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贵州是我国碘缺乏病严重地区之一,特别是黔西南地区。本根据含碘量的调查,编制了贵州露头地层、地表土壤和地表水中含碘量分布图,并与地甲病患病率分布图进行对比研究。研究表明,地甲病患病率与露头地层中碘含量关系不明显,地表土壤中碘含量与地甲病患病率有一定关系,而地表水中碘含量与地甲病患病率关系较为密切,地表水中含碘量高的地区,地甲病患病率就低,反之则地甲病患病率高。  相似文献   
This study presents the evolution of agreements between the governments of Canadaand Québec on flood damage reduction. In Québec, the implementation of a regulation about building in floodplains came about in 1983–1984. Today, this regulation takes the form of a policy called ``Policy of shores, littoral and floodplain protection'. Municipalities must adopt rules that concur with the principles of this policy.The Chaudiére River basin was selected for analysis of urban developmentduring the period following the application of building rules in flood-risk areas.Despite the ban on building in the strong current zone (0–20 year return periodflood zone), many buildings, essentially residential, have been erected in thiszone. These new constructions generally account for a low percentage of thetotal property value in the 0–100 year flooding area, but are legal since theyare connected to a water and sewage network that existed prior to the officialfloodplain regulation.Flood damage along the Chaudiére River will tend to increase for two reasons.Firstly, while respecting the policy mentioned above, sites are still available infloodplains for future development. Secondly, no structural flood protection workshave been erected in view of the fact they are only marginally profitable from anbenefit-cost point of view.  相似文献   
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of single crystals of biotite, muscovite and chlorite has been measured in order to provide accurate values of the magnetic anisotropy properties for these common rock-forming minerals. The low-field AMS and the high-field paramagnetic susceptibility are defined. For the high-field values, it is necessary to combine the paramagnetic deviatoric tensor obtained from the high-field torque magnetometer with the paramagnetic bulk susceptibility measured from magnetization curves of the crystals. This leads to the full paramagnetic susceptibility ellipsoid due to the anisotropic distribution of iron cations in the silicate lattice. The ellipsoid of paramagnetic susceptibility, which was obtained for the three phyllosilicates, is highly oblate in shape and the minimum susceptibility direction is subparallel to the crystallographic c-axes. The anisotropy of the susceptibility within the basal plane of the biotite has been evaluated and found to be isotropic within the accuracy of the instrumental measurements. The degree of anisotropy of biotite and chlorite is compatible with previously reported values while for muscovite the smaller than previously published values. The shape of the chlorite AMS ellipsoid for all the samples is near-perfect oblate in contrast with a wide distribution of oblate and prolate values reported in earlier studies. Reliable values are important for deriving models of the magnetic anisotropy where it reflects mineral fabrics and deformation of rocks.  相似文献   
With the development of computer graphics, the three-dimensional (3D) visualization brings new technological revolution to the traditional cartography. Therefore, the topographic 3D-map emerges to adapt to this technological revolution, and the applications of topographic 3D-map are spread rapidly to other relevant fields due to its incomparable advantage. The researches on digital map and the construction of map database offer strong technical support and abundant data source for this new technology, so the research and development of topographic 3D-map will receive greater concern. The basic data of the topographic 3D-map are rooted mainly in digital map and its basic model is derived from digital elevation model (DEM) and 3D-models of other DEM-based geographic features. In view of the potential enormous data and the complexity of geographic features, the dynamic representation of geographic information becomes the focus of the research of topographic 3D-map and also the prerequisite condition of 3D query and analysis. In addition to the equipment of hardware that are restraining, to a certain extent, the 3D representation, the data organization structure of geographic information will be the core problem of research on 3D-map. Level of detail (LOD). space partitioning, dynamic object loading (DOL) and object culling are core technologies of the dynamic 3D representation. The objectselection, attribute-query and model-editing are important functions and interaction tools for users with 3D-maps provided by topographic 3D-map system, all of which are based on the data structure of the 3D-model. This paper discusses the basic theories, concepts and cardinal principles of topographic 3I)-map,expounds the basic way to organize the scene hierarchy of topographic 3D-map based on the node mechanism and studies the dynamic representation technologies of topographic 3D-map based on LOD, space partitioning, DOL and object culling. Moreover. such interactive operation functions are explored, in this paper, as spatial query, scene editing and management of topographic 3D-map. Finally, this paper describes briefly the applications of topographic 3D-map in its related fields.  相似文献   
瑞雷面波在防渗墙无损检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
瑞雷面波均匀介质理论和弹性层状介质中的频散理论都是在半无限弹性空间基础上进行的,本文通过理论分析将瑞雷面波引申在水平方向宽度有限的墙状介质中应用,结合室内实验和防渗墙施工问题,得出一套完整的无损检测技术,用以控制防渗墙施工质量。  相似文献   
路用探地雷达的应用技术研究进展   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
有效、无损、快捷、简便是公路检测技术发展的方向,当前国内外先进的浅层勘探技术——路用探地雷达检测,以其无损、快捷以及浅层高分辨率的优势被迅速应用于公路检测。本文对近年来路用探地雷达技术的发展及应用情况进行了介绍,详细分析了探地雷达的工作原理、系统组成结构。就探地雷达在公路建设、维护过程中的应用情况进行了系统总结。  相似文献   
Helmholtz算子逆的多方向分裂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Fourier有限差分(FFD)方法是一个重要的波场深度延拓方法,它需要用到包括Taylor展开、连分式晨开、迭代展开等一系列数学展开,将FFD方法从二维推广到三维时,需要解决二维Helmholtz算子的求逆问题。本文利用多方向分裂方法导出了二维Helmholtz算子逆的近似公式,可以应用于三维波场深度延拓问题的研究。  相似文献   
关于地理信息系统学科的理论基础与体系框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地理信息系统已成为一门独立的学科,关于它的理论基础与体系框架应该是一个值得研究的问题。从地理信息系统的本质看,它是传输地理环境信息的现代化工具,“空间认知”与“地理系统”作为地理信息系统的认识论和方法论,是地理信息系统的理论基础;地理信息系统理论、技术与应用构成了它的体系框架。  相似文献   
详细地介绍了时分制视频立体观察的原理及其在摄影测量领域的具体应用,同时对“基于微机的数字视频立体测图系统”从原理到实践做了初步探讨。  相似文献   
POLDER(地球反射极化和方向)仪器在BOREAS实验中曾搭载NASA的一架C130飞机飞行。在BOREAS的南部地区,POLDER获取了各种实验场地上的BRDF测量值。森林覆盖地区的大的热点特征,以及十个地区上的镜面反射分量得到了描述。该文通过POLDER的测量数据,对向常规的光谱特征中加入通过遥感获得的方向性特征后,对各种森林覆盖的分类和区分能力的提高给出了定量化的解。当将方向信息加入常规光谱信息后,采用无监督分类时,类间耦合矩阵的各项显著减小(减小倍数为2-5倍)。这一事实证明了用遥感方向特征可以增强对BOREAL森林覆盖的区分能力。  相似文献   
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