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白利雅盆地位于青藏高原东部,鲜水河断裂带北西段炉霍活断层与达曲活断层的斜接部位。通过野外实际考查,结合Google Earth地图发现白利雅盆地发育一系列的构造地貌:断层三角面、坡中槽、断错阶地、废弃河道、裂陷湖和阶地面变形。盆地发育的4级阶地是构造成因。废弃河道是新的断裂活动形成的新冲沟、新河道——达曲,其快速下切,废弃老河道,形成狭长的‘U’型沟谷。鲜水河断裂的北西段炉霍活断层切过T3河流阶地,说明其(白利雅以北)是在大约14.92kaB.P.以后形成的,可能预示着构造应力场的变化和白利雅盆地形成。对盆地4级阶地(T1,T2,T3和T4)的河流沉积物光释光(OSL)测年结果分别是 1.06±0.06kaB.P.,1.83±0.06kaB.P.,14.92±0.76kaB.P.和 42.48±2.35kaB.P.,代表了相应阶地的沉积年龄。这些结果与阶地前缘陡坎断错的距离计算显示,从42.48kaB.P.和14.92kaB.P.以来,断层走向平均移动速率分别为3.73mm/a和0.85mm/a,显示从中更新世晚期以来,鲜水河断裂带炉霍活断层水平滑移有减慢的趋势。在42.48~14.92kaB.P.,14.92~1.83kaB.P.和1.83~1.06kaB.P.,相邻阶地垂向隆升或河流下切的速率分别为0.14mm/a(T4~T3),4.66mm/a(T3~T2)和5.19mm/a(T2~T1),显示从中更新世晚期以来,阶地垂直隆升或河流下切有加快的趋势。  相似文献   
Climate in mainland China can be divided into the monsoon region in the southeast and the westerly region in the northwest as well as the intercross zone, i.e., the monsoon northernmost marginal active zone that is oriented from Southwest China to the upper Yellow River, North China, and Northeast China. In the three regions, dry-wet climate changes are directly linked to the interaction of the southerly monsoon flow on the east side of the Tibetan Plateau and the westerly flow on the north side of the Plateau from the inter-annual to inter-decadal timescales. Some basic features of climate variability in the three regions for the last half century and the historical hundreds of years are reviewed in this paper. In the last half century, an increasing trend of summer precipitation associated with the enhancing westerly flow is found in the westerly region from Xinjiang to northern parts of North China and Northeast China. On the other hand, an increasing trend of summer precipitation along the Yangtze River and a decreasing trend of summer precipitation along the monsoon northernmost marginal active zone are associated with the weakening monsoon flow in East Asia. Historical documents are widely distributed in the monsoon region for hundreds of years and natural climate proxies are constructed in the non-monsoon region, while two types of climate proxies can be commonly found over the monsoon northernmost marginal active zone. In the monsoon region, dry-wet variation centers are altered among North China, the lower Yangtze River, and South China from one century to another. Dry or wet anomalies are firstly observed along the monsoon northernmost marginal active zone and shifted southward or southeastward to the Yangtze River valley and South China in about a 70-year timescale. Severe drought events are experienced along the monsoon northernmost marginal active zone during the last 5 centuries. Inter-decadal dry-wet variations are depicted by natural proxies for the last 4--5 centuries in several areas over the non-monsoon region. Some questions, such as the impact of global warming on dry-wet regime changes in China, complex interactions between the monsoon and westerly flows in Northeast China, and the integrated multi-proxy analysis throughout all of China, are proposed.  相似文献   
