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根据生态系统服务功能理论,利用RS和G IS技术,以土壤含水量为基础因子,对青藏高原区草地生态系统的土壤水分保持功能及其价值的动态变化过程进行有效评价,以直接的货币形式反映出青藏高原主要草地类型的土壤水分保持功能的大小。通过计算和分析发现:(1)由于草地类型分布面积、单位面积保持量的影响,各种类型草地提供的土壤水分保持功能及其价值贡献率有较大差异,按照大小依次为:高寒草原类、高寒草甸类,高寒荒漠类、高寒草甸草原类和温性山地草甸类;(2)草地对土壤水分保持量及其价值呈现出较强的阶段性变化过程;(3)由于各种草地类型所处地理区域不同、草地本身各种自然特点和整体生态功能的不同,青藏高原草地生态系统提供的土壤水分保持功能及其经济价值呈现出明显的地域分布规律:自西北至东南逐渐降低。应该说,由于青藏高原地域、地理和独特气候等原因所致,本文计算得出的青藏高原草地生态系统土壤水分保持功能及其价值的具体数值不一定十分准确,但是能在一定程度上反映出土壤水分保持功能的强大及其在生长季中随时间变化的动态过程和基本规律(这种规律性结论与前人研究结论一致),这是一种在区域尺度上揭示草地生态系统土壤水分保持功能及其价值动态变化过程的方法尝试,这也是对动态评估生态服务功能的一种有益尝试。  相似文献   
胶东半岛位于欧亚板块与太平洋板块边缘内侧 ,是地壳长期稳定缓慢隆起地段 ,区内地质构造发育 ,大部分温泉出露在背斜核部 ,NE、NNE向与NW、NNW向断裂交汇处。地热系统属中低温深循环对流型 ,略为偏高的大地热流是其主要热源 ,地表水是地下热水的补给水源 ,地下水通过发育在花岗岩和变质岩中的断层或断裂破碎带 ,下渗和深循环对流 ,在径流过程中不断吸取围岩热量成为热水 ,沿断裂上升过程中 ,与地下浅部裂隙水混合而成为化学成分各异 ,温度高低不等的温泉水  相似文献   
于丹丹  徐成华  骆祖江  顾问  周玲玲 《地质通报》2023,42(11):2006-2013
南京汤泉地区地下热水资源丰富,阐明其补给来源及成因模式,对于地下热水的科学开发意义重大。采用水化学及同位素地球化学分析方法对其进行了系统研究。结果表明,研究区地下热水与浅层冷水水化学组成差异明显,热储温度为63~75℃,循环深度为1.8~2.3 km。大气降水入渗是地下热水的补给来源,补给高程范围为321~539 m;循环周期为2046~6474 a;地下热水上涌过程中会混入比例为4%~26%的浅部岩溶冷水。经分析,该地热系统成因上属于中低温对流型,补给区主要为老山复背斜构造内的碳酸盐岩裸露区,依靠区域大地热流供热,热储层主要为上震旦统白云岩,盖层为寒武系、白垩系及第四系,地下热水经深循环沿NEE向与NW向断裂交会通道向上运移,并与浅部冷水发生混合,形成本区的地热异常。  相似文献   
The paper presents the prediction of total energy production and consumption in all provinces and autonomous regions as well as determination of the variation of gravity center of the energy production, consumption and total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue of China via the energy and environmental quality data from 1978 to 2009 in China by use of GM(1,1) model and gravity center model, based on which the paper also analyzes the dynamic variation in regional difference in energy production, consumption and environmental quality and their relationship. The results are shown as follows. 1) The gravity center of energy production is gradually moving southwestward and the entire movement track approxi-mates to linear variation, indicating that the difference of energy production between the east and west, south and north is narrowing to a certain extent, with the difference between the east and the west narrowing faster than that between the south and the north. 2) The gravity center of energy consumption is moving southwestward with perceptible fluctuation, of which the gravity center position from 2000 to 2005 was relatively stable, with slight annual position variation, indicating that the growth rates of all provinces and autonomous regions are basically the same. 3) The gravity center of the total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue is characterized by fluctuation in longitude and latitude to a certain degree. But, it shows a southwestward trend on the whole. 