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光学卫星影像云覆盖时空特征评估是衡量其作为重要遥感监测数据源的前提。Sentinel-2 A/B影像因其免费获取、多光谱(红边)、更高时空分辨率等优势,已在全球不同尺度陆面植被与生态监测中受到重视。相较于Landsat等同类影像产品,有关Sentinel-2 A/B的云覆盖分析还未见报道。本文利用2016—2018年老挝北部所有5288景Sentinel-2 A/B影像(Granule/Tile)的云覆盖元数据,基于不同云覆盖阈值(0~100%)水平下的影像获取概率差异确定了影像获取概率分析的云覆盖适宜阈值,并揭示了云量特征阈值水平下的影像获取概率时空差异。主要结论如下:① Sentinel-2 A/B影像获取概率分析云覆盖适宜特征阈值为20%(即云覆盖≤20%),该阈值水平下老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像的逐月累积平均获取概率最高(约27.41%);② 在20%云覆盖阈值水平下,老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率差异在时间上与旱季(11月—次年4月)雨季(5月—10月)的时间分布较为吻合。旱季获取概率约为42.91%,3月概率(50.27%)最大,4月与2月次之,时间上与刀耕火种焚烧与橡胶林落叶特征吻合;雨季相应概率约为11.81%,6月最低(约1.26%);③ 老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率在空间上存在东西差异,旱季西部省域单元(如琅南塔)影像获取概率远高于东部,雨季西部地区影像获取概率则略低于东部地区。本研究既可为后续开展大区及全球Sentinel-2 A/B影像云量分析提供借鉴,也对开展联合国减少森林砍伐和退化排放(UN-REDD)计划引发的土地利用变化如刀耕火种农业演变、橡胶林扩张等遥感监测有指导意义。  相似文献   
This article describes an investigation on runoff generation at different scales in the forested catchment of the Sperbelgraben in the Emmental region (Swiss Prealps) where studies in the field of forest hydrology have a history of 100 years. It focuses on the analysis of soil profiles and the subsequent sprinkling experiments above them (1 m2), as well as on surface runoff measurements on larger plots (50 to 110 m2). In the Sperbelgraben investigation area, two very distinct runoff reactions could be observed. On the one hand, very high production of saturation overland flow was registered on wet areas of gleyic soils, with runoff coefficients between 0·39 and 0·94 for profile irrigation. On the other hand, almost no surface runoff was measured on Cambisols, with the exception at some sites of a hydrophobic reaction detected at the beginning of storms after dry periods (coefficients for profile irrigation: 0·01–0·16). This pattern was observed during 1 m2 soil plot irrigation and on surface runoff plots. Apart from a less distinctive signal of the water‐repellent litter layer on the larger surface runoff plots, the dominant hydrological processes at the two scales are the same. The determined runoff reaction at the two scales corresponds well with information from a forest site type map describing soil and vegetation characteristics and used as a substitute for a soil map in this study. Theoretical considerations describing forest influence on flood discharge are discussed and evaluated to be in good agreement with observations. These findings are a sound foundation for application in hydrological catchment modelling. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对WCDMA直放站的原理、主要技术指标、覆盖半径计算及其对系统的干扰进行分析和阐述,并就如何最大限度发挥直放站作用进行了必要的工程和理论探讨,同时结合工程实际情况提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   
A commonly used measure to prevent soil wind erosion is to cover the surface with gravel. Gravel can inhibit soil erosion by covering the surface directly, changing the airflow field near the surface and sharing the shear stress of wind. Similar to other roughness elements, the protective effect of gravel on soil is usually expressed in terms of the ratio of the shear stress on the exposed soil surface to the total shear stress on the rough surface due to wind, i.e. through a shear-stress partitioning model. However, the existing shear-stress partitioning models, represented by Raupach's model (RM93), are only applicable when the lateral coverage of the roughness elements, λ < 0.10, and the applicability of the models to flat-shaped roughness elements is unclear. The purpose of this study is to verify the applicability of RM93 for dense and flat-shaped gravel roughness elements by using shear-stress data from wind-tunnel measurements pertaining to roughness elements with different densities (0.013 ≤ λ ≤ 0.318) and flat shapes (height-to-width ratios in the range 0.20 ≤ H/W ≤ 0.63), and to modify RM93 to enhance its predictive ability. The results