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Two-station observation of meteors, especially a meteor trains, provides an effective approach to the measurement of the physical parameters. We have collected four special groups of photographs of meteoric trains taken at two stations during Leonids 2001. One representative group has been measured and analyzed in detail. An analysis has been reported in our first paper. In this paper, an alternative explanation for the screw-like meteoric train is suggested based on some physical calculations. The results reveal that this train has a screw-like structure and, apparently, spoke beams. The mother meteor of this train may be negatively charged and moves forward along a left-hand screw trajectory under the effect of the geomagnetic field. The spoke beams might be the visual effect of the long time exposure of many particles released from the disintegrated meteoroid.  相似文献   
Based on the CINRAD Doppler radar data in Guangzhou and the lightning data in 2004 by power suppliers of Guangdong, statistical study is done by overlaying lightning’s position on radar’s echo. The result shows the followings. The concentrated period in which more negative lightning occurred at the middle levels (2 – 14 km), where radar echo was moderate (12 – 45 dBz), rather than at the low levels with the weakest echoes or at high levels with the strongest echoes. At levels 3 – 11 km, where the radar echo was between 10 dBz and 35 dBz, the area of negative lightning was much larger in central Guangdong than in the rest of the province. At levels 0.5 – 7 km where the radar echoes were between 44 dBz and 51 dBz, the probability for a point to have negative lightning varies from 0.4 to 0.7.  相似文献   
我讲高中地理第二章地球上的大气中的“天气和气候”一节教材时,为了让学生理解、掌握天气和气候的概念,并会比较这两个概念的异同,我先让学生听“天气预报”:今天晚上到明天(时闻短),兰州(甘肃省兰州市)多云转晴天.偏北风三级.最高气温10℃.最低气温-9℃(大气现象),后天……这则天气预报包含了。天气”这一概念的三方面的内容。  相似文献   
吴晓绚  杜尧东  刘蔚琴 《广东气象》2015,37(3):39-42,47
根据广州市5个气象观测站1980—2013年的能见度、相对湿度和天气现象等资料,采用人工观测法、日均值法和14时值法对广州市霾日特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,3种方法统计的全市霾日数、霾日变化速率差异较大。全市年平均霾日是日均值法人工观测法14时值法,大致比例是1∶0.61∶0.48。人工观测法统计的广州市霾日变化速率最大,达2.9 d/年,是日均值法的2.9倍、14时值法的3.6倍。但是,3种方法统计的全市霾日长期变化趋势、季节变化特点和空间分布特征基本一致。霾日长期变化均呈显著上升趋势;霾日冬季最多,夏季最少;中心城区和花都区为霾日高值区。综合考虑霾日长期变化趋势、季节变化特点、空间分布特征和经济社会发展状况,日均值法统计更能反映广州市霾日的实际变化特征。  相似文献   
流星,是一种大气现象,但它的起因是太阳系空间的小天体——流星体闯入地球大气、其高速动能转化为热能而出现的燃烧发光现象,因此一直归入天文学领域,成为“天象”。当流星体特别大时,流星看起来象一个火球,非常耀眼,甚至一瞬间照得大地如同白昼,称“火流星”:当许多流星体不断闯入大气时,我们有时会看到流星多得象下雨一样,这种现象称“流星雨”。  相似文献   
雷电,是众多大气现象中的一种,但雷电产生的强大电磁脉冲(LEMP)具有极大的破坏性。随着现代化进程的加快,特别是信息产业的迅猛发展,自动控制、通信和计算机网络等微电子设备和电子系统在气象行业内外日益得到广泛应用。雷击事故带来的损失和影响越来越大,尤其在经济发达国家和地区,雷击造成的电子设备直接经济损失达雷电灾害总损失的80%以上。雷电灾害也被列为“电子时代的一大公害”。  相似文献   
日珥是一种特别的太阳大气现象,平时用肉眼是根本看不到的,只有在发生日全食,太阳的光球面被遮挡时,才可能在太阳边缘外勉强看到(图1)。在西方,公认最早的明确日珥记录是1842年7月8日作出的,那一天,欧洲中南部发生了一次日全食,在观测过程中,天文学家看到了太阳边缘有三个小小的、淡紫色的突起物,推测它们可能是太阳上的山峰。  相似文献   
东莞市典型天气的辐射特征及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东莞观测站进行太阳辐射观测,得到2011年1—12月数据,来统计分析地面太阳短波辐射和地面、大气长波辐射的变化特征。分析典型天气的辐射特征及影响这些辐射变化的因子。结果表明:晴天向下短波辐射、反射辐射、地面长波辐射日总量最大,阴天次之,雨天最小。阴天和雨天的大气长波辐射均大于晴天。有云、雨的天气,净辐射的量值及其日变化特征都受到不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
Characteristics of the wave sources, energy propagation and conversion for anomalous Rossby wave activities (RWAs) along the West Asian jet stream (WAJS) in summer are examined based on the NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis data from 1958 to 2003, using the vorticity source equation, the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux, and the wave energy equation under diabatic heating. The study aims to find the dynamical causes for RWA anomalies along the WAJS and to improve the understanding of mid-high latitude circulation anomalies. The results show that the negative vorticity source and the strong EP flux divergence over the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Scandinavian Peninsula area act as the wave sources for RWA anomalies along the WAJS. When the intensity and position of the wave sources are anomalous, the excited eastward-propagating RWA along the WAJS also behaves anomalously. In strong (weak) years of RWA, Rossby waves excited by the strong divergence of EP fluxes over the Iceland Scandinavian Peninsula area (east to the Scandinavian Peninsula) propagate eastward and southeastward. The eastward propagating waves become strengthened (weakened) after turning southeastward near the Ural Mountains and then entering the Asian subtropical westerly jet stream (ASWJS) over the Caspian Sea-Aral Sea-Xinjiang. The southeastward propagating waves also strengthen (weaken) after directly entering the ASWJS over the eastern Mediterranean-the Black Sea. Furthermore, the divergence of EP fluxes over the Mediterranean also strengthens (weakens) in the strong (weak) years, so they jointly bring about the strong (weak) RWA along the WAJS. Finally, the perturbation available potential energy (PAPE) along the WAJS (15°- 60°E) produced by diabatic heating, is far greater than the conversion from the kinetic energy of the basic flow into the perturbation kinetic energy and from the available potential energy of the basic flow into PAPE. The RWA along the WAJS looks stronger (weaker) than normal when the PAPEs produced by diabatic heating over the Iranian Plateau and West Asia significantly strengthen (weaken), and therefore they are also the energy sources of RWA anomalies.  相似文献   
水汽是一种重要的大气成分,是各种大气现象的总根源,在各种时空尺度的大气过程中扮演着重要角色。水汽在地球水循环中发挥着关键的作用,尤其与雷暴等局地天气的发生和发展有密切的关系。水汽观测对于天气、气候研究和天气预报业务都至关重要。目前在气象学中探测大气水汽含量的方法主要有两种:(1)无线电探空技术。即通过施放探空气球,收集有关温度、气压、湿度等气象因子来计算水汽含量。常规水汽监测是通过相距上百千米的气象站每天放两次探空气球进行探测。这一资料的主要局限性是取决于风场;测站密度过稀、相邻两次探测之间间隔时间过长,…  相似文献   
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