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基于非局部滤波的SAR强度RC合成变化检测法对小图斑、线型地物等动态监测灵敏,且对数据获取无时空基线要求,在多云多雨城市地表要素变化检测中具备潜力。本文研究以多时相SAR强度RC合成图为数据源,提出一种基于色彩空间变换的变化图斑半自动提取方法,即通过色彩空间转换、训练样本选取、监督分类影像分割、变化区域提取4步骤,可实现基于SAR强度图的城市建设用地动态监测与图斑高效更新。选取南京河西新城与江北新区为示范,以最优参数配置(3特征向量与10样本类别)进行试验,实现了优于88%的建设用地查准率指标。 相似文献
获取了22景IW模式的Sentinel-1A/B数据,分别采用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR两种时序技术得到了沧州地区2015年11月至2016年11月期间地表平均沉降速率及累计沉降量。经分析,两种时序监测结果具有较高的一致性,其结果表明:献县、沧县、沧州市区地面表现为回升趋势;青县、沧县东部、南皮县西部、东光县等地区地面沉降量较大,其中东光县何庄村累计下沉量达47 mm,而引起这些区域地面沉降的主要原因为农业生产等带来的地下水开采。本文对基于Sentinel-1A/B SAR数据的时序分析方法在城市沉降监测方面的应用进行了探讨,为有关部门提供了重要的参考数据。 相似文献
A year-round survey of the tropical shallow-water mysid Mesopodopsis orientalis (Tattersall, 1908) (Crustacea, Mysidacea) was conducted in the Merbok mangrove estuary, northwestern Peninsular Malaysia. The mysid formed dense aggregations at the river's edge close to the mangrove forest during the daytime, but very few were captured elsewhere in the estuary system. The sampled population was found in a wide range of salinities from 16 to 32, demonstrating broad euryhalinity, and the number of the catch at the littoral zone ranged from 11.8 to 2273 ind m−2. The overall annual mean was 709.2 ind m−2. Females predominated over males in the entire population, and brooding females were present at every monthly sample, indicating that reproduction is continuous year round. The clutch size positively correlated with female body length. The diameter of eggs (Stage I embryos) was unaffected by the seasonality and independent of the maternal size within an observed size range. The life history pattern of the estuarine population of M. orientalis showed close similarity to that of the coastal counterpart. However, the former was found to produce fewer but larger eggs, and the specimens in this population were larger than those in the coastal population at the embryo, juvenile, and adult stages. This evidence indicates that the life history features of the estuarine population would differ to some degree from those of the coastal counterpart. 相似文献
新型城镇化能否突破“胡焕庸线”——兼论“胡焕庸线”的地理学内涵 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
“胡焕庸线”提出80年来,在国际上产生深远影响。随着中国新型城镇化进程的全面推进,对胡焕庸线的研究急剧升温。在新的历史背景下,如何客观看待胡焕庸线成为亟待解决的一个问题。研究认为:胡焕庸线不仅是中国人口分布的分界线,也是重要的自然生态界线,这条界线的形成不以人的意志为转移,不宜人为去“打破”。同时,在新型城镇化背景下,应该树立理性思维,稳妥有序地推进城镇化进程,不断优化城镇化的空间分布格局。在全面放开二孩的新政策推动下,由于中国区域人口政策的差异性,东部和中部地区的人口有望实现较为明显的增长,西部地区增长相对缓慢,由此可能对胡焕庸线两侧的人口空间格局产生一定的影响。 相似文献
成果的有效应用服务是城市地质调查工作的核心驱动力,城市地质数据集作为城市地质调查工作的核心成果,是决定城市地质调查研究成果应用服务有效性的关键。中国地质调查局部署开展丹阳小城镇地质环境综合调查试点,本次共完成遥感解译1 047 km2(3期数据),调查点767个,钻探115个,累计钻探进尺8 720 m(其中第四系孔915 m,水文孔2 366 m,工程孔5 439 m),采集第四纪地质样品2 904组,地下水样品240组,原状土样1 108组,土壤样2 482组,地下水位统测点70个,抽水试验18组等。查清了丹阳市水文地质、工程地质、地质灾害等分布规律,并围绕丹阳市规划建设对地质工作的实际需求,对各类调查原始数据进行了专项加工,建立了数据集,为丹阳市规划建设提供了良好的支撑服务。文章对数据来源、数据收集方法、处理技术等方面进行了整理和归纳,形成了小城镇地质调查应用服务地质数据集的构建方法,为今后小城镇地质调查和数据集处理及应用提供参考。 相似文献
城市地下管线信息管理系统的设计 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
