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为研究汉中盆地地下水的水化学特征及成因,在丰水期共采集56件潜水样品,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs模型和离子比等方法,分析了汉中盆地地下水的水文地球化学特征、各化学参数的空间变化规律、主要离子的控制因素及来源。结果表明,汉中盆地地下水阳离子以Ca2+为主,阴离子以HCO3–为主。从离子空间变化规律上来看, K+波动最为剧烈,且从中下游开始逐渐降低,Cl−和Na+变化规律一致,呈波动变化;HCO3−、Ca2+、Mg2+以及SO42−的从中上游至中下游含量逐步降低,至下游含量增加;TDS值为128.5~590 mg/L,平均值为282.67 mg/L,在中下游含量明显增加;pH平均值为7.17,为弱碱性,在中上游波动剧烈,至下游逐渐降低。地下水水化学类型以HCO3–Ca和HCO3–Ca·Mg型为主,受碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩的溶解共同控制,阳离子交替吸附作用较弱,Na+和K+主要来源于钾长石、钠长石等硅铝酸盐矿物的溶解和部分盐岩的风化溶解,Ca2+除来自碳酸盐岩的溶解外,还有大量硅酸盐岩的溶解;方解石及少量白云石等碳酸盐岩的风化溶解对Mg2+和HCO3−贡献较大。查明汉中盆地地下水水化学特征及成因机制,可为汉中地区地下水饮水安全提供有力科学依据。  相似文献   
丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝状洞穴以其精致的形貌和众说纷纭的成因吸引着科研人员和普通大众的兴趣。丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴主要产于晚白垩世丹霞组二段(锦石岩段)风成砂岩的崖壁上。本文以园区长老峰锦石岩寺和睡美人禄意堂两处蜂窝状洞穴为研究对象,通过野外实地调查,了解洞穴生长环境,定量统计分析其形态特征,并采集砂岩样品进行显微镜下观察,探讨洞穴形成与盐风化作用的关系。研究表明:蜂窝状洞穴所在的岩性主要为中—细粒长石岩屑砂岩,发育大型高角度交错层理,渗透性较好;洞穴开口均向下朝向锦江,有利于来自锦江河流的湿润水汽较长时间地保持在小洞内部;洞穴开口基本服从泰森多边形分布。因此,碎屑颗粒相对比较均匀的风成砂岩为丹霞山蜂窝状洞穴的发育提供了重要的岩石基础,锦江河流为盐风化提供了必要的湿润水汽和盐分。在初始发育阶段,从岩壁上最适合盐风化作用的若干个点开始形成细小的坑洼,逐步向同层位扩张。单个小洞穴由于盐风化作用,洞穴内部风化速率大于洞穴开口边缘,导致蜂窝状洞穴内部空间扩大较快。然后,蜂窝状洞穴的发育突破纹层的限制,逐步加大、变深而呈泰森多边形规则分布。最终,随着洞穴加深,在重力、风力的影响下,蜂窝状洞穴隔壁减薄失稳,洞穴消亡。  相似文献   
邹万鹏 《吉林地质》2012,31(2):91-94
用NITON矿石元素分析仪测定圈定镍矿体地表出露边界,能基本查明矿体数量、规模、成矿规律、成矿地质条件,达到了快速评价矿床,能取得较好的找矿成果。  相似文献   
长江流域河水和悬浮物的锂同位素地球化学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
深入理解流域侵蚀过程中的锂同位素分馏对于运用锂同位素来示踪化学循环和气候变化是十分必要的。研究集中在长江干流和主要支流的水体和悬浮物的锂及锂同位素组成。长江流域水体的锂及锂同位素组成(δ7Li)分别为150~4 570 nmol/L和+7.6‰~+28.1‰,两者沿上游至下游的变化趋势相反。悬浮物锂同位素组成(δ7Li)变化比较稳定,分别为41~92 μg/g和-4.7‰~+0.7‰,而且总是低于相应水体的锂同位素组成。悬浮物和流体之间的锂同位素分馏系数在0.977和0.992之间,与悬浮物的量及组成存在明显相关性,反映了粘土矿物的吸附和化学风化的程度。锂含量与锂同位素组成之间良好的负相关性表明流域水体的锂来自2个端元混合:其一可能是蒸发盐岩,并伴有深部热泉水;其二可能是硅酸岩。  相似文献   
Rivers, chemical weathering and Earth's climate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We detail the results of recent studies describing and quantifying the large-scale chemical weathering of the main types of continental silicate rocks: granites and basalts. These studies aim at establishing chemical weathering laws for these two lithologies, describing the dependence of chemical weathering on environmental parameters, such as climate and mechanical erosion. As shown within this contribution, such mathematical laws are of primary importance for numerical models calculating the evolution of the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 and the Earth climate at geological timescales. The major results can be summarized as follow: (1) weathering of continental basaltic lithologies accounts for about 30% of the total consumption of atmospheric CO2 through weathering of continental silicate rocks. This is related to their high weatherability (about eight times greater than the granite weatherability); (2) a simple weathering law has been established for basaltic lithologies, giving the consumption of atmospheric CO2 as a function of regional continental runoff, and mean annual regional temperature; (3) no such simple weathering law can be proposed for granitic lithologies, since the effect of temperature can only be identified for regions displaying high continental runoff; (4) a general law relating mechanical erosion and chemical weathering has been validated on small and large catchments. The consequences of these major advances on the climatic evolution of the Earth are discussed. Particularly, the impacts of the onset of the Deccan trapps and the Himalayan orogeny on the global carbon cycle are reinvestigated. To cite this article: B. Dupré et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
对两种原油进行混合配比实验,将混合后油样置于人工气候箱进行风化模拟实验,采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测风化样品中的生物标志化合物,短期风化作用对混合溢油的油指纹、生物标志化合物诊断指标等的影响。结果表明,混合溢油的正构烷烃总质量变化与单一原油油品的变化规律相近,即前期风化较快,质量减损较多,而后期风化趋缓,不同混合比例的溢油表现差异不明显。常用于短期风化的诊断比值对各混合油样的风化具有指示意义,但难以定性鉴别油品是否发生混合。重复性限法检验只能判定短期风化过程前后的油样为同一油源,而难以反映油样是否为混合油源的特征,各诊断比值的RSD%值较大可能是混合溢油的一个表现。  相似文献   