通过研究1992、1997、2006年的测深资料,对比分析了横切老龙沟深槽口门处的地形横剖面和大致沿老龙沟深槽轴线的地形纵剖面,可知在此期间深槽内的水深有变浅和淤积的趋势。总体看来,老龙沟深槽的淤积厚度在0.61~4.8 m之间,并且老龙沟深槽轴线也有自东向西迁移的趋势。自2004年曹妃甸填海工程的通岛公路阻断浅滩潮道后,使老龙沟深槽内的潮流流量和流速减小,是引起老龙沟深槽内的水深变浅和淤积的主要原因。淤积可能主要发生在通岛公路阻断浅滩潮道后的初期即2004-2006年期间。该研究结果也证实了我们阻断浅滩潮道会引起老龙沟深槽淤积的推断。  相似文献   
2020年7月西北太平洋和南海出现了史无前例的“空台”事件。利用NCEP再分析数据集、中国气象局(CMA)台风最佳路径等资料研究了此次“空台”现象的大尺度环流背景及动力和热力学特征。使用台风潜在生成指数(DGPI)分析发现2020年7月大尺度环流背景不利于台风生成,环流系统的异常通过影响对流层垂直风切变和垂直运动限制了台风的活动。2020年7月马斯克林高压较常年明显偏西偏弱,导致索马里急流强度减弱,越赤道气流不活跃,菲律宾以东洋面和南海海域盛行一致的偏东气流,历史同期活跃在该区域的季风槽无法建立,从而不利于热带扰动的生成。北半球极涡主体偏向西半球一侧,影响东半球冷空气势力较弱,副热带高压位置偏西;南亚高压较历史同期偏强且偏东,其东侧强盛的偏东气流将洋中槽截断,在西北太平洋区域出现反气旋性环流,该区域下沉气流增强,导致副热带高压强度增强,对流层中层强烈的下沉气流抑制了台风的生成和发展。此外,受中高层环流系统异常的影响,7月菲律宾吕宋岛以东洋面和南海地区环境垂直风切变较常年偏高2~4 m/s,南海部分海域偏高达4~8 m/s,同时该区域内异常偏强的下沉气流导致对流层低层相对湿度偏低,大气层...  相似文献   
This study deals with a unusual cooling event after Typhoon Mujigea passed over the northern South China Sea(SCS) in October 2015. We analyze the satellite sea surface temperature(SST) time series from October 3 to 18,2015 and find that the cooling process in the coastal ocean had two different stages. The first stage occurred immediately after typhoon passage on October 3, and reached a maximum SST drop of –2℃ on October 7 as the usual cold wake after typhoon. The second stage or the unusual extended cooling event occurred after 7d of the typhoon passage, and lasted for 5d from October 10 to 15. The maximum SST cooling was –4℃ and occurred after 12d of typhoon passage. The mechanism analysis results indicate that after landing and moving northwestward to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(YGP), Typhoon Mujigea(2015) met the westerly wind front on October 5. The lowpressure and positive-vorticity disturbances to the front triggered meridional air flow and low-pressure trough,thus induced a katabatic cold jet downward from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP) passing through the YGP to the northwestern SCS. The second cooling reached the maximum SST drop 4d later after the maximum air temperature drop of –9℃ on October 11. The simultaneous air temperature and SST observations at three coastal stations reveal that it is this katabatic cold jet intrusion to lead the unusual SST cooling event.  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料和国家气象信息中心提供的753站逐日气温和降水资料,对比分析了我国南方西南和中东部区域两次持续10 d以上的低温雨雪过程,结果表明:(1)两次过程中欧亚大陆中高纬东亚大槽均加深,但环流形势有差异。西南过程呈现"北高南低"形势,关键脊区在贝加尔湖,而中东部区域过程"北高南低"和"西高东低"形势共存,关键脊区从乌拉尔山延伸至贝加尔湖。两次过程异常的环流与北大西洋向东传播的波列有关。(2)西南过程关键脊区提前过程3 d发展并东移至贝加尔湖,形成稳定形势;而中东部区域过程关键脊区提前过程一周发展,在开始日达最强。两次过程均伴随蒙古高压东移南压使地面降温,500 hPa关键脊区超前蒙古高压2 d变化。西南过程降温主要受到冷平流和绝热冷却影响,而中东部区域过程主要受到冷平流的影响。(3)西南过程水汽来自孟加拉湾,只受南支槽支配。中东部区域过程水汽来自孟加拉湾、南海和西太平洋,由南支槽和西太平副热带高压的共同影响。两次过程水汽正收支主要来自南边界。  相似文献   