数字管网和数字城市是信息时代的重要标志,该文探讨了城市地下管线信息管理系统的设计与建设,从而为数字管网的建设与完善提供借鉴。 相似文献
对不同有效群体大小(Ne=2、4、8、16、32、200)的蛤仔F1代生长和存活性状进行了比较。结果表明:浮游期,各试验组幼虫壳长均未表现出显著性差异(P0.05),实验组Ne=200的存活率低于其他各实验组,并随着日龄的增长,差异越来越显著;稚贝期,各实验组的壳长和存活率的变化规律和浮游期基本一致。对壳长变异情况分析表明,浮游期,随着群体有效含量的增大,子代开始出现小型个体和大型个体,壳长分布变异逐渐明显;稚贝期,各试验组组内壳长变异进一步加剧,除Ne=2试验组稚贝壳长介于400μm和600μm之间外,其他各试验组均出现明显的小型和大型个体,表现为有效群体越大,组内稚贝壳长变异越为明显。 相似文献
抚顺矿区城市下压煤面积6km^2,煤炭储量23901.5万t。通过对矿区地质特征、煤储层特征分析.认为区内煤层气含量高(9.81~24.53m^3/t),煤层中大空隙多,透气性好,渗透率较高(0.24~3.60mD)。煤层直接顶板为厚100m左右的致密油页岩,底板为泥岩、凝灰岩,具有良好的封闭条件。根据矿区多年测试资料,采用容积法得出区内煤层气资源量为30.53亿m^3。综合开发煤层气资源符合东北老矿区的实际,其将为复苏东北重工业基地提供有效的洁净能源。 相似文献
The developing countries at present have a high urban growth rate that is likely to continue for at least another quarter-century.
In addition, many of these urban centres are located in the Neogene plate boundary zones and are subject to multiple earthquake
and volcanic hazards. Slope failures and accelerated surface and channel erosion are particularly severe in cities near active
plate margins, and in areas affected also by tropical cyclones. We discuss two extreme cases: Singapore and Kingston (Jamaica).
Singapore is located in a stable environment and the urbanization related problems of flood and slope instability have been
reduced by proper building and drainage practices at a considerable cost. In Kingston, the external disturbances are repetitive,
large-scale, and very difficult to control. The fast-growing cities in the tropics need to be carefully monitored, especially
when located in an unstable physical environment.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Ki-Suk Lee 《GeoJournal》1998,44(3):249-257
Since the Tumen River Area Development Project(TRADP) was launched in 1991, Hunchun city located between North Korea and Russia
along the river corridor, has become an important and unique border city. Hunchun, formerly a strategic military city, is
emerging as an international trade linkage center through Satouz and Quanhe on the North Korea side and through Changlinzi
on the Russian side. Furthermore, the establishment and operation of the Hunchun Border Economic Cooperation Zone (HBECZ)
in the city is becoming the main source of the growth, providing a new role for the border city. Its underlying economic momentum
comes from the combination of the Chinese-Korean labor force and foreign investment and technology transferred from Korea,
Japan, and others.
The most important expected new role for Hunchun is as a new 21st century entrepot connection between the Pacific rim and
Eurasia by rail and trunk lines, and as a new regional center of the border region based on both a newly generated urban subsystem
and the increasing informal sector of cross border business. However, there are many obstacles to overcome in the near future,
such as the possible military tensions among the three border nations, the guarantee of free entries and sailing on the Tumen
river, and agreements concerning environmental conservation.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献