4) There are common ground and discrepancy in the variation track of the gravity center of the energy production & consumption of China, and the comparative analysis of the gravity center of them and that of total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue shows that the environmental quality level is closely associated with the energy production and consumption (especially the energy consumption), indicating that the environment cost in economy of energy is higher in China.  相似文献   
利用2003~2010年吉林省春季土壤含水率数据及相关数据,采用常规统计方法、地统计学方法和基于地理信息系统的空间分析方法,讨论吉林省春季土壤水分分布特征,并对其影响因素进行初步分析。结果表明,吉林省春季0~30 cm土壤平均含水率总体上呈由西向东逐渐增加的趋势,空间差异性显著,其中10 cm深度土壤含水率空间差异最大;土壤层之间的距离越近,土壤含水率的相关性越好,东部10 cm深度与其他层次土壤含水率的相关性好于中西部,中部相比东部和西部而言,各层次之间土壤含水率相关性最差。研究还发现,田间持水量和降水量是影响吉林省土壤含水率分布的主要因素,受土壤、气候等自然要素的空间异质性影响,田间持水量对中部和东部的土壤含水率影响更大,而降水对中部和西部的土壤含水率影响更大。  相似文献   
分析黄河流域交通供给水平特征及其与经济社会发展的空间适配性,对交通资源优化配置、提升交通供需适配性具有重要参考。论文基于黄河流域现状综合交通运输与经济社会基础数据,分析了黄河流域县域交通优势度分异特征,并探讨了交通与县域发展质量的空间适配性。结果表明:黄河流域县域交通优势度有待提升,在人口与GDP方面呈现一定错配特征;高优势度县域集中分布在济南—郑州—西安—兰州通道沿线。黄河流域交通供给均衡性水平高于经济社会差异;样带交通优势度呈现陇海—兰新“一”字型样带>“几”字湾样带>南北纵向“1”字型样带的分布态势,固定资产投资、产业结构、城镇化、经济基础是影响黄河流域县域交通优势度的主要因素。“几”字湾样带和南北纵向“1”字型样带还受到高程、坡度等自然因素的制约;流域40.05%的县域处于初级适配状态,38.78%的县域为交通劣势型,集中在青藏高原、黄土高原沟壑区和内蒙古中西部地区,亟需提升交通设施对该类县域经济社会发展的支撑与保障能力。  相似文献   
Hyporheic zone(HZ) influences hydraulic and biogeochemical processes in and alongside streams, therefore, investigating the controlling geographic factors is beneficial for understanding the hydrological processes in HZ. Slack water pool (SWP) is an essential micro-topographic structure that has an impact on surface water and groundwater interactions in the HZ during and after high flows. However, only a few studies investigate HZ surface water and groundwater exchange in the SWP. This study used the thermal method to estimate the HZ water exchange in the SWP in a segment of the Weihe River in China during the winter season. The findings show that on the flow-direction parallel to the stream, river recharge dominates the HZ water exchange, while on the opposing flow-direction bank groundwater discharge dominates the water exchange. The water exchange in the opposing flow-direction bank is about 1.6 times of that in the flow-direction bank. The HZ water exchange is not only controlled by flow velocity but also the location and shape of the SWP. Great water exchange amount corresponds to the shape with more deformation. The maximum water exchange within the SWP is close to the river bank where the edge is relatively high. This study provides some guidelines for water resources management during flooding events.  相似文献   
1992-2015年中亚五国土地覆盖与蒸散发变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阮宏威  于静洁 《地理学报》2019,74(7):1292-1304
