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Shallow-water limestones of presumed Late Cretaceous and Eocene age, interbedded with basaltic lavas, were described by earlier authors from São Nicolau in the northwestern part of the Cabo Verde archipelago. If confirmed, these ages would imply late Mesozoic shallow-marine and subaerial volcanic activity in the Cabo Verde archipelago, and document a geological history very different from that known so far from other Cabo Verde Islands, from which no subaerial volcanic activity before the mid-Cenozoic is known. Our re-investigation of the foraminiferal fauna indicates a Late Miocene age for the presumed Late Cretaceous and Eocene limestones. The hypothesis of a long-lived hot spot, active by the Early Cretaceous, and of a major island-building stage in the Cabo Verde Islands during this period, is therefore not supported by the present bio- or chronostratigraphic data.  相似文献   
The caldera of Pululagua is an eruptive centre of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the South American volcanic arc, located about 15 km north of Quito, Ecuador. Activity leading to formation of the caldera occurred about 2450 b.p. as a series of volcanic episodes during which an estimated 5–6 km3 (DRE) of hornblende-bearing dacitic magma was erupted. A basal pumice-fall deposit covers more than 2.2x104 km2 with a volume of about 1.1 km3 and represents the principal and best-preserved plinian layer. Circular patterns of isopachs and pumice, lithic and Md isopleths of the Basal Fallout (BF) around the caldera indicate emplacement in wind-free conditions. Absence of wind is confirmed by an ubiquitous, normally graded, thin ash bed at the top of the lapilli layer which originated from slow settling of fines after cessation of the plinian column (co-plinian ash). The unusual atmospheric conditions during deposition make the BF deposit particularly suitable for the application and evaluation of pyroclast dispersal models. Application of the Carey and Sparks' (1986) model shows that whereas the 3.2-, 1.6-, and 0.8-cm lithic isopleths predict a model column height of about 36 km, the 6.4-cm isopleth yields and estimate of only 21 km. The 4.9- and 6.4-cm isopleths yield a column height of 28 km using the model of Wilson and Walker (1987). The two models give the same mass discharge rate of 2x108 kg s-1. A simple exponential decrease of thickness with distance, as proposed by Pyle (1989) for plinian falls, fits well with the BF. Exponential decrease of size with distance is followed by clasts less than about 3 cm, suggesting, in agreement with Wilson and Walker (1987), that only a small proportion of large clasts reach the top of the column. Variations with distance in clast distribution patterns imply that, in order to obtain column heights by clast dispersal models, the distribution should be known from both proximal and distal zones. Knowledge of only a few isopleths, irrespective of their distance from the vent, is not sufficient as seemed justified by the method of Pyle (1989).  相似文献   
The Daeri Member, a Cretaceous volcanic–sedimentary succession, can be divided into lower, middle, and upper parts based on vertical changes in its lithologic characters. The lower Daeri Member is composed of siliciclastic deposits formed in a semi‐arid floodplain environment, which is overlain by the middle Daeri Member consisting mainly of andesite lava flow. After the emplacement of the andesite, activities of intrabasinal normal faults created accommodation on hanging wall blocks together with the development of intrabasinal topographic relief. The upper Daeri Member occurs only in hanging wall blocks and is composed of rhyolitic volcaniclastic sediments formed during an explosive volcanic eruption. Following the eruption, owing to semi‐arid climatic conditions and the destruction of vegetation, the eruptive materials were easily remobilized and deposited by episodic sediment gravity flows, resulting in deposition of the resedimented volcaniclastic deposits with sheet‐like geometry. Away from the intrabasinal normal faults, the resedimented volcaniclastic deposits show a decrease in grain size together with changes in inferred depositional processes from debris flows to hyperconcentrated flows and supercritical sheetfloods. This suggests that the resedimented volcaniclastic deposits were stacked on alluvial fan environments induced by intrabasinal topographic relief associated with normal