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This paper looks to the role of geographical metaphors in the 'battle of words' to describe Europe and its presumed identity. The facile adoption of banal cartographies such as those of a 'New' and 'Old' Europe highlights two concerns: first, that despite the imperial and isolationistic temptations of the current American administration, its geopolitical imagination remains firmly wedded to – indeed, cannot but define itself by – its relationship with the 'Old Continent'. Secondly, it reveals an astonishing distance between such cartographic abstractions and the variety of non-territorial metaphors – in particular, those of mediation and translation – that are increasingly being invoked to inscribe possible futures for the European project.  相似文献   
随着互联网的飞速发展,医疗数据爆炸性增长,大量的医疗数据面临着安全共享问题.本文提出了一种基于医疗联盟链的数据安全保护方法,其中包括提出了一种安全认证与访问控制模型,并将查询逻辑分离存储技术引入该模型中,同时描述了基于医疗联盟链的认证凭据和访问权限数据的存储和访问.基于医疗联盟链的安全认证与访问控制模型包含了三个角色,第一角色是患者,第二角色是医护人员,第三角色是医疗联盟链.通过查询逻辑分离存储技术保护患者数据隐私,查询逻辑分离技术与医疗联盟链技术紧密结合,满足了不同医院之间医疗数据共享的需求,保障了患者的数据隐私和医护人员查阅数据的权限.  相似文献   
中国旅游企业集团战略联盟的博弈分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
加入WTO后,中国旅游企业面临前所未有的挑战和冲击。为适应经济形式的发展。中国旅游企业中开始大规模的联合、重组和改制。在旅游企业的整合过程中,以战略联盟的形式来实现企业的规模经营是中国旅游企业生存和发展的有效措施之一。在战略联盟过程中,以动态博弈的方法对企业之间的联盟做出及时、有效的分析,可使旅游企业清楚自己在联盟中的地位与得失,最大限度的避免负效应,力争获得最大的经济效益。  相似文献   
作为科学基础设施, 科学数据共享平台建设可促进科技原始性创新, 提高国家科技竞争 能力。本文回顾我国近年推动科学数据共享方面的工作, 指出科学数据共享实施过程中所遇到的 主要问题; 针对这些问题, 在共享理念、数据资源整合和平台建设三个方面探索科学数据共享今 后发展的重点和工作方法。具体结合地球系统科学数据共享网建设实践, 提出搭建科学数据交换 平台, 构建科学数据共享联盟; 将科学数据共享与科研项目相结合, 实行主动服务; 建立强大的科 学数据搜索引擎; 重视文档、信息服务等。  相似文献   
2008年12月的波兹南会议作为巴厘岛和哥本哈根一次中间会议,既要全面回顾巴厘路线图的执行情况又要为即将到来的哥本哈根谈判作好准备,因此极为重要。发达国家、发展中国家两大谈判阵营,欧盟、美国和"77国集团+中国"三股主要力量围绕长期愿景、减排目标、适应、资金和技术转让等问题谈判激烈。2009年奥巴马执政以来美国与欧盟气候立场逐渐靠拢,新兴发展中大国地位愈发凸显,其他谈判力量也根据自身情况不断作出立场调整。中国在国际气候机制形成和发展中已处于关键位置,如何根据政治格局变化维护发展中国家利益和立场,实现负责任大国形象和国内低碳发展将伴随着整个后京都过程。  相似文献   
生态系统恢复力研究进展综述   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
气候变化和人类活动等致使全球生态系统发生了巨大变化,导致区域乃至全球生态系统恢复力不断下降, 成为胁迫生态系统可持续发展能力因素之一。如何维持生态系统的可持续发展能力,降低不确定性因素导致的问题已引起学术界及社会各界的高度重视。生态系统恢复力理论为解决这些问题提供了思路,生态系统恢复力提供了缓解生态系统状态转化的途径。虽然恢复力这一概念的管理价值已被接受和认可,但恢复力研究仍停留在概念层面及案例分析的模式上。目前生态系统恢复力研究尚缺乏科学统一的定义,且多为理论性分析而定量测度相对较少,生态系统恢复力的测定成为进一步探讨恢复力的重要步骤和切入点。本文通过回顾生态系统恢复力概念发展进程,概述关于恢复力概念的观点和恢复力的内涵与属性,描述目前恢复力的主要理论基础,论述目前研究者对恢复力测量的尝试;总结了相关研究中发现的影响生态系统恢复力的关键因素及其影响机制,进而提出了目前生态系统恢复力研究方面亟待加大研究力度的方向。  相似文献   
中国沿海地区构建城市带战略思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章分析了沿海地区形成城市带的机理和作用,构划了在沿海地区建设从北到南绵延几千公里。包括辽东半岛城市群、京津唐城市群、山东半岛城市群、长江三角洲城市群、福建沿海城市群、珠江三角洲城市群在内的巨型城市带的设想。城市带以香港、上海、京津为龙头,以厦门、青岛、大连为结点,以滨海山水城市为特色,以城市组合为手段,以观念和制度创新为理念,以加强城市间物流、人流、信息流、科技流为目标,整合优势资源,实施可持续发展,构筑开放、流动、有序、互补的城市带,形成城市带—城市群—城市圈3个层次城市带空间结构。最后,探讨了实施城市带建设的有关问题。  相似文献   
经济全球化不断加剧城市之间的竞争,城市的发展也越来越受到自身发展条件的限制.借鉴企业战略联盟的思想,建立城市战略联盟成为提升城市竞争力、互惠共利、协同发展的重要手段.从城市战略联盟的缘起入手,初步分析了城市战略联盟的概念、内涵、联盟的主要形式以及建立途径.城市战略联盟是城市政府之间为了充分发挥自身优势,弥补自身弱势的一种战略选择;是在保持城市自身行政权利独立性、平等自愿的基础上,共享城市的基础设施和发展条件,整合优势资源,城市之间互补协作的一种新的合作形式.  相似文献   
