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Status of the Recent Declining of Arctic Sea Ice Studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the past 30 years, a large-scale change occurred in the Arctic climatic system, which had never been observed before 1980s. At the same time, the Arctic sea ice experienced a special evolution with more and more rapidly dramatic declining. In this circumstance, the Arctic sea ice became a new focus of the Arctic research. The recent advancements about abrupt change of the Arctic sea ice are reviewed in this paper .The previous analyses have demonstrated the accelerated declining trend of Arctic sea ice extent in the past 30 years, based on in-situ and satellite-based observations of atmosphere, as well as the results of global and regional climate simulations. Especially in summer, the rate of decrease for the ice extents was above 10% per decade. In present paper, the evolution characteristics of the arctic sea ice and its possible cause are discussed in three aspects, i.e. the sea ice physical properties, the interaction process of sea ice, ocean and atmosphere and its response and feedback mechanism to global and arctic climate system.  相似文献   
TheestuarineplainoftheJiulongRiver,whichisthesecondlargestrivernexttotheMinjiangRiverinFujianPrc)vince,intervenesbetweenXi~enandZhangzhoucitiesinthesouthoftheprovince.'I'heplainconsistsofthreeparts:thenorthernplain,thesouthernPlainandZiniIsles.Withsoutllcrn--Subtr<)picoceanicm(>nasexinclimate,itdevelol>saregionalvegetationtypeofeveTgreen13r(Jad--lcav(3dfores[,ofwhicll,however,mosthasbeendestroyedbyhumanbeing.Nowaday-s.shruborgrasslandvegetationcanbeseenonthehillsintheviciTlily'ofthisarea…  相似文献   


Abandoned channel belts, ponds and point bar deposits of palaeochannels in the interfluve regions of the central Ganga Plain suggest changes in the morphohydrologic conditions during the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene. Stratigraphy of these ponds comprises channel sand at the base overlain by shell-bearing clayey silt. The contact of the two facies marks the phase when channels converted into standing water bodies. Point bar deposits of some palaeochannels are overlain by oxidised aeolian sand, indicating that the channel abandonment possibly occurred due to the desiccation and aridity in the region.Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronometry of the pond sediments suggests that the deposition of the basal channel sand started before 13 ka and continued up to 8 ka. The ponds formed around 8–6 ka when the channel activity ceased. Evidence from the point bar deposits also indicates that the fluvial activity in the region ended sometime during 7–5 ka. This was followed by aeolian aggradation. The present study thus suggests that the hydrologic conditions in the Gangetic plains, i.e. initiation of channels and their abandonment, formation of microgeomorphologic features such as ponds and their eventual siltation, were controlled largely by climatic changes (i.e. monsoon changes) supported by tectonic activity. For the past 2 ka, increasing human and related agricultural activity has substantially accentuated the natural siltation rate of ponds.  相似文献   
山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁耦合机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过山区土地利用转型与小农经济变迁的耦合关系分析,可以揭示山区人地关系的变化过程和机理。随着工业化、城镇化的快速推进,山区农村人地关系发生深刻变化,小农经济变迁驱动土地利用转型,土地利用转型进一步促进小农经济变迁。在阐述土地利用转型及小农经济变迁内涵和特征基础上,结合实证探讨二者间的耦合机理,以期为乡村振兴战略的实施提供理论支撑和现实参考。研究表明:① 山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁相互影响,耦合演进。② 山区农村土地利用转型重点体现在农村宅基地、耕地及林地三类用地上。③ 中国小农经济已发生四次变迁,而山区小农经济变迁在第四次中表现较为明显,其阶段特征主要为农村人口向城镇迁移,土地流转频繁,土地规模经营趋势增强。④ 山区小农经济变迁引发耕地空间形态及功能转型,山区耕地转型进一步促进小农经济变迁。⑤ 山区小农经济变迁及农户生计策略非农化转变促使农户对宅基地结构及功能的需求发生变化;闲置废弃宅基地综合整治可显化农村土地资产价值,增加农民土地财产性收入,促进小农经济变迁。⑥ 通过云南省砚山县耕地利用转型案例剖析,验证了本文提出的山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁的耦合机理。  相似文献   
全球气候变化下南海诸岛保护优先区识别分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全球变化下,珊瑚礁保护区是保护生物多样性、增强珊瑚礁对气候变暖抵抗力的有效方式,而维持珊瑚礁弹性是其核心内容。针对珊瑚礁最具有威胁性的热压力因子,基于南海1982—2009年卫星观测海表面温度(SST)数据和CMIP5加拿大地球系统模式CanESM2模型预估的2006—2100年南海SST数据构建热压力强度模型,从维持珊瑚礁弹性的角度识别IPCC RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5情景下南海诸岛保护优先区。结果表明:RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5情景下13%左右的南海诸岛珊瑚礁识别为保护优先区。根据热压力强度与珊瑚抵抗力及避难所关系,西沙群岛七连屿和晋卿岛近年观测与未来预估的热压力强度均比较低,在保障其服务功能的基础上建议实施完全保护;东沙群岛东沙环礁和中沙环礁排洪滩近年观测急性热压力强度较高但未来预估热压力强度较低,建议实施50%禁止利用保护;中沙群岛黄岩岛近年观测和未来预估的急性热压力强度均比较低,建议实施50%多用途保护。南沙群岛有14%左右的珊瑚礁识别为保护优先区,根据其热压力强度可实施30%~100%禁止利用保护或30%~50%多用途保护。RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5情景下的南海诸岛保护优先区及保护对策,可为维持珊瑚礁生态弹性及应对全球气候变化提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