fault activities. In addition, episodic movement of the faults gave rise to periodic fluctuation of the accommodation and an increase in gradient of the alluvial fan surface, resulting in the development of coarsening‐upward trends in the resedimented volcaniclastic deposits. The development of the alluvial fan and the coarsening‐upward trends indicate that dynamic tectonic subsidence and concomitant changes in the intrabasinal physiographic relief influenced the depositional processes and sizes of the transported volcaniclastic sediments of the upper Daeri Member. Thus, it is necessary to carefully observe tectonic signatures in volcaniclastic successions, particularly the syneruptive lithofacies, in order to reconstruct the tectonic and volcanic histories of receiving basins.  相似文献   
A geochemical and petrological study of Miocene to recent alkalibasalts, basanites, hawaiites, mugearites, trachytes, and phonoliteserupted within the Harrat Ash Shamah volcanic field was performedto reconstruct the magmatic evolution of southern Syria. Themajor element composition of the investigated lavas is mainlycontrolled by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene,± Fe–Ti oxides and ± apatite; feldspar fractionationis restricted to the most evolved lavas. Na2O and SiO2 variationswithin uncontaminated, primitive lavas as well as variably fractionatedheavy rare earth element ratios suggest a formation by variabledegrees of partial melting of different garnet peridotite sourcestriggered, probably, by changes in mantle temperature. The isotopicrange as well as the variable trace element enrichment observedin the lavas imply derivation from both a volatile- and incompatibleelement-enriched asthenosphere and from a plume component. Inaddition, some lavas have been affected by crustal contamination.This effect is most prominent in evolved lavas older than 3·5Ma, which assimilated 30–40% of crustal material. In general,the periodicity of volcanism in conjunction with temporal changesin lava composition and melting regime suggest that the Syrianvolcanism was triggered by a pulsing mantle plume located underneathnorthwestern Arabia. KEY WORDS: 40Ar/39Ar ages; intraplate volcanism; mantle plume; partial melting; Syria  相似文献   
与中上地壳相比,对下地壳组成、结构的认识受限于样品的获取,然而天然火山作用携带的下地壳捕虏体可以为了解下地壳提供关键样品。华北克拉通是世界上最古老的克拉通之一,显生宙以来的火山作用携带有丰富的下地壳捕虏体,为探测华北下地壳组成、结构及其形成过程提供了可能。通过对这些捕虏体定深、定性及定年的综合研究,构建了以信阳,莒南,汉诺坝和女山等典型地区为代表的下地壳组成、结构剖面模型。这些剖面表明,华北克拉通下地壳具有分层的特点,且上老下新,暗示可能与底侵作用有关。其中捕虏体的锆石U- Pb年龄和Hf同位素的研究,揭示了该克拉通下地壳复杂的形成与演化过程:最古老的组成部分可能老至~4. 0 Ga冥古宙,此后经历了3. 80~3. 65 Ga古太古代的再造作用,2. 8~2. 5 Ga 新太古代和2. 3~1. 8 Ga 古元古代的增生与再造共存,同时还经历了显生宙以来包括462~220 Ma,140~90 Ma和47~45 Ma的增生与再造事件。  相似文献   
任俊  张岳桥 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2411-2435
闽西武夷山建宁—泰宁地区发育2套白垩纪火山-沉积序列,构成2个火山-沉积旋回,每套序列由下部火山岩和上部沉积岩地层组成.锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学分析显示,早期中酸性火山岩喷发时代为早白垩世141~135 Ma,具有陆缘火山弧的地球化学亲缘性,并富集Hf同位素(-20.2~1.9);而晚期火山岩活动集中在早、晚白垩世...  相似文献   
Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Westerwald region range frombasanites and alkali basalts to trachytes, whereas lavas fromthe margin of the Vogelsberg volcanic field consist of morealkaline basanites and alkali basalts. Heavy rare earth elementfractionation indicates that the primitive Westerwald magmasprobably represent melts of garnet peridotite. The Vogelsbergmelts formed in the spinel–garnet peridotite transitionregion with residual amphibole for some magmas suggesting meltingof relatively cold mantle. Assimilation of lower-crustal rocksand fractional crystallization altered the composition of lavasfrom the Westerwald and Vogelsberg region significantly. Thecontaminating lower crust beneath the Rhenish Massif has a differentisotopic composition from the lower continental crust beneaththe Hessian Depression and Vogelsberg, implying a compositionalboundary between the two crustal domains. The mantle sourceof the lavas from the Rhenish Massif has higher 206Pb/204Pband 87Sr/86Sr than the mantle source beneath the Vogelsbergand Hessian Depression. The 30–20 Ma volcanism of theWesterwald apparently had the same mantle source as the QuaternaryEifel lavas, suggesting that the magmas probably formed in apulsing mantle plume with a maximum excess temperature of 100°Cbeneath the Rhenish Massif. The relatively shallow melting ofamphibole-bearing peridotite beneath the Vogelsberg and HessianDepression may indicate an origin from a metasomatized portionof the thermal boundary layer. KEY WORDS: continental rift volcanism; basanites; trachytes; assimilation; fractional crystallization; partial melting  相似文献   
