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卢莉莉 《地下水》2005,27(3):154-155
本文论述了2002年运城市地下水超采状况及其引起的环境地质等一系列问题.并遵循可持续发展的思想,提出了地下水资源保护的几点意见.  相似文献   
The electromagnetic mass damper (EMD) control system, as an innovative active control system to reduce structural vibration, offers many advantages over traditional active mass driver/damper (AMD) control systems. In this paper, studies of several EMD control strategies and bench-scale shaking table tests of a two-story model structure are described. First, two structural models corresponding to uncontrolled and Zeroed cases are developed, and parameters of these models are validated through sinusoidal sweep tests to provide a basis for establishing an accurate mathematical model for further studies. Then, a simplified control strategy for the EMD system based on the pole assignment control algorithm is proposed. Moreover, ideal pole locations are derived and validated through a series of shaking table tests. Finally, three benchmark earthquake ground motions and sinusoidal sweep waves are imposed onto the structure to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of using this type of innovative active control system for structural vibration control. In addition, the robustness of the EMD system is examined. The test results show that the EMD system is an effective and robust system for the control of structural vibrations.  相似文献   
中国西部开发对西部地理信息基础设施建设提出了迫切要求。优先发展在西部大开发中具有关键作用的地理信息系统,积极培育地理信息技术市场,建设一支服务于西部大开发地理信息产业化队伍,尽快制定适应西部大开发的地理信息产业发展规划,协调解决地理信息的标准化,对发展西部地理信息产业、促进西部大开发具有战略意义。  相似文献   
生态经济战略是江西21世纪发展的必然抉择   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
根据生态经济战略的核心问题和江西省的实际情况,分析了江西实施生态经济战略的必要性与可行性,指出了江西开展生态经济建设的几个切入点。  相似文献   
太湖地区农业源污染核算研究进展   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
太湖地区水体污染严重,控制太湖污染、改善太湖水质,对发挥太湖的综合服务功能,促进全流域经济可持续发展和社会稳定具有重要的战略意义.充分把握和核算太湖地区农业源污染排放量、入河量及其时空分布是落实太湖地区污染物科学减排从而进一步改善太湖水质的基础.本研究总结和概述了太湖地区农业源污染现有的核算方法、产排污参数、控制途径等,结合太湖地区农业源污染构成、排放与布局的复杂情况,提出综合运用各种核算研究方法,充分考虑各污染来源,确定农业源污染的产污量、排污量和入河量,并通过建立分期、分区、细分类型的农业源污染排放、入河参数,为科学确定农业源污染减排指标以及制定减排措施提供依据.  相似文献   
Firms often encounter location-based impediments that hinder them from engaging with international markets. These challenges can be exacerbated for smaller firms, which often have limited resources and exposure to global markets. This article examines successful small and medium-sized exporters from Nova Scotia, a province with decreased export activity in recent years. It explores these firms’ trade-related motivations, their impediments, and the strategies that they have used to address possible location-related problems. Although geographical distance does not appear to be a competitive challenge, other issues emerge, including travel expenditures and the costs of export intelligence gathering. Successful exporters have overcome many potential impediments by using government trade programs, establishing and maintaining face-to-face contacts, and working with international partners.  相似文献   
1949—2019年中国自然地理学与生存环境应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自然地理学是一门以基础研究见长的自然科学,其研究对象是与人类生存和发展密切相关的自然环境。中国的自然环境复杂多样,自然地理学家根据国家需求和区域发展在应用基础和应用研究方面同样取得显著成效,为国家重大经济建设、社会发展的规划,宏观生态系统与资源环境保护及区域可持续发展做出了重要贡献。本文总结了1949—2019年中国自然地理学在自然环境区域差异与自然区划、土地利用与覆被变化、自然灾害致灾因子和风险防控、荒漠化过程与防治、黄淮海中低产田改造、冻土区工程建设、地球化学元素异常和地方病防治、自然地理要素定位观测、地理空间分异性识别和地理探测器等方面的实践与应用,指出了未来自然地理学的应用研究方向。  相似文献   
摘要:后工业时代,文化资源的挖掘利用正日益成为各国政府引导城市更新、城市转型的重要手段。上海也积极利用各种文化资源来塑造国际文化大都市的形象。论文在回顾上海文化战略发展的基础上,分析了文化战略导向下上海对演出场馆资源的五种开发利用模式,并重点剖析了城市文化战略的实施对上海演出空间的塑造作用。在当前上海打造国际文化大都市的进程中,演出场馆的空间分布格局正日趋成形,同时,这种文化符号效力也带来了显著的空间效应,包括全球文化消费引领地的形成,艺术表演集聚区的初现以及演出空间的专业化拓展等。塑造与提升上海演艺文化空间格局成为上海加快建设国际文化大都市的必经之路。  相似文献   
Land use change in rural China since the 1980s, induced by institution reforms, urbanization, industrialization and population increase, has received more attention. However, case studies on how institution reforms affect farmers’ livelihood strategies and drive land use change are scarce. By means of cropland plots investigations and interviews with farmers, this study examines livelihood strategy change and land use change in Danzam Village of Jinchuan County in the upper Dadu River watershed, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that, during the collective system period, as surplus labor forces could not be transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, they had to choose agricultural involution as their livelihood strategy, then the farmers had to produce more grains by land reclamation, increasing multiple cropping index, improving input of labor, fertilizer, pesticide and adopting advanced agricultural techniques. During the household responsibility system period, as labors being transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, farmers chose livelihood diversification strategy. Therefore, labor input to grain planting was greatly reduced, which drove the transformation of grain to horticulture, vegetable or wasteland and decrease of multiple cropping index. This study provides a new insight into understanding linkages among institution reforms, livelihood strategy of smallholders and land use change in rural China. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40601006, 40471009), National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2005CB422006)  相似文献   
海洋邮轮旅游产业在现代旅游业的发展中有极大的潜力。近些年来,邮轮旅游产业被誉为"漂浮在黄金水道上的黄金产业"。随着中国经济的发展,我国邮轮旅游业迅速兴起,使多级邮轮市场开始向中国倾斜,成为带动中国经济发展的新动力。文章首先对比了邮轮旅游业国内外的研究现状和理论分析方法,并介绍了上海海洋邮轮旅游业目前的发展现状;其次用"SWOT"分析法的角度讨论了上海邮轮旅游业面临的机会和威胁;最后针对上海海洋邮轮旅游产业,分别从改善环境、扩大宣传、丰富航线和完善港口设施等方面提出了邮轮旅游业的长期发展方向。  相似文献   
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