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蛤蜊岗滩涂贝类分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明辽东湾蛤蜊岗潮间带滩涂贝类的物种组成、分布密度和生物量的变化状况,于2011年5月对蛤蜊岗滩涂贝类资源进行了现场调查,采集共获得滩涂贝类16种,其中文蛤、泥螺、四角蛤蜊、托氏琩螺为蛤蜊岗滩涂贝类优势种,青蛤和光滑河蓝蛤为常见种。托氏琩螺的分布密度最高,为83个/m2,四角蛤蜊的平均生物量最大,为178.51 g/m2。蛤蜊岗滩涂贝类的分布呈现从滩涂北部向南部逐渐减少的趋势,滩涂四周的分布密度大于滩涂中间区域。对滩涂贝类分布密度和生物量与底质粒度、有机物含量等环境因子进行相关分析的结果显示:文蛤分布与底质中值粒径呈极显著的负相关性;托氏琩螺分布与底质中有机质含量呈显著的正相关性,而泥螺、四角蛤蜊则与环境因子的关系不显著。调查结果表明,蛤蜊岗滩涂贝类资源丰富,但应加强文蛤自然资源的保护和恢复,同时应加强对托氏琩螺资源的合理开发利用。  相似文献   
An analytical expression of a gravity retaining wall's seismic stability against sliding and overturning is proposed in this article. The derivation, aiming at the cohesionless soil with inclined backfill surface and nonvertical wall back, is based on limit equilibrium analysis and the pseudo-dynamic method. The variations of the sliding and overturning stability safe factors with the horizontal seismic acceleration are investigated for different seismic amplification factors, soil friction angles, wall friction angles, vertical seismic acceleration coefficients, wall back inclination angles, and backfill surface inclination angles. The results indicate that the soil friction and horizontal seismic action significantly impact the seismic stability. The increase of vertical earthquake action changes the curvature of stability factor curves. The wall friction and back inclination strengthen the gravity retaining wall's resistance to sliding and overturning failure while the backfill surface inclination plays a negative role in the seismic stability. We also found that the seismic stability safe factors calculated by the proposed method are larger but more reasonable than those by the Mononobe-Okabe method.  相似文献   
To understand the influence of the diagenetic water medium on the isotopic compositions of thermogenic coalbed gas, both hydrous and anhydrous closed-system pyrolyses were performed at temperatures of 250°C to 650°C on an herbaceous marsh peat. Compared to the results of anhydrous pyrolysis, the hydrocarbon gases generated from hydrous pyrolyses have very different hydrogen isotopic compositions. However, the carbon isotopic compositions of the hydrocarbon gases became only slightly heavier in hydrous pyrolysis, compared to that from anhydrous pyrolysis. With the progress of thermal evolution from peat to a more advanced thermal maturity of vitrinite reflectance values (Ro) of 5.5% during the pyrolysis, the difference in the average δD value increased from 52‰ to 64‰ between the hydrous pyrolysis with saltwater and anhydrous pyrolysis and increased from 18‰ to 29‰ between the hydrous pyrolysis with freshwater and anhydrous pyrolysis, respectively. The difference in the average δ13C value was only 1‰–2‰ between the hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis. The relationships between the δD values of the generated hydrocarbon gases and Ro values as well as among δD values of the hydrocarbon gas species are established. The close relationships among these parameters suggest that the water medium had a significant effect on the hydrogen isotopic composition and a minimal effect on the carbon isotopic composition of the hydrocarbon gases. The results of these pyrolyses may provide information for the understanding of the genesis of coalbed gas from herbaceous marsh material with the participation of different diagenetic water media.  相似文献   
Structural sliding stability of gravity dams is generally quantified using deterministic factor of safety, FSdet. Large FSdet (e.g. 3 in normal condition), are used in existing guidelines to guard against material and load uncertainties. Some guidelines allow an arbitrary reduction in FSdet (e.g. 2) when the knowledge in strength parameters increases from material test data. Yet, those reduced FSdet are not based on a rational consideration of uncertainties. Propagation of uncertainties could be done using probabilistic analyses, such as Monte-Carlo simulations (MC) which are complex and challenging for practical use. There is thus a need to develop simplified