1991年苏联解体,中亚五国独立使得土地覆盖与蒸散发格局发生深刻变化。以中亚五国为研究区,采用欧空局气候变化项目(CCI)土地覆盖和全球陆地数据同化系统(GLDAS)蒸散发数据,分析1992-2015年土地覆盖与蒸散发时空变化特征,进一步研究耕地蒸散耗水特征。结果表明:① 中亚五国土地覆盖变化具有阶段性特征,耕地扩张引起土地覆盖格局变化。1992-2003年耕地快速增加(1.1万km 2/a),林地和草地大幅减少。2003-2015年耕地增速趋缓(0.3万km 2/a),林地和草地有一定恢复,裸地和水体持续减少,城镇用地持续增长。耕地共增加12.3万km 2,林地和草地分别减少4.0万km 2和2.3万km 2,且集中于哈萨克斯坦中北部。裸地减少3.5万km 2,集中于哈萨克斯坦西南部,水体减少3.1万km 2,集中在咸海湖泊。乌兹别克斯坦耕地减少、裸地增加,吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和土库曼斯坦土地覆盖变化幅度较小;② 中亚五国蒸散发变化与土地覆盖格局基本一致。蒸散发总体呈增加态势(6 mm/a),1992-2003年快速增加(11.3 mm/a),2003-2015年缓慢上升(2.4 mm/a)。中亚五国年蒸散发达到276.8 mm,东南部的吉尔吉斯斯坦(347.3 mm)和塔吉克斯坦(302.9 mm)最高,中北部的哈萨克斯坦(297.9 mm)次之,西南部的乌兹别克斯坦(211.0 mm)和土库曼斯坦(150.0 mm)最低;③ 中亚五国蒸散耗水结构受耕地面积大小的影响。中亚五国耕地蒸散耗水的贡献由24.7%增至27.9%,土库曼斯坦耕地蒸散耗水仅占本国的11%,其他国家均超过25%。草地、林地和裸地的蒸散耗水贡献降低,但哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦仍以草地和林地蒸散耗水为主(≥ 50%),土库曼斯坦(61.3%)和乌兹别克斯坦(46.4%)的裸地蒸散耗水占绝对优势。本文明确了中亚五国土地覆盖连续动态变化过程,细化各国土地覆盖与蒸散发特征及差异,增强对土地覆盖与蒸散发现状的认识,可为水土资源管理和生态环境保护提供数据参考。  相似文献   
The concept of age of water (AW) is applied to the Chesapeake Bay to investigate the long-term transport properties for dissolved substances. A real-time calibrated hydrodynamic Chesapeake Bay model in 3 Dimensions (CH3D), employing a boundary-fitted curvilinear grid, is used for the study. The long-term transport properties, represented by AW, are investigated under the conditions of low river inflow of 1995 and high river inflow of 1996, as well as for constant mean inflows. The influences of freshwater, density-induced circulation, and wind-induced transport on age distribution have been investigated. Model results show that river inflows, wind stress, and density-induced circulation play important roles in controlling the long-term transport in the Bay. The model results shows that it requires 120–300 days for a marked change in the characteristics of the pollutant source discharged into the Bay from the Susquehanna River to affect significantly the conditions near the mouth under different hydrodynamic conditions. An increase of river discharge results in increases of downstream residual current and gravitational circulation, and thus reduces AW. The density-induced circulation contributes to the transport substantially. The dissolved substances discharged into the Bay are transported out of the Bay more rapidly when the estuary becomes more stratified. Southeasterly and southwesterly winds have strong impacts on the transport compared to the northeasterly and northwesterly winds. The former increases lateral and vertical mixing significantly. Consequently, the gravitational circulation is reduced and the transport time is increased by 50%. The model results provide useful information for understanding the long-term transport processes in the Bay.  相似文献   
通过对近年来中国环境化学学科中的环境分析化学、土壤环境化学、水环境化学、大气环境化学和污染生态化学5个大方面研究现状的详细介绍和评述,分析了中国环境化学基础性研究的进展,归纳总结了中国环境化学中已取得的成果及相关的应用,同时通过对目前一些国际上较热门研究内容及研究方向的讨论,指出了中国环境化学学科发展中存在的问题和不足,并对部分相关前沿领域的研究提出了建议。  相似文献   
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