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某港口堆场地基上部5.0m系吹填而成,地表下18m范围均属软土,经真空预压初级加固后地基承载力仅在80—90kPa,局部区域上部淤泥土层土性指标较差,含水量大于50%,地基承载力不足60kPa。为了使地基达到230kPa的承载要求,设计采用深层搅拌法加固超软弱地基。通过现场成桩工艺试验和检测表明,桩身水泥土强度在90d龄期时大于1.80MPa,单桩承载力标准值大于150kN,以φ600桩径、桩长13.5m、置换率为0.308和φ500桩径、桩长13.5m、置换率为0.267两种方案布置的复合地基承载力标准值均超过了230kPa的设计要求。试验结果表明,深层搅拌法在港口超软弱地基土应用只要施工工艺适当,完全可以使地基承载力提高2—3.5倍以土,从而节省大量的工程投资。  相似文献   
西藏扎布耶盐田盐渍土的改性配比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据盐渍土的物理化学性质,采用掺入不同比例石灰或水泥的方法进行改性处理。经击实、抗剪和抗压强度试验结果表明,盐渍土掺入石灰或水泥改性后,混合料的最大干密度、最优含水率、强度指标等均有增加,特别是内聚力迅速增长。研究表明,盐渍土混合料的性状得到了明显改善,改性后的混合料可用于修建盐田埝堤类相关工程。  相似文献   
A new approach has been developed for describing the classification that arises at the diaphragm in multi-chamber ball mills. Fourteen industrial scale cement mills have been sampled in this study and after mass balancing, model fits of the equipment were done. Successive mill product predictions for the sampled conditions were achieved, and requirements to build up an optimization capable model are discussed.  相似文献   
Major geotechnical problems in construction involving silty–clayey soils are due to their low strength, durability and high compressibility of soft soils, and the swell–shrink nature of the overconsolidated swelling soils. Confronted with these problems, a suitable ground improvement technique is needed, for deep excavations in soft clays, for stability, durability and deformation control. Cement-stabilization is one of the alternatives. An increase in strength and durability, reduction in deformability are the main aims of this method. Conventional cement-stabilization methods are used mainly for surface treatment. However, the use of cement has recently been extended to a greater depth in which cement columns were installed to act as a type of soil reinforcement (deep cement–soil mixing and cement jet grouting). In situ engineering properties of these silty–clayey soils are often variable and difficult to predict. For this reason cement-stabilization methods have a basic target to control the aforementioned engineering properties of these clays so that the properties of a silty–clayey soil become more like the properties of a soft rock such as clayey shale or lightly cemented sandstone. So cement-stabilization of these soils is essential to control their engineering properties and to predict their engineering behaviour for construction. In an effort to predict, classify and study the suitability of silty–clayey soils for cement-stabilization both slaking and unconfined compressive strength tests were carried out on clayey–sand mixtures consisted of two types of clays, kaolin and bentonite. Finally diagrams were prepared to study the variation of slaking and strength due to compaction, curing time and cement percentage and also to predict areas of efficient cement-stabilization.  相似文献   
通过目前国内外现有资料的对比研究,对严重影响石太高速公路修建和运营的柏井采空区采用压力注浆的方法,充填采空区上覆的裂隙冒落带,以达到加固地基的目的。灌注材料选用水泥和粘土,水固比为1:1.5,依据地面构造物不同,在桥涵地段采用1:0.8:0.7(水:水泥:粘土,下同)的配比,在边坡地段采用1:0.5:1的与比,在一般路段采用1:0.3:1的配比,灌注浆液的结石体在采空区及上覆的裂隙冒落带中充填率达  相似文献   
水泥搅拌桩与锚杆组合支护结构的力学参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵剑豪  陈振建  方家强 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):265-270
水泥搅拌桩--锚杆组合支护结构是一种新型的组合支护结构,笔者采用有限元方法进行各相关力学参数研究,分析了该组合支护结构的受力特性及变形性态.通过计算结果与实测数据的比较,表明本文所得结论对该组合支护结构的应用有一定的指导价值.  相似文献   
We study the mineralogical changes suffered by specimens of natural miocene red and green continental sandstones (from Pozuelos Formation and Tiomayo Formation) cropping out in the Argentine Puna that increase their bulk magnetic susceptibility and change color when thermally treated. We hypothesize that on heating siderite, which is present in small quantities as cement in the studied sandstones, would oxidize and decompose into maghemite and/or magnetite. Subsequent heating to higher temperatures sometimes would bring about the conversion of maghemite and/or magnetite to hematite. Mössbauer spectroscopy proved to be a very valuable tool for the determination of the presence of siderite in small amounts in the studied samples. The present results show that further work is needed in order to fully understand the mineralogical changes suffered by continental sandstones during heating. The characterization of such changes occurred during laboratory routines is relevant, since they can help to better understand natural processes.  相似文献   
通过天津地区几例钻孔灌注桩桩底注浆的静载荷试桩结果 ,分析天津地区钻孔灌注桩桩底注浆单桩竖向极限承载力标准值的估算方法  相似文献   
刘华  王勇  杜林  黄芬 《探矿工程》2012,39(4):76-79
针对三叉水电站引水隧洞Ⅳ标段围岩地质条件,详细分析了水泥-粉煤灰浆液在该工程引水隧洞灌浆中的应用情况。从应用情况综合分析可以得出,隧洞灌浆采用水泥-粉煤灰浆液是可行的,完全能满足设计要求,在保证灌浆质量的前提下,可以降低部分施工成本,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
Diagenesis has a significant impact on reservoir quality in deeply buried formations. Sandstone units of the Shahejie Formation (Es1 Member) of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China is a typical deeply buried sandstone with large hydrocarbon accumulations. The methodology includes core observations and thin section studies, using fluorescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion and isotope and electron probing analysis as well as the numerical determination of reservoir characteristics. The sandstones consist of medium to coarse-grained, slight to moderate sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. Porosity and permeability values range from 0.5 to 30% and 0.006 to 7000 mD, respectively. The diagenetic history reveals mixed episodes of diagenesis and deep burial followed by uplift. The main diagenetic events include compaction, cementation alteration, dissolution of unstable minerals and grain fracturing. Compaction resulted in densification and significantly reduced the primary porosity. Quartz, calcite and clay are the dominant pore-occluding cement and occur as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Alteration and dissolution of volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution of feldspar grains were the key sources of quartz cement whereas carbonate cement is derived from an external source. Clay minerals resulted from the alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Porosity and permeability data predict a good inverse relationship with cementation whereas leaching of metastable grains, dissolution of cement and in some places formation of pore-lining chlorite enhanced the reservoir quality. The best reservoir is thicker sandstone bodies that are medium to coarse-grained, well-sorted sandstone with low primary ductile grains with a minor amount of calcite cement. The present study shows several diagenetic stages in the Es1 Member, but the overall reservoir quality is preserved.  相似文献   
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