An Early Permian volcanic assemblage is well exposed in the central-western part of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). The rocks are represented by rhyolites, basalts and subordinate andesites suggesting a bimodal volcanic activity that is intimately associated with a post-orogenic (Variscan) syn-sedimentary intra-basinal continental molasse sequences. The mafic and mafic-intermediate rocks belong to sub-alkaline tholeiitic series were separated in three groups (I–III) showing a high Th and Pb abundances, depletion in Nb, Ta and Sr, and slightly enriched in LREE patterns (LaN/YbN = 1.4–4.4). Isotopically, the rocks of Group I have the initial ratios 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709351–0.707112, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512490–0.512588 and high positive ?Nd270 values from 3.9 to 5.80; the rocks of Group II present for the initial ratios values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709434–0.710092, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512231–0.512210 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −1.17 to −1.56; the rocks of Group III display for the initial ratios the values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.710751–0.709448, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512347–0.512411 and for ?Nd270 the positive values from 1.64 to 2.35. The rocks resembling continental tholeiites, suggest a mantle origin and were further affected by fractionation and crustal contamination. In addition, the REE geochemistry (1 > SmN/YbN < 2.5; 0.9 > LaN/SmN < 2.5) suggests that these rocks were generated by high percentage partial melting of a metasomatized mantle in the garnet peridotite facies. The felsic rocks are enriched in Cs, Rb Th and U and depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Eu, and Ti. The REE fractionation patterns show a strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.23–0.40). The felsic rocks show the initial ratios the values: 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.704096–0.707805, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512012–0.512021 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −5.27 to −5.44. They suggest to be generated within the lower crust during the emplacement of mantle-derived magmas that provided necessary heat to crustal partial melting.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1684-1708
Volcanic rocks that make up Faial Island, Central Azores, consist of four volcano-stratigraphic units, with ages between 730 ka and the present. Lavas range from alkali basalts to trachyandesites and belong to the alkaline-sodic series. The oldest unit is the Ribeirinha Volcanic Complex, generally characterized by low MgO contents. The Cedros Volcanic Complex is composed of basalts to benmoreites with low MgO contents. The Almoxarife Formation represents fissure flows, containing MgO contents similar to to slightly higher than those of the underlying Cedros Volcanic Complex. The youngest unit, the Capelo Formation, consists of mafic rocks with MgO values higher than those of the other units. Bulk-rock major and trace element trends suggest that differentiation of the three earliest units were dominated by fractional crystallization of plagioclase ± clinopyroxene ± olivine ± titanomagnetite. Capelo bulk-rock compositions are the most primitive, and are related to a period when volcanic activity was fed by deep magmatic chambers, and melts ascended more rapidly. Comparison among geochemical patterns of the trace elements suggests a strong similarity between the lavas from Faial and Pico islands. Corvo Island volcanism contrasts with the geochemistry of Faial and Pico lavas, reflecting its strong K and Rb depletion, and Th, U, Ta, Nb, La, and Ce enrichment. Absence of the Daly gap in the Faial volcanics is attributed to early crystallization of Ti-Fe oxides. The probable source of the Faial magma coincides with the MORB-FOZO array, which implies the presence of ancient recycled oceanic crust in the mantle source. Ratios of incompatible trace elements suggest the similarity of Corvo volcanic rocks with magmas derived from HIMU sources, whereas the Faial and Pico volcanic rocks could have been produced from sources very close to EMII-type OIB.  相似文献   
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