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Seasonal and event variations in stream channel area and the contributions of channel precipitation to stream flow were studied on a 106‐ha forested headwater catchment in central Pennsylvania. Variations in stream velocity, flowing stream surface width and widths of near‐stream saturated areas were periodically monitored at 61 channel transects over a two‐year period. The area of flowing stream surface and near‐stream saturated zones combined, ranged from 0·07% of basin area during summer low flows to 0·60% of total basin area during peak storm flows. Near‐stream saturated zones generally represented about half of the total channel area available to intercept throughfall and generate channel precipitation. Contributions of routed channel precipitation from the flowing stream surface and near‐stream zones, calculated using the Penn State Runoff Model (PSRM, v. 95), represented from 1·1 to 6·4% of total stream flow and 2·5–29% of total storm flow (stream flow–antecedent baseflow) during the six events. Areas of near‐stream saturated zones contributed 35–52% of the computed channel precipitation during the six events. Channel precipitation contributed a higher percentage of stream flow for events with low antecedent baseflow when storm flow generated by subsurface sources was relatively low. Expansion of channel area and consequent increases in volumes of channel precipitation with flow increases during events was non‐linear, with greater rates of change occurring at lower than at higher discharge rates. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes meandering alluvial rivers with mean annual suspended-sediment concentrations of more than 100 kgm?3 on the Loess Plateau, China, and explains their formation as caused by the effect of hyperconcentrated water flow. When the river is dominated by hyperconcentrated flow, the rate of energy expenditure required for sediment transport declines significantly. Accordingly, the river channel adjusts itself to a lower channel gradient by increasing the river length, resulting in a meandering channel. Since the stable transportation of sediment by hyperconcentrated flow is dependent on river channel boundary conditions, the latter play an important role in the formation of meanders of this kind. The paper also discusses the conditions for the discrimination of meandering and braided rivers in this area.  相似文献   
The damage distribution in Adra town (south‐eastern Spain) during the 1993 and 1994 Adra earthquakes (5.0 magnitude), that reached a maximum intensity degree of VII (European Macroseismic Scale (EMS scale)), was concentrated mainly in the south‐east zone of the town and the most relevant damage occurred in reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with four or five storeys. In order to evaluate the influence of ground condition on RC building behaviour, geological, geomorphological and geophysical surveys were carried out, and a detailed map of ground surface structure was obtained. Short‐period microtremor observations were performed in 160 sites on a 100m × 100m dimension grid and Nakamura's method was applied in order to determine a distribution map of soil predominant periods. Shorter predominant periods (0.1–0.3 s) were found in mountainous and neighbouring zones and larger periods (greater than 0.5 s) in thicker Holocene alluvial fans. A relationship T = (0.049 ± 0.001)N, where T is the natural period of swaying motion and N is the number of storeys, has been empirically obtained by using microtremor measurements at the top of 38 RC buildings (ranging from 2 to 9 storeys). 1‐D simulation of strong motion on different soil conditions and for several typical RC buildings were computed, using the acceleration record in Adra town of the 1993 earthquake. It is noteworthy that all the aforementioned results show the influence of site effects in the degree and distribution of observed building damage. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
江西仙姑台铜多金属矿位于九瑞矿集区,是近年整装勘查区中发现的斑岩—矽卡岩—热液充填型铜多金属矿床. 本文在系统分析其成矿地质背景、控矿条件、找矿标志、土壤地球化学及地球物理等特征的基础上,归纳并提取了矿床的找矿信息. 根据前二者基本可以圈定找矿区段,再结合1:1万土壤异常、1:1万高精度磁测上延50 m磁异常、激电探测视极化率与视电阻率异常,以及EH-4连续电导率剖面测量异常等多元信息,便能较为有效地确定隐伏矿体的大致分布位置. 依此建立了仙姑台铜多金属矿床的综合勘查模型,对该区寻找此类矿床有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
按照一般水文地质调查评价的标准,通常认为红层弱含水岩组中的地下水不具有开采利用价值。根据农村生活需水量小和红层含水层富水性普遍弱但分布广泛的特点,依据勘查示范项目的数据并结合前人已有的成果,重点探讨了红层地下水富水等级的划分和开发利用的经济技术条件,更新了红层地下水资源的价值观,使红层地下水开发具有普遍适用性、技术可行性及经济合理性,对解决红层地区的干旱缺水困难具有重要而普遍的意义。  相似文献   
A two-dimensional cloud model with bin microphysics was used to investigate the effects of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and thermodynamic conditions on convective cloud and precipitation developments. Two different initial cloud droplet spectra were prescribed based on the total CCN concentrations of maritime (300 cm− 3) and continental (1000 cm− 3) air masses, and the model was run on eight thermodynamic conditions obtained from observational soundings. Six-hourly sounding data and 1-hourly precipitation data from two nearby weather stations in Korea were analyzed for the year 2002 to provide some observational support for the model results.For one small Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) ( 300 J kg− 1) sounding, the maritime and continental differences were incomparably large. The crucial difference was the production