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马田矿区位于郴耒煤田中部,含煤地层为二叠系上统龙潭组,主采煤层为61和62煤。马田推覆断裂F1对马田矿区的含煤地层起着控制、改造和破坏作用。通过对以往地质资料的分析,认为F1断层向区内深部延展,下盘仍保留有龙潭组上段的主要可采煤层61和62煤,在矿区西部庙嘴岭背斜南端寿福寺附近,煤层埋深相对较浅,可作为资源勘查的重点区域;勘查手段宜先采用地震勘查,寻找煤层埋藏较浅区段,再用钻探验证。  相似文献   
近年来,国有地勘单位在改革发展中,人力资源管理方面普遍存在职工观念滞后、冗员较多、员工积极性不高、人才流失等问题。以总局管理下的某地勘单位为例,对国有地勘单位人力资源现状及存在的主要问题进行了梳理,总结提出了在当前环境下加强人力资源管理的对策及建议:强化人力资源管理意识,营造适宜人才发展的良好氛围;完善用人机制,加大人力资本投入;实施人力资源综合发展战略,设计合理的人才培训计划;深入体制改革,激发员工创新的积极性。  相似文献   
迈陈凹陷位于北部湾盆地南部坳陷,是北部湾盆地的一个三级构造单元。从迈陈凹陷石油地质条件与各构造单元特征入手,详细讨论了迈陈凹陷断裂演化特征以及构造样式和构造带展布。在此基础上分析了迈陈凹陷油气成藏的主控因素和有利区带、层系。指出了迈陈凹陷可分为四个次级洼陷,其中东1洼流二段烃源岩发育情况最好,其斜坡带发育有大量的构造圈闭,与迈陈凹陷成藏匹配关系良好,是迈陈凹陷下一步勘探的主要方向。  相似文献   
廖友常 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):274-279
以黔北铝土矿为例,对沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿勘查评价中的4个问题进行讨论,并提出:(1)将勘查类型按普查、详查、勘探阶段分别用初定、暂定、确定来进行定性;(2)用"菱形孔"而非"矩形孔"的布置方法来解决勘查类型的变更与工程控制间距非整倍数的问题;(3)"地表工程间距加密一倍"的适用范围是:露采且处于"剥蚀区"内的矿体。地表露头线呈线状展布且上覆有岩层或虽也强风化,但仍保存原岩层层理迹象的范围,则可与勘查类型和勘查阶段同距同网;(4)普查、详查阶段中工程矿体边界A/S的取值可在1.8~2.6之间,以保证块段矿体中的A/S值达到工业要求即可。  相似文献   

Potentially mineralised Paleozoic basement rocks in the southern Thomson Orogen region of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales are covered by varying thicknesses of Mesozoic to Cenozoic sediments. To assess cover thickness and methods for estimating depth to basement, we collected new airborne electromagnetic (AEM), seismic refraction, seismic reflection and audio-frequency magnetotelluric data and combined these with new depth to magnetic basement models from airborne magnetic line data and ground gravity data along selected transects. The results of these investigations over two borehole sites, GSQ Eulo 1 and GSQ Eulo 2, show that cover thickness can be reliably assessed to within the confidence limits of the various techniques, but that caveats exist regarding the application of each of the disciplines. These techniques are part of a rapid-deployment explorers’ toolbox of geophysical techniques that have been tested at two sites in Australia, the Stavely region of western Victoria, and now the southern Thomson Orogen in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland. The results shown here demonstrate that AEM and ground geophysics, and to a lesser extent depth to magnetic source modelling, can produce reliable results when applied to the common exploration problem of determining cover thickness. The results demonstrate that portable seismic systems, designed for geotechnical site investigations, are capable of imaging basement below 300 m of unlithified Eromanga Basin cover as refraction and reflection data. The results of all methods provide much information about the nature of the basement–cover interface and basement at borehole sites in the southern Thomson Orogen, in that the basement is usually weathered, the interface has paleotopography, and it can be recognised by its density, natural gamma, magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity contrasts.  相似文献   