东海冲绳海槽陆坡天然气水合物的地震学研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对东海973 航次在冲绳海槽取得的多道地震数据进行有针对性的特殊处理,形成一套针对天然气水合物地震学研究行之有效的处理思路,提高速度分析的精度和分辨能力,压制浅层多次波,资料在保持一定信噪比的基础上尽可能的提高分辨率,相对振幅处理以及用于AVO分析的预处理等.在此基础上对天然气水合物进行识别和预测,我们发现在冲绳海槽南部西侧槽坡附近以及海槽内部发育有一系列泥底辟构造,在这些底辟构造的顶部明显存在与天然气水合物赋存相关的地球物理特征,如似海底反射层(BSR)、与海底反射同相轴极性相反,BSR上方的振幅空白区以及BSR上下的速度异常.从该区域的地质背景资料分析,冲绳海槽不仅具有很高的沉积速率并且海槽西侧的断层活跃,提供了富含有机质的物源以及用于天然气运移的通道,有利于天然气水合物的形成.  相似文献   
辽东湾北部地区走滑构造特征与油气富集规律   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
辽东湾北部地区右行走滑构造特征较为典型,主要表现为:沿走滑断裂带发育雁行式伸展断裂;剖面上发育花状构造;走滑断裂沿走向呈“S”型或反“S”型波状弯曲;沿走滑断裂带断槽与断鼻构造相间分布。分析认为,渐新世晚期,辽东湾北部地区南北向拉张、东西向挤压的区域应力场控制了右行走滑构造的形成,断槽与断鼻构造相间分布是由于沿走滑断裂带局部应力场性质发生改变所致。右行走滑断裂的“S”型弯曲部位为增压弯部位,走滑断裂两侧断块在此汇聚,地层因应力集中而形成断鼻构造;右行走滑断裂的反“S”型弯曲部位为释拉张部位,走滑断裂两侧断块在此离散,地层因拉张而发生断陷形成断槽。受走滑构造所控制,油气沿走滑断层自断槽向断鼻方向运移、聚集而成藏。研究走滑构造发育特征,对于预测圈闭分布以和研究油气富集规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   
东海西湖凹陷第三系反转构造及其对油气聚集的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
东海西湖第三纪凹陷经历了早期裂陷和晚期挤压的构造作用,形成了现今规模宏大的反转构造。反转构造是先存的张性断裂后期受到挤压逆冲反转而形成的一种挤压构造与拉伸构造在垂向上叠加的复合构造。按反转强度的差异,本区的反转构造可划分为简单断展型和穿透断展型2种基本类型;按反转构造的几何样式,又可分为简单后冲反转、复合“Y”字型反转、“火”字型反转和花状反转等。凹陷内发育有东缘、中部、西斜坡边缘等3个反转构造带。沿中央凹陷带的反转作用最强,东缘次之,西斜坡边缘最弱。  相似文献   
The characteristics of the response of equatorial Pacific upper ocean current to westerly wind bursts(WWB)were analyzed in the frequency domain by using wind and ADCP data collected by the Shiyan3 during TOGA-COARE IOP,1992-1993.The preliminary results showed that the response consistedof an eastward surface jet at shallower than 60m depth,a westward counter current centering near100m and a shear layer between them,with the variations of all three being nonlinear and nearlysynchronous.The oceanic responses in the frequency domain were characterized by occurrences of a remotely forced mixed Rossby-gravity wave with period of 8-10 days in the surface jet andcountercurrent at shallower than 110 m depth,and two locally forced waves with periods of 24 daysand 4-5 days limited in shallower than 70m depth.These fluctuations of the responses depended much more on zonal wind than meridional wind.The results also revealed that the oceanic response toWWB resulted from momentum transport and energy propagation assoc  相似文献   
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