of ice phase hydrometeors in the maritime cloud and only water drops in the continental cloud. Ice phase hydrometeors and intrinsically large cloud drops of the maritime cloud eventually lead to significant precipitation. Meanwhile negligible precipitation developed from the continental cloud. For the three other small CAPE soundings, generally weak convective clouds developed but the maritime and continental clouds were of the same phases (both warm or both cold) and their differences were relatively small.Model runs with the four large CAPE ( 3000 J kg− 1) soundings demonstrated that the depth between the freezing level (FL) and the lifting condensation level (LCL) was crucial to determine whether a cloud becomes a cold cloud or not, which in turn was found to be a crucial factor to enhance cloud invigoration with the additional supply of freezing latent heat. For two large CAPE soundings, FL–LCL was so deep that penetration of FL was prohibitive, and precipitation was only mild in the maritime clouds and negligible in the continental clouds. Two other soundings of similarly large CAPE had small FL–LCL, and both the maritime and continental clouds became cold clouds. Precipitation was strong for both but much more so in the maritime clouds, while the maximum updraft velocity and the cloud top were slightly higher in continental clouds. Although limited to small CAPE cases, more precipitation for smaller FL–LCL for a selected group of precipitation and thermodynamic sounding data from Korea was in support of these model results in its tendency.These results clearly demonstrated that the CCN effects on cloud and precipitation developments critically depended on the given thermodynamic conditions and not just the CAPE but the entire structure of the thermodynamic profiles had to be taken into account.  相似文献   
Open boundary conditions (OBCs) for a regional ocean model that can be integrated stably over a long timeframe, as well as satisfy the volume, heat and salinity conservation constraints, were developed. First, the idea that the inward and outward flux information can be treated separately in the OBCs was adopted. Second, in order to maintain the property that the volume, heat and salinity remains conserved in the simulation domain, conservation constraints were added to the OBCs, and an inverse method utilized to solve the constraint equations. Ideal experiments were designed to investigate the conservation property, and the OBCs were found to work efficiently to maintain the volume, heat and salinity conservation. It was found that simulations were comparable to observations when the OBCs were applied to a regional ocean model.  相似文献   
钱拴  毛留喜  侯英雨  吴门新  王良宇 《气象》2008,34(11):62-68
近几十年来中国90%以上的草地出现退化现象,特别是内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、新疆、青海、西藏等地区,草地退化严重,国家急需掌握气象条件对草地植被生长的影响,了解草地生产力、牲畜承载力以及生态质量状况.为此,在实时获取北方草地气温、降水量、日照时数等气象要素和气象卫星植被指数以及产草量观测资料的基础上,应用模糊数学、集合运算、统计分析等多种方法和"3S"手段,建立了北方草地植被生长气象条件优劣评价、产草量和载畜量预测、草地生态质量监测等模型.2005年以来,利用这些模型逐年评价了气象条件对草地植被生长的优劣影响、预测产草量和载畜量、监测草地生态质量优劣,获得了良好的服务效益.北方草地2007年生态气象监测预测结果表明:所建模型综合了多种资料和技术优势,结果符合实际;形成的综合监测预测技术可为国家保护和恢复草地生态环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Atmospheric numerical models depend critically on realistic treatment of the lower boundary conditions. In strongly thermally-stratified conditions, turbulence may be very weak and the models may find it difficult to produce a good forecast near the surface. Under clear skies and for weak synoptic winds the determining factors are the turbulent kinetic energy and surface-layer parameterizations, which can be very different between models. Here, two state-of-the-art mesoscale models (MM5 and Meso-NH) are operated under exactly the same conditions for two different nights over the Duero basin in the Iberian Peninsula: one night with a well-defined synoptic wind and a second with practically no horizontal pressure gradient. The models are inter-compared and checked against available information, and their performances are evaluated.  相似文献   
Radiative Effects on Temperature in the Stable Surface Layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The interaction between longwave radiation and temperature fluctuations plays a role in the dissipation of temperature variance. This interaction is most easily described by spectral models of atmospheric turbulence and a spectral radiative dissipation function which gives the intensity of the damping at each radiative wavelength and wavenumber k. We have used a Corrsin–Pao closure for the spectral budgets of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature to study the coupling of radiation to turbulence. The spectral radiative dissipation function and a related integral have been fitted by analytical approximations with the correct asymptotic behavior. This resulted in a simple analytical formula for the dimensionless temperature spectrum as a function of Monin-Obukhov stability, and a new dimensionless parameter describing the relative importance of radiation in the temperature spectral budget. The radiative effects both on the temperature spectrum and on the dimensionless temperature variance can then be calculated. Based on typical values of the radiative dimensionless parameters for the surface layer, we conclude that radiative dissipation is probably negligible there.  相似文献   
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