The granite collected from the Yinshan Mountain and kaolinite has been selected for the leaching and adsorption experiment,respectively,aiming to clarify the enrichment processes of Li and Ga during the deposition.Results suggest both Li and Ga could be leached out from granite by using different acid solutions of different p H and kaolinite can adsorb Li and Ga with varying degrees.Lithium and Ga had the highest leaching ratio when p H=1.Special geological events(e.g.volcanic eruptions and wildfires),which could result in very low p H values of water in peatland,may have accelerated the release of Li and Ga from the source rocks.Kaolinite has the highest adsorption fraction was obtained at p H=8.The different characteristics of Li and Ga displayed in the leaching and adsorption experiments probably result from the different occurrences and enrichment processes of Li and Ga in the coals.Lithium was probably enriched before the Li carriers(e.g.kaolinite)had been transported into paleomires because of its high leaching ratio and high adsorption fraction under neutral and alkaline conditions,whereas Ga was more likely concentrated by kaolinite and other carriers after it had been transported into the peat mires.  相似文献   
High‐resolution gamma ray spectrometry was exploited to locate the potential radioactive targets at Kab Amiri granite pluton, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The Kab Amiri pluton forms a concentric granitic body of monzogranite to syenogranite composition intruded into mafic‐ultramific rocks. To identify and detect anomalous concentrations of natural radioactive elements in the study area, contour maps of equivalent uranium (eU ppm), equivalent thorium (eTh ppm), potassium (K%) and their geochemical ratios (eU/Th, eTh/K and eU‐eTh/3.5) as well as standard deviation map of uranium were constructed and interpreted. Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the spectrometric survey data revealed the presence of seven radioactive anomalies in the south of the studied area. These anomalies could be related to the prevailing faulting directions NE and ENE fault trends. The southernmost anomalous zone is related to high episyenitization and uranium concentrations. It exhibits a sharp increase in the eU concentrations reaching 370 ppm resulting in a high eU/eTh ratio reaching 4.5 and characterized by oval shape trending in the NE direction. Constructing the contour map of the (eU‐eTh/3.5) was helpful in defining the trends of uranium migration and enabling the delineation of the limit between the negative contours (leaching) and positive contours (deposition).  相似文献   
青海东昆仑埃坑德勒斯特勘查区位于东昆中与东昆南断裂之间,属于东昆仑中部阿拉克湖断陷带。根据野外地质调查及室内综合分析,得出本区含煤地层主要为晚三叠世八宝山组和早侏罗世羊曲组,其中八宝山组属水面上升一下降期沉积体系,发育一套曲流河一湖相三角洲一曲流河含煤沉积序列,羊曲组发育了一套河流一湖沼相的碎屑岩夹炭质页岩及煤层的沉积序列;羊曲组成煤条件优于八宝山组。该研究对埃坑德勒斯特地区的找煤工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   
华夏陆块从早古生代以来,经历了多期推覆与伸展构造的叠加。文中对华夏陆块闽西南仙亭、曲斗等地区/矿区附近及井下所采集的含有机质页岩样品进行实验测试,分析了有机质参数、矿物组成及赋气孔隙参数,将对中国华夏陆块闽西南二叠系页岩的储层特征研究及页岩气勘探前景预测提供理论依据。研究结果表明:(1)采用TOC残余碳分析实验、荧光显微镜及显微镜光度计实验等,认为闽西南二叠系页岩含碳量中等,为0.15%~2.71%;有机质成熟度高,为3.51%~4.33%。(2)储层矿物组成方面,利用X射线衍射实验进行全岩分析,结果显示黏土矿物占38.2%~49.6%,含量较高,主要为伊利石,含少量的绿泥石、蒙皂石;常见非黏土矿物主要为石英,均占45%以上;钾长石和斜长石含量较少,占1%~2.3%。(3)储层孔渗性方面:有效孔隙度为0.3%~11.4%,渗透率为(0.006 5~0.987)×10-3μm2;利用低温液氮吸附实验等对纳米级孔隙进行分析,认为部分小孔(2~50 nm)的孔容、比表面积较大,其次为微孔(小于2 nm)和大孔(大于50 nm)。此外,累计比表面积和累计孔容呈现出较好的正相关性,纳米孔隙累计比表面积、累计孔容与孔径之间的关系表明,闽西南二叠系页岩气主要赋存于微孔和小于10 nm的小孔中。依照页岩储层评价标准,闽西南二叠系海陆交互相页岩在有机质丰富、有机质成熟度、页岩厚度、矿物组成、孔隙结构等方面符合页岩气开发最低标准,具有勘探开发前景。  相似文献   
杜东 《安徽地质》2013,(3):238-240
目前国有地勘单位已逐步形成的以事业为主体,以市场化经营为重要补充的发展模式,在新的发展模式下,需要有与之相适应的财务管理运行机制。本文浅析了在财务管理方面所存在的主要问题,并提出了完善财务管理运行机制的建议。  相似文献   
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