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Books reviewed in this article: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing. Terrain Analysis and Remote Sensing . JOHN R. G. TOWNSHEND , ed. Environmental Data Use in Computer-assisted Data Handling Systems: The Results of a Survey of Applications in the Pacific Northwest States . KENNETH E. GORDON . Applied Land Use: A Spatial Approach . JOHN F. LOUNSBURY , LAWRENCE M. SOMMERS , AND EDWARD A. FERNALD , eds. The Second Battle of New Orleans: A History of the Vieux Carre Riverfront-Expressway Controversy . RICHARD O. BAUMBACH , JR. AND WILLIAM E. BORAH . Cultural Environmental Archaeology . MYRA SHACKLEY . The Immoral landscape: Female Prostitution in Western Societies . RICHARD SYMANSKI . life Among the Poor in Cairo . UNNI WIKAN , translated by Ann Henning. Women, Work and Property in Northwest India . URSULA SHARMA . The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies . BARBARA ROGERS Economic Optimization in Locational and Transport Analysis . A. G. WILSON , J. D. COELHO , S. M. MACGILL , H. C. W. L. WILLIAMS . New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone, Development Bank, and RFC . GEORGE STERNLIEB AND DAVID LISTOKIN , eds. Regional Wage Inflation . R. L. MARTIN , ed. Finding A Place For Energy-Siting Coal Conversion Facilities . FRANK J. CALZONETTI WITH MARK S. ECKERT . Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Environmentalism. Second Edition . T. O'RIORDAN . Countryside Conservation . BRYN GREEN . Medical Spatial Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community . A. D. CLIFF , P. HAGGETT , J. K. ORD , AND G. R. VERSEY . Philosophy and Geographic Thought Order and Skepticism: Human Geography and the Dialectic of Science . RICHARD SZYMANSKI AND JOHN A. AGNEW . Measurement of Subjective Phenomena . D. F. JOHNSTON , ed. Conceptions of Space in Social Thought: A Geographic Perspective . ROBERT DAVID SACK . The Association of American Geographers: The First Seventy-five Years: 1904-1979 . PRESTON E. JAMES AND GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . The Life and Thought of Isaiah Bowman . GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . Physical River Basin Planning: Theory and Practice . SURANJIT K. SAHA AND CHRISTOPHER J. BARROW , eds. Soils and landforms: An Integration of Ceomorphology and Pedology . A. I. GERRARD Climatic Change and Society. Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide . WILLIAM W. KELLOGG AND ROBERT SCHWARE . Political Political Redistrictings and Geographic Theory . RICHARD L. MORRILL . Population Studies in Spanish American Population History: Dell Plain Latin American Studies NO. 8 . DAVID J. ROBINSON , ed. Population Redistribution in the Midwest . CURTIS C. ROSEMAN , ANDREW J. SOFRANKO , AND JAMES D. WILLIAMS , eds. Geographical Perspectives on the Elderly . A. M. WARNES , ed. Regional Perspective On the American South . MERLE BLACK AND JOHN SHELTON REED , eds. The Prairies and Plains: Prospects for the 80s . JOHN R. ROGGE , ed. Rural Rural Settlement in an Urban World . MICHAEL BUNCE . Social Accident at Three Mile Island: The Human Dimensions . DAVID L. SILLS , C. P. WOLF , AND VIVIEN B. SHELANSKI , eds. The American Small Town: Twentieth-Century Place Images . JOHN JAKLE . Urban A House of My Own . SUSAN LOBO . The City: Patterns and Processes in the Urban Ecosystem . CHRISTOPHER H. EXLINE , GARY L. PETERS , AND ROBERT P. LARKIN . Movement in Cities . P. W. DANIELS AND A. M. WARNES . Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society . MICHAEL DEAR AND ALLEN J. SCOT , eds.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in a core idea of geography, integration, have occurred since Alexander von Humboldt published Kosmos (1845-1862). These changes are part of a larger shift in Western civilization to mechanistic reasoning. This shift led to the strengthening of system-based analysis, central to the development of geographic information systems (GIS). The duality of holism and the systems approach has led to an apparent contradiction in geography. R. Hartshorne in The Nature of Geography described this contradiction, but as did Alfred Hettner and Emil Wisotzki before, moved to partial systems as the core concept of geographic integration. Hartshorne's concept of vertical integration is the antecedent for the ubiquitous GIS layer model. The reduction of geographic relationships and processes to mechanistic components (layers) aids the systematic approach, but may lessen geographic understanding of a place's interrelationships. Although the partiality of the system approach was already acknowledged by Finch and Hartshorne in the 1930s, the tension between holistic and system approaches in geography remains. Holism and system-based approaches are indeed complementary methods for developing geographic understanding. Using holistic approaches to understand geographic phenomena, before we teleologically (following a purpose) analyze phenomena as a system, extends GIS to include broader interrelationships of geography in specific locations.  相似文献   
文学思潮与民间文化都是具有特定内涵的严格概念,与其他思潮既有联系又有区别,民间文化因为自己特殊的存在状态和创造主体而形不成思潮,二十世纪中国文学发展中的五大运动都与民间文化有关,但是不能以民间文化思潮的面目出现。高有鹏先生的《论二十世纪中国文学发展中的民间文化思潮》命题不准确,文中尚有许多可以商榷之处。  相似文献   
锡林浩特国家气候观象台是全区乃至全国观测项目最多、重要性最强的气象台站之一,但在近几年的发展过程中遇到了一些问题。文章重点分析了锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统的组成和存在的问题,探讨了推进锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统发展的思路。  相似文献   
赵伦山 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):288-293
地球科学和地球化学的进展,不但加深和扩大了对地球的认识和理论成果,同时也总结提炼出了全新的科学思维方法。复杂性理论和系统思维是科学认识论的一次飞跃。现代地球化学建立了较完整的理论和方法体系,给地质科学认知地球提供了依据和支撑。作者论证了系统思维和逻辑演绎法相结合的思维方式,是研究和认识地球复杂巨系统以及推动地球科学理论创新的指导思想,并提出了运用现代地球化学理论构架和方法体系,综合地球科学系统思维与逻辑思维相结合方向的地球化学认知模型,为深入研究地球物质能量系统的行为和解决人类面临的资源、环境和灾害问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Ryan, James R. Picturing Empire: Photography and theVisualization of the British Empire

