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A critical component of maintaining biodiversity in fragmented habitats is maintaining connectivity among the usable fragments. Least cost path (LCP) analysis is a tool that can be used for predicting the ability of an organism to move from one habitat patch to another, based on geographical features of the landscape and life history traits of the organism. While this analysis has been utilized for terrestrial habitats, it is rarely applied to aquatic environments. Aquatic hypoxic conditions occur when dissolved oxygen falls below 2 mg/L. These conditions can create barriers in the water column that can either force fish to leave a habitat, or avoid that habitat altogether. Using the lower St. Johns River (LSJR) estuary in Florida, USA, as a study system, the ability of an adult silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, to escape a large-scale hypoxic event was modeled using a multicriteria LCP approach. Criteria-specific cost grids were constructed based upon current speed, risk of predation, and whether oxygen levels in the habitat area were normoxic (>5.5 mg/L), or hypoxic (<2.0–1.5 mg/L) as a function of water depth for the LSJR. The criteria cost grids were combined using relative weighting to produce the multicriteria cost grid used to implement the LCP analysis. Three origin and destination point locations within the LSJR study area were selected for modeling whether or not a silver perch would be able to escape a hypoxic zone. Since the LCP model will always determine a LCP from the specified origin point location, ecologically relevant swimming capacities for silver perch under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were then applied to assess the model, and to determine whether the fish would be able to reach areas unimpacted by hypoxia. The LCP model and the swimming capacity results for this study predict that under normoxic conditions, fish movement was unimpeded. During the rapidly developing hypoxic event that was modeled, the results from the LCP model indicate that the fish could move outside the hypoxic zone, but when swimming capacities were applied to the model, the silver perch could not escape. Ecologically, the results of this study suggest that silver perch would experience high mortality under a rapidly developing hypoxic event. Additionally, the results of this study indicate that a LCP model can be applied to an aquatic habitat, as long as the cost grids incorporate relevant abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   
There are two ways of assessing the costs of environmental degradation: as the costs associated with the loss of benefits resulting from the degradation of natural capital, and as the maintenance costs required to compensate for the actual or potential degradation of natural capital. The first of these methods is based on the Total Economic Value (TEV) of benefits forgone because of the depletion of ecosystem services delivered by marine biodiversity. The second method is based on the costs required to maintain a good state of marine biodiversity, one which makes it possible to deliver ecosystem services.This paper gives an illustration of this second approach. It details how these maintenance costs have been calculated in the initial assessment of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in France. It addresses nine problem areas – corresponding to nine sources of environmental degradation – from non-native invasive species to oil spills. It gives a total figure for these degradation costs (around 2 billion Euros). The results are compared with those of other Member States who have taken similar approaches in the context of the MSFD. One key conclusion is that it is not really possible to make meaningful comparisons at this stage, since the methods of data collection and the nature of the costs are very different. The need to develop such assessments in a standardised way is noted.  相似文献   
The social cost of carbon – i.e., the marginal present-value cost imposed by greenhouse gas emissions – is determined by a complex interaction between factual assumptions, modeling methods, and value judgments. Among the most crucial factors is society's willingness to tolerate potentially catastrophic environmental risks. To explore this issue, the present analysis employs a stochastic climate–economy model that accounts for uncertainties in baseline economic growth, baseline emissions, greenhouse gas mitigation costs, carbon cycling, climate sensitivity, and climate change damages. In this model, preferences are specified to reflect the high degree of risk aversion revealed by private investment decisions, signaled by the large observed gap between the average rates of return paid by safe and risky financial instruments. In contrast, most climate–economy models assume much lower risk aversion. Given high risk aversion, the analysis finds that investment in climate stabilization yields especially large net benefits by forestalling low-probability threats to long-run human well-being. Accordingly, the social cost of carbon attains the markedly high value of $25,700 per metric ton of carbon dioxide in a baseline scenario in which emissions are unregulated. This value falls to just $4 per ton as the stringency of control measures is successively increased. These results cast doubt on the idea that the social cost of carbon takes on a uniquely defined, objective value that is independent of policy decisions. This does not, however, rule out the use of carbon prices to achieve the benefits of climate stabilization using least-cost mitigation measures.  相似文献   