Syringe exchange programs (SEPs) aim to reduce the harm associated with injection drug use (IDU). Although they have been accepted as critical components of HIV prevention in many parts of the world, they are often unwelcome and difficult to set up and maintain, even in communities hardest hit by IDU-related HIV transmission. This research examines socio-cultural and political processes that shape community and institutional resistance toward establishing and maintaining SEPs. These processes are configured and reinforced through the socio-spatial stigmatizing of IDUs, and legal and public policy against SEPs. Overarching themes the paper considers are: (1) institutional and/or political opposition based on (a) political and law enforcement issues associated with state drug paraphernalia laws and local syringe laws; (b) harassment of drug users and resistance to services for drug users by local politicians and police; and (c) state and local government (in)action or opposition; and (2) the stigmatization of drug users and location of SEPs in local neighborhoods and business districts. Rather than be explained by “not in my back yard” localism, this pattern seems best conceptualized as an “inequitable exclusion alliance” (IEA) that institutionalizes national and local stigmatizing of drug users and other vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
Relations between the United States and Europe have been quite volatile over the past five years. This volatility is not just a product of disagreements over the American invasion of Iraq. It is tied to a set of fundamental challenges to the geopolitical arrangements and understandings that emerged in the wake of World War II. Three challenges were of particular importance: the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Balkan crisis of the 1990s, and the election of a presidential administration in Washington, DC, which adopted a neoconservative geopolitical agenda. The global impacts of this agenda were heightened by the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States of America. The U.S. response exposed fundamental differences between the U.S. and Europe on the use of international military forces in the “war on terrorism,” the role of NATO, and the U.S. government’s effort to force “regime change” in Iraq. Europe’s reaction to U.S. policy has not been uniform, however. At the governmental level, fundamental differences have emerged among European countries. The United States has sought to highlight those differences, suggesting that the U.S. favors “disaggregation” in Europe, even as it trumpets the virtues of a uniform response to the threat of terrorism. The future trajectory of U.S.-European relations is likely to be shaped by intersections between Europe’s struggles with integration and the U.S.’s evolving global geopolitical posture, which could move in either a hegemonic or a globalist direction.  相似文献   
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