The way in which rocks and engineering materials heat‐up and dry‐out in the intertidal zone is of relevance to both weathering and ecology. These behaviours can be measured in the laboratory under controlled conditions designed to replicate those occurring in the field. Previous studies have demonstrated differences in thermal behaviours between rock types and through time as a result of soiling in terrestrial environments, but the influence of weathering and colonization on rock behaviours in the intertidal zone has not been previously assessed. We measured the warming and drying of blocks of rock (limestone and granite) and marine concrete during ‘low‐tide’ events simulated in the laboratory, before and after a period of exposure (eight months) on rock platforms in Cornwall, UK. As well as differences between the material types, temperatures of control (unexposed) and field‐exposed blocks differed in the order of 1 to 2 °C. Drying behaviours were also different after field exposure. Differences during the first few hours of exposure to air and heat were attributed to discolouration and albedo effects. Over longer periods of time, changes in the availability of near‐surface pore water as a result of micro‐scale bioerosion of limestone and the development of bio‐chemical crusts on marine concrete [observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)] are suggested as mechanisms enhancing and reducing, respectively, the efficiency of evaporative cooling. The retention of moisture by epilithic biofilms may also influence thermal and drying behaviours of granite. These observations represent one of the first examples of cross‐scalar biogeomorphic linkages in the intertidal zone. The significance of the results for the subsequent efficiency of weathering, and near‐surface micro‐climatic conditions experienced by colonizing organisms is discussed. The involvement of microorganisms in the creation of more (or less) ecologically stressful conditions through the alteration of substratum geomorphic properties and behaviours is suggested as an example of ‘biogeomorphic ecosystem engineering’. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对火山岩风化壳地层型油气藏强非均质性,评价预测难度大,勘探成功率低等难题,本文采用重磁电剥层处理、沿层延拓信号增强反演方法有效顶测区域火山岩分布;建立风化淋滤剥蚀后不同岩石组合的不完整火山机构和形态识别模式,利用相干体和振幅分析等方法有效识别火山岩目标;在建立单次火山喷发岩石序列及储层分布模式基础上,开发了基于次生溶...  相似文献   
Lateritic weathering profiles (LWPs) are widespread in the tropics and comprise an important component of the Critical Zone (CZ). The Hawaiian Islands make an excellent natural laboratory for examining the tropical CZ, where the bedrock composition (basalt) is nearly uniform and rainfall varies greatly. This natural laboratory is employed to assess the utility of the HVSR (horizontal/vertical spectral ratio) method to characterize the shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure of LWPs, particularly the depth to the contact between saprolite and basalt bedrock. LWP thicknesses determined from HVSR provide good agreement with multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) profiles, well logs and outcrop. LWP thicknesses may be estimated from the fundamental mode equation or through forward models. Prior knowledge about the subsurface from well, outcrop, and MASW profiles may greatly aid modeling in some cases. For the 3.2 to 1.8 Ma Koolau Volcano on Oahu, the downward rate of advance of the weathering front varies from 0.004 to 0.041 m/ka. For the 0.44 to 0.10 Ma Kohala Volcano (Big Island of Hawaii) rates vary from 0.013 to 0.047 m/ka. Simple H/V spectra develop in areas where the combined effects of time and elevated rainfall produce thick LWPs with a flat base and a general absence of core stones with an ideal layered geometry. Abundant buried core stones violate the assumption of simple layered geometries and scatter acoustic energy, leading to uninterpretable results. This is common where low rainfall and a young basaltic substrate leave abundant core stones as well as an undulating contact between saprolite and bedrock. Velocity inversions (high Vs intervals within low Vs saprolite) may also be present and originate from relatively intact bedrock horizons or mineralogical changes within saprolite. At Kohala, a gibbsite-rich horizon produces such a velocity inversion due to enhanced weathering and subsequent collapse of saprolite in a discrete horizon. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张传福 《湖南地质》1996,15(2):85-88
湘南地区风化壳型稀土资源丰富,对其开发的采、选工艺和流程简单,投入资金较少,产出颇丰、经济、社会效益明显,是湘南盆困山区脱贫致富的重要途径。本文就开发湘南稀土矿的成本、效益等进行了初步测算,可供参考。  相似文献   
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