The possibility of extreme sea-level rise is one of the commonly cited reasons for concern about climate change. Major increases in sea level would likely be driven by the melting or collapse of major ice sheets. This possibility has implications for the social cost of carbon dioxide, which is a key policy value as well as a useful summary measure of damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions.This paper extends earlier work on the importance of low-probability, high-impact events for the social cost of carbon dioxide to incorporate the possibility of extreme sea-level rise.To estimate its impact, an integrated assessment model is used, which allows a probabilistic assessment of climate change damages based on the linkages between the economic and climate systems. In the model, the generic discontinuity damage is replaced with the possibility of large-scale damage from factors that are taken to be correlated with temperature rise and, crucially for this paper, explicit consideration of extreme sea-level rise.Estimates of the amount of increase in the social cost of carbon dioxide that can be expected from incorporating extreme sea-level rise show that the increase is significant, though not especially large in percentage terms.The paper contributes to the literature of how to represent uncertain climate impacts in integrated assessment models and the associated estimation of the social cost of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
本文提出了以地理空间数据为支撑,结合手机信令、POI等多源数据刻画城市居民出行特征的方法。首先将信令数据与地理信息区块绑定,根据时间特征和地理区块的社会属性,识别居民的基本职住娱信息;然后综合民生POI点、出行特征拓展关键词、图谱等多源数据,运用工作日通勤分析模型和节假日出行特征提取模型,识别用户的通勤距离、通勤方式、日均通勤频次、周均工作时长、节假日出行场景、出行频次、驻留时长等内容,并形成涵盖职住娱信息的出行特征类标签集。以成都市为例,采集连续1个月的手机信令数据和同时期的POI等数据,验证了该方法的可行性,该成果作为反映城市实际人口规模数量和空间分布特征的城市人口地图大数据产品的重要内容,为政府部门、商企用户开展相关分析业务提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
汪德根  范子祺  赵美风 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1388-1406
城市群作为城镇化高级阶段区域社会经济发展和参与国际竞争的主要空间载体,良好的交通通达性是其高质量发展的必要条件。以《交通强国建设纲要》提出的城市群2h通达目标为研究视角,以长江经济带3个国家级城市群为研究对象,选取加权平均出行时间作为测度指标并引入场强和引力模型,对比分析3个城市群所有城市与中心城市两个层级2h出行交通圈格局特征。研究发现:① 3个城市群出行交通圈均表现为从中心向外围地区呈现出由低到高连续扩大的“圈层式”空间格局特征,且长三角和成渝城市群分别形成了“>”字型和“十”字型2h出行廊道,但长江中游城市群尚未形成2h出行廊道。② 城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈的空间分布受区位条件影响较大,越接近区域几何中心则2h出行交通圈覆盖范围越大,而影响腹地受中心城市综合规模的作用明显,3个城市群各中心城市2h出行交通圈和影响腹地的空间分异显著。③ 不同城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈衔接联系水平差异显著,表现出多元的圈层叠加的经济联系格局。④ 高密度高速公路路网在提高城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈衔接联系水平中发挥重要作用,按衔接联系模式特征可将各城市群总结为多中心网络型、多中心组团型与双中心轴辐型。  相似文献   
王欢  王芳  郭梦瑶 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2712-2725
在市场经济日趋成熟、购物需求日益多样的今天,掌握居民购物出行规律,对合理布局商业空间、科学规划交通路网和提升公民个人福利具有积极意义。本文基于全国29个省份174个地级行政区30591位受访者的主要和次要活动时间利用调查数据,通过GIS空间分析对居民购物活动参与率、购物持续时间和由购物产生的交通出行时间进行系统分析后,构建离散选择模型探讨居民购物出行活动的影响因素。研究发现:农村和西部地区居民购物参与率较低,但持续时间较长;城镇和东部沿海地区居民的购物参与率较高,但持续时间较短;农村地区及青海、内蒙古、重庆、云南等地的城镇居民交通出行时间较长。居民购物出行受到居民个体属性、居民家庭属性以及区位条件因素综合影响,且购物参与率与持续时间在某些群体呈现一定互斥。最后,从基础设施建设、购物中心规划布局等方面提出城乡空间布局与交通发展优化的对策建议。  相似文献   
学界对旅游安全事故成因的分析主要借鉴安全管理学,旅游活动的地理时空特殊性未受到充分重视,已有相关研究偏宏观定量测度,深度案例研究较少。从旅游场地特征、惯常非足迹环境和流动性三个因素入手,对2009—2019年共84起赴泰游客安全事故进行时空场景特征解析,为旅游安全事故防控提供了来自地理学的补充解释。研究发现:第一,旅游安全事故的类型与危害程度受到目的地客观地理环境特征的高度影响,而并非是单纯的管理问题。泰国夏季多暴雨的气候特征与多山地的地形特征显著影响了涉水旅游活动以及水陆交通活动,导致船艇交通事故、山区车祸与沙滩溺亡事故高发。第二,旅游目的地中存在的惯常非足迹环境场所容易触发安全事故,如:公路、沙滩泳场、酒店、便利店等。由于中泰社会与文化差异较大,惯常非足迹环境容易导致游客产生风险认知偏差,进而提高了行为决策的出错率,从而增加了安全风险。第三,空间流动性越高的场所,安全事故发生的概率越高,如交通道路和海域航线等地。本文的贡献在于揭示了地理环境复杂性对旅游安全管理与主体风险认知偏差的影响。  相似文献   
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Since its inception accessibility has undergone various changes in the way it is defined, measured, and modeled. The paper reviews the recent advancements made in...  相似文献   
当前我国人口形势面临老龄化与少子化风险,抓好“一老一小”、确保老有所养和幼有所育成为我国城乡发展中特别关注的方面。在这一背景下,如何营造有利于养老和生育的社会环境,如何针对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童等弱势人群提供更为合理的设施配置成为民生工程的重要内容。社区服务设施作为城市公共服务的空间载体,其配置模式的完善与提升是落实以人为本、集中体现社会公平的重要路径。当前,从网络地图规划路径API获取的出行时间成本矩阵能够为可达性研究提供接近真实的出行时间数据,此外个体化的人口数据如实有人口数据能够以其丰富的属性信息为识别各类弱势人群提供依据,同时精确刻画人口的空间分布。本文基于弱势人群的需求特征与相关规范,对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童三类弱势人群提出了明确定义,并构建了面向各类弱势人群个体使用需求的社区服务设施供给标准。在此基础上,利用实有人口数据、网络地图出行时间成本矩阵和POI数据,综合考虑社区服务设施的服务容量,提出了基于弱势人群个体可达性评价的社区服务设施供给评价与布局优化方法,并以广州市人民南社区为例进行了应用实践。研究表明,人民南社区的弱势人群服务设施供给存在不足,优化配置后设施的供需情况更加合理,服务人口覆盖率亦明显提升。本文提出的方法能够从独立个体尺度精确评价社区弱势人群服务设施的布局合理性,在拓展数据类型及应用方法方面为当前人口形势下精细化研究服务设施的空间分布和供需问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   
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