reliability based safety assessment procedures that could rationalise the adjustment of FSdet. This paper presents a progressive analysis methodology using four safety evaluation formats of increasing complexity: (i) deterministic, (ii) semi-probabilistic (partial coefficient), (iii) reliability based Adjustable Factor of Safety (AFS), and (iv) probabilistic. Comprehensive comparisons are made for the sliding safety evaluation of a 80 m gravity dam. Results are presented in terms of sliding factors of safety, allowable water levels, and demand/capacity ratios. It is shown that the AFS formulation, using direct integration, is simple and practical to use in complement to existing dam safety guidelines before undertaking MC simulations.  相似文献   
张健  张国祥  王金意 《江苏地质》2018,42(1):127-130
不同影响因素对页岩水力压裂效果有不同的影响。基于三维数值计算模型介绍了水力压裂的典型过程,针对水平最小主应力、页岩的弹性模量和渗透系数对压裂的影响进行了分析。结果表明:随着水平最小主应力的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着页岩的弹性模量增加,裂缝的高度随之降低;随着渗透系数的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着压裂液的黏度系数提高,裂缝的高度降低。  相似文献   
Map projections are an essential component of coordinate systems used in applications such as surveying, topographic mapping, and engineering, and care needs to be taken to select ones that minimize distortion for each case. This article explores the selection process for near-linear features on the surface of the Earth and derives limits for the extent of a project that can be projected within specified distortion tolerances. It is then demonstrated that a multifaceted set of projections of the Earth may be used to extend this concept to the mapping of features such as highways and railways that are quasi-linear but do not exactly follow a standard geometrical line (a great circle or a small circle) on the surface of the Earth. A continuous, conformal coordinate system may be derived in such situations, extending to indefinite length and applicable over a swath of several kilometers width, but it cannot be extended to cover situations with extensive variations in height. Instead, the Snake Projection is analyzed, and it is shown that this can be used to develop continuous (non-zonal) projected coordinate systems for major engineering projects extending for hundreds of kilometers and having extensive height ranges. Examples are shown of the application to railway projects.  相似文献   
评估生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Values,ESV)有利于衡量生态系统服务供给潜力和生态效益的大小,对城市生态规划与土地利用管控起到重要的支撑作用。选择长沙市为研究区域,基于1990、2000、2010和2018年4期土地利用现状遥感监测数据集,利用ArcGIS软件和经本地化校正的当量因子法,分析1990—2018年间的土地利用变化特征,并探讨土地利用变化对ESV的影响。结果表明: ①1990—2018年长沙市土地利用变化轨迹以耕地→林地互相转化以及建设用地对耕地、林地的侵占为主; ②1990—2018年长沙市的ESV共减少53.17×108 元,降幅3.59%,除水域外各类ESV均呈下降趋势,林地和耕地服务价值减少最明显; ③在各单项服务功能中,水文调节的价值最大,其次是气候调节,两者之和占总价值的54%; ④“退耕还林”“退田还湖”“兴工强市”等政策引起的土地利用变化势必对ESV造成影响,城市快速扩张、土地开发会导致ESV不断下降。综合分析认为,在调整研究区土地利用结构、优化土地配置时应充分重视水域、林地等生态系统服务价值较高的土地利用类型,减缓ESV的下降趋势。  相似文献   
基于1982-2017年NCEP_CFSv2(NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2)模式预测资料对黑龙江省夏季降水进行降尺度预测。通过分析黑龙江省夏季降水与同期环流因子的关系、模式对关键区环流因子的预测,选取模式模拟与再分析资料相关较好、黑龙江降水实况与再分析资料关系较好的环流因子作为预测因子,结合最优子集回归法筛选因子,建立降尺度预测模型,最后采用交叉检验法进行预测效果检验和独立样本预测。结果表明:模式降尺度预测与实况的距平符号-致率为69%,6 a独立样本预测中有5 a预测正确,优于目前的业务预测效果。进-步研究发现,在模式能够准确预测环流因子的情况下,模式降尺度可以较好地预测黑龙江省夏季降水的趋势。此外,模式降尺度在拉尼娜年预测效果较好。  相似文献   
利用GIS和遥感技术方法分析了2000—2014年那曲地区植被归一化指数(NDVI)的时空分布特征和变化趋势,探讨了NDVI与几种气象因子的关系。结果表明:空间上,研究区植被NDVI在空间上呈自西向东、自南向北逐步增大,高海拔地区小于低海拔地区的分布特点;时间上,近15a的NDVI总体上呈不显著性下降趋势,NDVI变化可以分为3个阶段,分别为2000—2005年较好,2006—2008年略差,2009—2014年好转。植被面积变化趋势表现为西北部植被处于稳定状态的面积居多,变化较明显的区域集中在中部和东南部地区的人口密集区,改善和退化区域呈现交错出现的特点。那曲地区植被变化的主要影响因素为降水量和热量因素引起的,人类活动在较短时间尺度上对植被也有较大影响。  相似文献   
工程结构三维疲劳裂纹最大应力强度因子计算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了裂纹的类型、裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。以一维问题为例,推导论证了奇异单元能够很好的反映裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。应力强度因子一般表达式表明应力强度因子与载荷呈线性关系,并依赖于物体和裂纹的几何形状和尺寸。本文借助大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,采用位移外插法计算了三维表面裂纹前沿不同位置处的应力强度因子,并与《应力强度因子手册》基于实验的理论公式计算结果相比较。结果表明:有限元结果与理论解误差较小,裂纹最深处应力强度因子最大。  相似文献   
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