.8)d,并用γ射线辐射区对于射电辐射是光学厚对其加以解释,从而在辐射区匀速运动的假设下得到,这样的时延对应着γ射线辐射区到射电光学薄区域的距离为△r≈44.4 pc。通过与VLBA观测得到的15 GHz射电核的半径相比较,得到辐射区向外运动过程中可能存在减速的结论。  相似文献   
日干配错断裂位于青藏高原中部, 是"V"型共轭走滑构造中班公湖—怒江缝合带以北的一条NEE-SWW走向左行走滑断裂, 在调节青藏高原南北向挤压和东西向伸展过程中起着重要的作用.在2008年1月9日及2020年7月23日, 先后在该断裂南西端和北东支分别发生6级以上强震.因此, 查明该断裂的晚第四纪活动性及其与区域强震活...  相似文献   
???????????????о???1997??????Mw 7.6??2001????????Mw 7.8????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0.005 MPa??С????????????????0.01 MPa????????????????????????????????????????????????μ??????????????Ч???2001?????????????????????????????????????????????????Ч????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  相似文献   
2011年2月21日新西兰南岛发生Mw6.1地震,震中位置43.58°S,172.70°E,震源深度约5.0 km,发震断层为新西兰第三大城市克赖斯特彻奇(Christchurch)南约9 km一条近东西走向的未知隐伏断层,为逆冲断层机制.地震已经造成163人遇难,Christchurch城内多处建筑物严重损毁,距震中约1 km的Heathcote Valley Primary School (HVSC)台站强地面运动峰值加速度(PGA)高达2.0g.针对新西兰Mw6.1地震近场强地面运动偏高这一现象,利用HVSC台站的强震观测记录,计算地震震源谱参数,应用Brune圆盘模型估算其近场强地面运动的理论值,并建立动态复合震源模型进行模拟计算.研究结果表明,新西兰Mw6.1地震近断层强地面运动偏高的主要原因为复杂震源破裂过程中有效应力降(动态应力降,Δσd)过高造成的.未来工作中,需要加强对可能发生的、距离城市较近的中小型地震的重视,防止地震对城市的加强型破坏.  相似文献   
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