为了深入探讨珠江三角洲的沉积古环境和古气候历史,在三水市区获取了2个高取芯率的钻孔岩芯,进行了12个AMS 14C测年,并结合孢粉、硅藻等分析结果探讨三水地区全新世的海平面与河流水动力变化,以及古植被演替过程。结果表明:钻孔所在区域全新世沉积总体从9 000 cal. a B.P.左右开始,呈现河流相―河湾相―河口湾相―潮坪相―河口湾相―河漫滩相的演变过程。三水区的早全新世沉积阶段年代最早为9 000 cal. a B.P.左右,表现为河口湾相的淤泥质粉砂沉积,硅藻以淡水种类为主,最高沉积速率为1.6 cm/a。海侵初始时间为8 700 cal. a B.P.左右,最高海平面时间为7 600 cal. a B.P.左右,此时海岸带发育红树林,丘陵山地发育较茂盛的亚常绿热带常绿阔叶林;中―晚全新世阶段(6 500―2 200 cal. a B.P.),以泥炭粉砂沉积为主,沉积速率为0.2~0.5 cm/a,河口区高潮线附近及河流弯道低洼滩地在5 000 cal. a B.P.前后形成淡水沼泽、河口三角洲边缘区洼地水松林发育。在晚全新世(2 200 cal. a B.P.左右)以来,陆相黏土质沉积指示河口泥沙快速堆积,三角洲平原迅速扩大,沉积速率高达1.7 cm/a。孢粉结果显示次生的芒箕孢子剧增,陆地植被稀疏,人类活动显著增强。  相似文献   
贺乐天  刘武 《第四纪研究》2017,37(4):721-734


Although paleoclimatic research in the Arctic has most often focused on variations in temperature, the Arctic has also experienced changes in hydrologic balance. Changes in Arctic precipitation and evaporation rates affects soils, permafrost, lakes, wetlands, rivers, ice and vegetation. Changes in Arctic soils, permafrost, runoff, and vegetation can influence global climate by changing atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide concentrations, thermohaline circulation, and high latitude albedo. Documenting past variations in Arctic hydrological conditions is important for understanding Arctic climate and the potential response and role of the Arctic in regards to future climate change. Methods for reconstructing past changes in Arctic hydrology from the stratigraphic, isotopic, geochemical and fossil records of lake sediments are being developed, refined and applied in a number of regions. These records suggest that hydrological variations in the Arctic have been regionally asynchronous, reflecting the impacts of different forcing factors including orbitally controlled insolation changes, changes in geography related to coastal emergence, ocean currents, sea ice extent, and atmospheric circulation. Despite considerable progress, much work remains to be done on the development of paleohydrological proxies and their application to the Arctic.  相似文献   
A key challenge for effective, ongoing urban climate adaptation is to adapt institutions within urban governance. While an extensive foundation of empirical knowledge on urban climate adaptation has accumulated over the last decade, our image of institutional adaptation continues to be dominated by a focus on planning. Whilst understandable, this can obscure a fuller range of areas in which institutional adaptation to climate change is being pursued. Furthermore, methodological path dependency in large-N analysis via a common focus on analyzing formal planning documents risks a skewed perspective as such documents may only offer a partial view. Building on the rich range of work to date assessing climate adaptation in cities, and notwithstanding continued major gaps such as in small-medium cities, we now need to find ways to examine the diversity of institutional adaptation occurring in practice, and to comparatively draw on the situated interpretive knowledge of case experts within individual cities to do so. With this aim in mind, this paper explores institutional adaptation in a specific domain (urban water) in a sample of 96 major cities across six continents through a survey of 319 case experts, examining the diversity of institutional adaptation across contexts and exploratively probing its drivers. Findings show that multiple forms of institutional adaptation are being jointly pursued in cities across all continents, leaning towards ‘softer’ rather than ‘harder’ forms, but nonetheless revealing a wide range of activity. Patterns in drivers suggest a political explanation for institutional adaptation (e.g. involving change agents and political pressure) rather than a rational one (e.g. involving response to climate-related risks and/or extreme events). Overall, there is a need to combine parsimony with expanded interpretive sensibility in advancing large-N research on institutional adaptation diversity in comparative perspective.  相似文献   
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