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彭州市立体农业气候资源的研究(二)热量资源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用彭州市境内市气象站,新兴,白果坪的日平均气温资料,进行热量资源分析。结果表明,彭州市7-8月为最热月,多年平均温度低于24.9℃,12-2月为最冷月,多年平均温度高于1.7℃。大多数年全年稳定通过0℃,可一年四季进行农业耕作,有利于作物越冬和多年生作物的种植,生长期长,积温丰富。界限温度的初,终日期及持续日数变化较大,积温际变化显著,热量资源随海拔高度增加而减少,各界限温度的初日推迟,终日提前,持续日数和积温减少,温度强度也降低,形成显著的立体农业气候。  相似文献   
彭州市立体农业气候资源的研究(一)降水资源分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了彭州市境内位于不同海拔高度的4个观测站的降水资料,结果表明,彭州市雨量充沛,但降水量的年际变化显著,雨季起、止时间和雨季长、短的年际变化很大,降水的时间分配极不均匀,因为这4个站具有相同的气候背景、,降水量的年、季、月变化呈现基本一致的规律和趋势,但因为海拔高度不同等气候背的差异,4站的降水特点又显著不同。降水量随海拔高度的升高而增加,降水变幅和雨日也阴海拔高度的升高而增加,大降水过程具有明显的局地性,不同海拔高度的旱、涝情况亦有差异,降水的空间分布表现出明显的立体性特征。  相似文献   
万磊 《山东地质》2008,(11):38-39
土地资源具有稀缺性和不可再生性,土地供给日渐紧张,拓展土地利用空间、将土地利用由平面趋向立体化发展的趋势日渐成熟。青岛市崂山区将建设用地使用权分层出让,不但垂范了法规政策,对区域经济的发展也具有很大的现实意义。  相似文献   
有关循环经济下农业政策法制建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
如今,发展循环经济,建立循环型社会已经成为世界各国的潮流和趋势。在中国,要想发展循环经济,必须在各个产业逐步建立起与之相支持的文化、法律、政策、经济和生态体制。中国是一个农业大国,发展循环农业经济建设,无论对循环经济的发展和循环型社会的形成还是对农业经济的发展都具有重要意义。从中国现阶段农业政策法制状况出发,借鉴国外的先进经验,探讨在农业方面实现循环经济的可能性和必要性以及如何完善中国农业制度来适应这一新兴理念。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a case study of an 'alternative' food network based in the Abruzzo National Park, Italy, to explore how ideas of sustainable farmland management can be expressed through broader understandings of developing networks of care concerned with local economies and societies, high-quality specialist food products, particular 'traditional' farming practices and livestock breeds, as well as the ecology of a farmed landscape. The scheme allows customers, internationally as well as in Italy, to 'adopt' a milking sheep on a large mountain farm. In return, adopters are sent food products from the farm. The adoption scheme is inter-twined with an agri-tourism project which provides accommodation, runs a restaurant and engages in educational activities. The scheme is the result of the individual initiative of its founder, and is associated with a strongly expressed ethical position concerning the value of sustaining valued local rural landscapes and lifestyles, and the importance of 'reconnecting' urban dwellers with rural areas, farming and 'quality' food production. Yet the localness of the scheme is sustained through wider national and international networks: volunteer and paid workers are drawn from several European countries, funding has been acquired from the EU LEADER programme, and internet and transport technologies are essential in connecting with and supplying an international customer base. The broader economy of care instanced in this case study draws attention to a need to develop strategies for sustainable farmland management constructed around wider programmes of social, economic and cultural, as well as environmental, concern.  相似文献   
观光生态农业和生态农业旅游都是近年来新兴的旅游产品,他们也越来越受到游客的青睐.作为观光生态农业模式典型的留民营村备受关注.本文以留民营的发展为例,阐述了观光生态农业在生态农业旅游中的优势,并提出了留民营开发生态农业旅游的模式.  相似文献   
通过对鄂西火烧坪地区的自然地理、地质构造、水文地质、土壤、植被及社会经济等方面的初步研究表明,在岩溶化作用十分强烈的岩溶山区,当气候、地形地貌、地质构造等条件匹配较好时,同样存在着一些极其有利于农业、林业发展的特殊生态环境。在这些地区,结合当地植物资源特点和市场需求,通过农作物类型的调整,能够在短时间内使当地摆脱贫穷的面貌。但在发展经济的同时必须特别关注当地土地资源相对缺乏、水资源时空分布不均、生态环境脆弱等不利因素,做到适度开发,稳步发展,才能从根本上实现小康目标。  相似文献   
Water resources for agricultural development and landscape enhancement in Kuwait are very scarce; the quality is saline (brackish), and the soil texture is sandy, incapable of holding nutrients and moisture. Most of the rainfall in Kuwait either evaporates due to the high temperatures or percolates through the soil. The rainfall is not sufficient to recharge the underground water supply. A variety of alternative water sources have been studied, including seawater desalination and wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment proved to be convenient due to the relatively low salinity detected in the treated water. Furthermore, the amount of wastewater is expected to increase as more residential areas are connected to the sewage system as the population increases.

The development of a greenery plan for Kuwait requires intensive water management. This goal can be achieved through manpower training in landscape development, selection of plants tolerant to arid environments, usage of appropriate irrigation and drainage systems, promotion of greenery programs within public and the governmental agencies for their direct participation in urban area beautification, and extension of wastewater treatment techniques.  相似文献   

实施农业名牌战略,创建梅州特色农业品牌的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱国锋 《热带地理》2002,22(2):97-101
实施农业名牌战略,既是适应社会经济发展和提高农业综合效益的需要,也是实现区域农业可持续发展的必然选择,必须遵循“市场导向、特色优势、绿色发展”3大原则。梅州市具有发展特色农业,构建名牌的有利条件,应在制定创名牌规划、开发无公害优质农产品、创造培育农业名牌的制度环境和经营机制3方面寻求对策。  相似文献   
GPS-OEM在精准农业领域中的应用实例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了我中心开发的内置有GPS—OEM板的农田信息采集系统,指出了GPS—OEM在精准农业领域发展潜力。  相似文献   
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