Sizoo, Edith (ed.) Women's Lifeworlds: Women's Narratives on Shaping their Realities.

Teaford, Jon Post-Suburbia Government and Politics in the Edge Cities.

Warhus, Mark Another America: Native American Maps and the Historyof Our Land

Yeung, Y. M. and Chu, David K. Y. (eds.) Guangdong: Survey of aProvince Undergoing Rapid Change

Young, E. M. World Hunger  相似文献   
任杭洲  李翔 《探矿工程》2011,38(10):15-18
吉林松辽地区的腰英台、秦家屯十屋、八屋区块以及梨树断陷、长岭断陷的外围中深探井和伏龙泉浅层气井是中石化东北地区的重点区块。自勘探开发以来钻井提速面临重重困难,2010年是中原油田钻井队伍进入该市场以来的提速年,以提速为目标,大胆创新,通过大量的邻井调研分析,针对不同井的特点分别制定了不同的钻井提速措施。在成熟的钻井模式下通过不断地、连续地优化钻头选型,强化钻井参数,推广大功率高温螺杆复合钻进技术,细致的单井钻井方案优选,挖掘提速潜力,创出了有史以来最好的钻探成绩。详细介绍了松辽地区油气勘探优快钻井技术方案及具体措施。  相似文献   
董锁成  杨旺舟  石广义 《地理研究》2011,30(11):2115-2122
陈才教授是我国著名的地理学家,是我国区域经济地理学学科的创建者,他开创性的学术研究及实践,为我国区域经济地理学学科建设和国家发展做出了杰出贡献。陈才教授的学术思想和主要贡献可简要归纳为五个方面:(1)较早提出经济地理三个研究侧面的学术思想;(2)系统开展区域经济地理学研究和实践,创立和完善区域经济地理学学科体系;(3)...  相似文献   
敦煌莫高窟风沙危害综合防护体系探讨   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:9  
通过对敦煌莫高窟防沙历史的综合总结和分析,认为莫高窟作为我国乃至世界古代灿烂文化艺术的瑰宝,是甘肃对外交流的主要窗口之一,也是我国重要的旅游地之一。单纯的消极人工清沙已远远不能适应现代社会对生态环境质量的需要和旅游业作为该地区经济发展基本点的要求。那么,创造一个良好的旅游生态环境及文物保护工作环境,不仅有利于整个窟区生态环境的改善,且其示范效应将带动本地区乃至整个河西地区的荒漠化治理。根据风沙环境特征,提出了莫高窟防护体系建立的主导思想是:以防治西北、西南主害风为主,根据鸣沙山、砂(砾)质戈壁、窟顶崖面等不同地带的具体风沙运动规律,采取以固为主,固、阻、输、导相结合的防护原则,以切断或削弱鸣沙山沙源和固定流沙,并消除沙砾质戈壁面的就地起沙为目的,建立一个由工程、生物、化学措施组成的多层次、多功能的综合防护体系,从根本上消除风沙活动对莫高窟的危害。同时对莫高窟综合防护体系建设的总体布局及防护宽度、砾石铺压的基本原理作了一个初步的探讨。  相似文献   
在9210工程业务环境下,结合县局的预报工作实际,建立了以数值预报指导产品为基础,以人机交互系统为平台,以提高县局预报业务效率为目的,制作的县级预报思路,并投入实际业务运行中,收到良好的效果。  相似文献   
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