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双江口水电站复杂坝基初始渗流场反分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛新莹  潘少华  白正雄 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):135-139
采用正交试验方案和ν-SVR相结合的直接法来解决复杂坝基的初始渗流场反分析问题。通过安排正交数值试验,获取初始渗流场全面的信息,并用ν-SVR向正交试验的样本学习测孔水位和各参数之间的关系,从而建立各参数和测孔水位之间隐式表达式,用此表达式代替正算程序,经过优化最终获得最优初始渗流场。经过工程实例验证,该方法能适应非线性复杂岩土问题且具有高效性。  相似文献   
内蒙古科尔沁沙地历史上曾是科尔沁大草原,现在是农牧交错区,该区的土地利用关系到生态安全、国家粮食安全和农民生计。该区域“坨甸相间”地貌特点造成不同地形部位土壤含水量存在差异,降水量年际变化大。通过卫星影像数据解译出土地利用/覆被类型图与土壤图进行叠加,获得了显性沙地和隐性沙地数量与分布信息。首先保留耕地以外的其他地类,再利用卫星影像数据反映不同降水年型耕地的归一化植被指数(NDVI),将偏欠水年NDVI低于平均值的耕地退耕还草,消除这些耕地的冬春沙化风险,以进行土地利用布局调整。这种直接利用遥感数据获取土地利用/覆被类型和耕地的NDVI进行土地利用空间布局调整的方法,十分简单实用。本文还根据地貌和沙地降水入渗快的特点,提出了与高标准农田建设模式不同但与区域地理环境相吻合的农田整治模式,即利用自然沙丘作为区域风沙防护工程,土地开发不做大平整,不修建灌溉系统,发展雨养农业。以上根据区域地理环境条件进行土地利用布局和确定农田开发建设模式,可将农业生产与荒漠化防治和谐结合在一起,实现土地可持续利用。  相似文献   
现代测量数据显示交互技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍完成图像数据输出的有关算法,并主要讨论了交互技术的理论和方法,为最终实现测量数据可视化提供了技术基础。  相似文献   
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):324-331

Considerable attention has been paid in the literature to the changing style of Ordnance Survey mapping in the twentieth century. However, little has been written about the origins of the characteristic appearance of the first multi-colour editions, other that the Ordnance Survey used a military edition that was already in production. The distinctive style grew out of the work of a committee established in 1892 by the War Office to consider future army requirements for a map of the UK. This paper explores the work of the committee and its long-term implications for the look of mapping in the twentieth century.  相似文献   
以《重庆历史地图集》第二卷编制的具体情况为例,对图集的开本设计、内容结构设计、封面和版式设计、整体设计、创新源,以及图集编制取得的经验进行了论述,为以后类似图集的编制提供参考。  相似文献   
During strong ground motion it is expected that extended structures (such as bridges) are subjected to excitation that varies along their longitudinal axis in terms of arrival time, amplitude and frequency content, a fact primarily attributed to the wave passage effect, the loss of coherency and the role of local site conditions. Furthermore, the foundation interacts with the soil and the superstructure, thus significantly affecting the dynamic response of the bridge. A general methodology is therefore set up and implemented into a computer code for deriving sets of appropriately modified time histories and spring–dashpot coefficients at each support of a bridge with account for spatial variability, local site conditions and soil–foundation–superstructure interaction, for the purposes of inelastic dynamic analysis of RC bridges. In order to validate the methodology and code developed, each stage of the proposed procedure is verified using recorded data, finite‐element analyses, alternative computer programs, previous research studies, and closed‐form solutions wherever available. The results establish an adequate degree of confidence in the use of the proposed methodology and code in further parametric analyses and seismic design. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigates the seismic design factors for three reinforced concrete (RC) framed buildings with 4, 16 and 32-stories in Dubai, UAE utilizing nonlinear analysis. The buildings are designed according to the response spectrum procedure defined in the 2009 International Building Code (IBC’09). Two ensembles of ground motion records with 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (10/50 and 2/50, respectively) are used. The nonlinear dynamic responses to the earthquake records are computed using IDARC-2D. Key seismic design parameters are evaluated; namely, response modification factor (R), deflection amplification factor (Cd), system overstrength factor (Ωo), and response modification factor for ductility (Rd) in addition to inelastic interstory drift. The evaluated seismic design factors are found to significantly depend on the considered ground motion (10/50 versus 2/50). Consequently, resolution to the controversy of Dubai seismicity is urged. The seismic design factors for the 2/50 records show an increase over their counterparts for the 10/50 records in the range of 200%-400%, except for the Ωo factor, which shows a mere 30% increase. Based on the observed trends, period-dependent R and Cd factors are recommended if consistent collapse probability (or collapse prevention performance) in moment frames with varying heights is to be expected.  相似文献   
基于性能的结构抗风设计理论框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于性能的结构抗风设计理论框架,将风压强度划分为4个设计风压等级(弱风压、中风压、强风压及超强风压),将人体振动舒适度划分为6个等级(无振感、轻微振感、中等振感、烦恼、非常烦恼和无法忍受)、三种振动水平(与人的舒适感相关的振动水平、与人正常工作和操作有关的振动水平、与人的生理健康直接相关的振动水平)。结合不同类别建筑物的性能需求及人体振动舒适度的要求,将结构风振性能水准划分为4种状态(性能健康、性能亚健康、性能病态及性能丧失),将结构风振性能目标划分为5个等级(A、B、C、D、E)。提出了结构抗风概念设计与计算分析的一般原则,给出了结构性能抗风安全性评价及社会经济评价基本内容的建议。  相似文献   
超深防渗帷幕性质研究及设计优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
防渗帷幕在很多国家得到较广泛的应用 ,但深度超过 35m较少。防渗帷幕其施工目标参数控制难度大 ,而且深度增加导致难度更大。因此施工目标参数对施工影响起关键决定作用。究竟应如何确定合理的目标参数 ,即保证防渗帷幕的工程作用 ,又不会增加施工难度和工程造价 ?通过土力学基本理论分析 ,并针对各影响因素进行多工况比较计算 ,然后对比现行相关规程规范 ,提出保证降水帷幕发挥作用的施工参数  相似文献   
Optimal Design of TMD Under Long-Term Nonstationary Wave Loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
—Traditionally,the use of a tuned mass damper(TMD)is to improve the surviability of the pri-mary structure under extraordinary loading environment while the design loading condition is describedby either a harmonic function or a stationary random process that can be fully characterized by a powerspectral density(PSD)function.Aiming at prolonging the fatigue life of an offshore platform,this studyconsiders an optimal design of TMD for the platform under long-term nonstationary loading due tolong-term random sea waves characterized by a probabilistic power spectral density(PPSD)function.Inprinciple,a PPSD could be derived based on numerous ordinary PSD functions;and each of them is treat-ed as realization of the corresponding PPSD.This study provides a theoretical development for theoptimal TMD design by minimizing the cost function to be the mean square value of the expectedlong-term response.A numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed design procedure.  相似文献   
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