indicate that RM93 cannot accurately predict the shear-stress partitioning for surfaces covered by densely distributed and flat-shaped gravel roughness elements. This phenomenon occurs because, when roughness elements are distributed densely or are flat-shaped, the proportion of the shear stress on the top surface of the roughness elements (τc) to the total shear stress (τ) is large; in this case, τc plays a dominant role and serves as an essential component in the shear-stress partitioning model. Consequently, RM93 is modified by incorporating τc into the calculation of τ. Under conditions of λ < 0.32 and H/W > 0.2, the modified RM93 can yield satisfactory predictions regarding the shear-stress partitioning.  相似文献   
通过拉伊克勒克典型浅覆盖区浅钻化探成果,介绍了浅钻化探工作方法和取得的试验研究成果,显示该方法有效,经济可行,效率较高,操作简便,充分证明了浅钻化探技术在准噶尔干旱荒漠浅覆盖区是有效的找矿手段。  相似文献   
Ensemble modelling was used to assess the robustness of projected impacts of pumped‐storage (PS) operation and climate change on reservoir ice cover. To this end, three one‐dimensional and a two‐dimensional laterally averaged hydrodynamic model were set up. For the latter, the strength of the impacts with increasing distance from the dam was also investigated. Climate change effects were simulated by forcing the models with 150 years of synthetic meteorological time series created with a weather generator based on available air temperature scenarios for Switzerland. Future climate by the end of the 21st century was projected to shorten the ice‐covered period by ~2 months and decrease ice thicknesses by ~13 cm. Under current climate conditions, the ice cover would already be affected by extended PS operation. For example, the average probability of ice coverage on a specific day was projected to decrease by ~13% for current climate and could further be reduced from ~45% to ~10% for future climate. Overall, the results of all models were consistent. Although the number of winters without ice cover was projected to increase for all one‐dimensional models, studying individual segments of the two‐dimensional model showed that the impact was pronounced for segments close to the PS intake/outlet. In summary, the reservoir's ice cover is expected to partially vanish with higher probability of open water conditions closer to the PS intake/outlet.  相似文献   
辽宁省全国第一次地理国情普查的基础是地表覆盖和地理国情要素的采集工作,同时也是开展统计分析的前提。本文以辽宁省朝阳市基于遥感影像的地理国情数据采集工作为例,对地理国情普查中地表覆盖数据和地理国情要素的内容及指标进行数据采集研究。采集的基础指标包括范围、位置、属性、面积等,利用清华山维EPS2010软件进行数据采集、数据建库、数据检查和时点更新等工作。详细阐述了在辽宁省朝阳市地理国情普查中的工作流程,总结出一套稳定、高效、可靠、因地制宜的数据采集方法,为开展常态化地理国(省)情监测奠定基础。  相似文献   
针对植被指数和植被覆盖度与遥感影像空间尺度的关系对高分辨率影像在植被分析中的运用具有重要影响的问题,该文提出一种确定最佳分辨率的方法。以云南鲁甸县茨院乡为研究区,先对原始影像(Worldview-2)进行重采样处理,生成一系列低分辨率影像;计算13组数据的NDVI并利用像元二分模型反演出植被覆盖度;运用信息熵理论和按照局部方差的思路等两种方法,定量分析该区植被分析的最佳分辨率。实验结果表明,随着空间分辨率的降低,NDVI值域区间呈现收敛趋势;植被覆盖度分级图斑斑块数量急剧减少,而所占面积比则保持相对平稳;信息熵中的信息量也随之减少。分析结果认为,该区进行基于Worldview-2影像植被分析的最佳空间分辨率为12m。  相似文献   
基于EVI的中国最近10 a植被覆盖变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对2000—2009年增强型植被指数(EVI)数据的分析发现:在过去的10 a里,中国的植被覆盖度明显增加,植被活动在增强。植被覆盖的年变化和季节变化特征如下:(1)10 a来植被覆盖地区的面积呈增加趋势,植被稀少地区的面积呈减少趋势;(2)无论是植被覆盖区还是全国平均,单位面积EVI年平均值都呈增加趋势;(3)在生长季节(夏季、春季)植被活动增加更明显,EVI增加速率按季节排列如下:夏季春季秋季冬季。植被覆盖的空间变化特征显示,尽管总体上中国植被覆盖呈增加趋势,但存在空间异质性。结合同期的温度、降水和森林资源清查数据,从两个方面初步解释了植被覆盖度增加的原因,即:温度的上升和春季降水量的增加;近年来中国开展的大型林业生态建设工程。  相似文献   
以塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘沙漠-绿洲过渡带广泛分布的柽柳灌丛沙堆及丘间地植物为原型,依据风沙运动相似理论,制作背景植被盖度依次为0%、4%、10%、16%和26%五组灌丛沙堆模型,在风洞中进行蚀积变化规律模拟实验。结果表明:柽柳灌丛沙堆及丘间地蚀积分布可划分为6个区域,依次为沙堆前积沙区、沙堆迎风坡风蚀区、沙堆两侧风蚀区、沙堆背风侧涡流积沙区、沙堆后尾流积沙区和不受沙堆影响区。随着指示风速增大,沙堆前积沙区和尾流积沙区范围缩小而沙堆两侧风蚀区面积明显增大。随着背景植被盖度的增大,沙堆前积沙区和尾流积沙区范围增大而沙堆两侧风蚀区范围明显减小。灌丛沙堆及丘间地整体风蚀面积比、风蚀率、各分区蚀积强度均呈指数规律递减。背景植被盖度为0%时,灌丛沙堆影响区风蚀率明显高于不受沙堆影响区,说明裸露地表条件下灌丛沙堆的存在会加剧地表风蚀;当背景植被盖度为4%~16%时,灌丛沙堆影响区风蚀率均低于不受沙堆影响区,可见丘间地植被存在可使灌丛沙堆起到一定的防风阻沙作用。当背景植被盖度>16%时,柽柳灌丛沙堆及丘间地整体蚀积强度和风蚀率变化趋于平稳。据此认为维持不低于16%的背景植被覆盖,是沙漠-绿洲过渡带柽柳灌丛沙堆科学保育的关键。  相似文献   
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