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The Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic evolution of the eastern North Sea region is investigated by 3D thermo-mechanical modelling. The model quantifies the integrated effects on basin evolution of large-scale lithospheric processes, rheology, strength heterogeneities, tectonics, eustasy, sedimentation and erosion.

The evolution of the area is influenced by a number of factors: (1) thermal subsidence centred in the central North Sea providing accommodation space for thick sediment deposits; (2) 250-m eustatic fall from the Late Cretaceous to present, which causes exhumation of the North Sea Basin margins; (3) varying sediment supply; (4) isostatic adjustments following erosion and sedimentation; (5) Late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic Alpine compressional phases causing tectonic inversion of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) and other weak zones.

The stress field and the lateral variations in lithospheric strength control lithospheric deformation under compression. The lithosphere is relatively weak in areas where Moho is deep and the upper mantle warm and weak. In these areas the lithosphere is thickened during compression producing surface uplift and erosion (e.g., at the Ringkøbing–Fyn High and in the southern part of Sweden). Observed late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic shallow water depths at the Ringkøbing–Fyn High as well as Cenozoic surface uplift in southern Sweden (the South Swedish Dome (SSD)) are explained by this mechanism.

The STZ is a prominent crustal structural weakness zone. Under compression, this zone is inverted and its surface uplifted and eroded. Contemporaneously, marginal depositional troughs develop. Post-compressional relaxation causes a regional uplift of this zone.

The model predicts sediment distributions and paleo-water depths in accordance with observations. Sediment truncation and exhumation at the North Sea Basin margins are explained by fall in global sea level, isostatic adjustments to exhumation, and uplift of the inverted STZ. This underlines the importance of the mechanisms dealt with in this paper for the evolution of intra-cratonic sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Only by providing the good conditions for the growth of plants can a favorable ecologicalenvironment on which human beings rely for existence be created. The upside-down-T dou-ble-layer water-conserving afforestation way is developed according to the situation of the short-age of water resources, low soil fertility and vast land in the arid areas. The characteristics of theafforestation way are to change the microenvironment in the root area of the plants, provide thefavorable conditions for the growth of plants, and reduce the necessary conditions for the growth ofplants in large areas in the arid regions. Meanwhile, the size of its water-conserving layer can bechanged according to the size of the planted trees. The different ways of the bottom wa-ter-conserving layer can be used according to the requirements. The afforestation way is suitablefor planting trees on a small scale and also for afforesting on a large scale under the adverse cir-cumstances in the arid areas, and has been effectively used in the afforestation in the hinterland ofTaklamakan Desert and the southern marginal zone of Gurbantonggut Desert. The prospects ofthe afforestation way are broad in afforestation and desertification control in the desert regions.  相似文献   
The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake brought serious damage to downtown of Adapazari. To study why strong motions were generated at the town, a bedrock structure was investigated on the basis of Bouguer gravity anomaly, and SPAC and H/V analyses of microseisms. It was revealed that, the basin consists of three narrow depressions of bedrock with very steep edges, extending in E–W or NE–SW directions along the North Anatolia faults, and the depth to bedrock reaches 1000 m or more. Downtown of Adapazari is located 1–2 km apart from the basin-edge. It is considered that, the specific configuration of bedrock amplifies ground motions at the downtown area by focusing of seismic waves and/or interference between incident S-waves and surface-waves secondarily generated at the basin-edge. Studying 3D bedrock structure is an urgent issue for microzoning an urban area in a sedimentary basin.  相似文献   
长江巨洪前期物理因子的配置   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
冯利华 《地理科学》2002,22(4):504-507
提出了长江巨洪前期物理因子配置的概念,在每一次巨洪发生之前,影响巨洪的主要物理因子之间一般都会表现出相似的特征,即出现一些固有的配置,这些配置正是长江发生巨洪的强信号,对长江巨洪的预测研究具有重要的指示作用。  相似文献   
河北南部地区资源、环境、发展初析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴凯 《地理科学进展》2002,21(5):477-483
河北南部地区山前平原区农业气候条件适于夏玉米的生长 ,黑龙港地区适于棉花的生长。本区水资源匮乏 ,地下水超采严重。浅层地下水超采模数为 8.0 1× 1 0 4 m3/( km2 ·a) ,深层地下水为 2 .5 8× 1 0 4 m3/( km2·a)。全区水资源利用的综合边际效益以廊坊市最高 ( 2 6.68元 /t) ,保定市最低 ( 1 4.85元 /t) ,两者之比为 1 .80。区内地下水降落漏斗与地面沉降等环境地质灾害频繁 ,1 998年浅层地下水漏斗区面积为 0 .5 4× 1 0 4 km2 ,深层地下水为 1 .5 9× 1 0 4 km2。地下水、粮食和蔬菜受到农药残留、过量化肥的污染。本区 2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水将占可供水量的 2 3.9% ,但缺水率仍达 36.2 %。若全区通过发展工程节水 (提高综合节水率 3.2 % )、实施适水种植 (冬小麦播种面积下调 7% ) ,利用水分胁迫处理 (减少一次灌溉 )等节水措施 ,则比 1 999年节水 1 7.2 %。  相似文献   
山岳型旅游区人文建筑环境后效与调控模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
全华 《山地学报》2002,20(6):706-711
许多山岳型旅游区内或其流域上游,都建有人文建筑,而且在急剧增多,导致自然环境日趋恶化,其中乱建疗养院和旅馆的影响最为严重。通过地监测并全面分析张家界环境演变趋势,发现住宿施对环境的影响,比其他游乐设施更为明显。张家界国家森林公园生态环境的脆弱因子是金鞭溪水质。金鞭溪水质恶化主要表现为蓝藻,绿藻迅速繁殖,感官质量下降。主要原因是磷污染较重,总磷年均值100%超标。本文提出了基于环境脆弱因子的动态阈值调控模型,通过计算得出:在不超出张家界景区最为脆弱的环境因子-金鞭溪水质标准:总磷≤0.02前提下,金鞭溪上游接待区住宿设施生态阈值的动态系列:春季临界床位数为1186,夏季为3057,冬季为545,秋季为333。目前的建筑规模已超过了金鞭溪上游接待区住宿设施生态阈值。  相似文献   
冰碛土工程性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以川西某机场为例,研究了冰碛土的工程性能,研究成果满足了工程设计的要求,对同类地基研究具有 重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
衡阳市生态环境现状及其改善对策   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
资源的不合理开发利用导致衡阳生态环境严重恶化。加强生态环境保护与建设对衡阳乃至湖南的可持续发展具有重要的意义。在分析衡阳市资源开发存在问题及其主要原因的基础上j探讨了在资源开发中建立可持续发展的良性生态环境的途径和措施,指出了要发展生态产业、开展生态环境的保护和建设,必须大力实施生态农业、生态林业、生态能源、生态旅游等生态经济工程,从而为衡阳市经济建设莫定坚实的生态可持续发展基础。  相似文献   
地下水流动对土体产生渗透力;当渗透力大于土体的抗剪强度,土体破坏,也就是当施工造成地下水水力坡度超过砂层的临界水力坡度即产生流砂现象.运用水文地质工程地质学方面的原理其处理方法有两类:—是莫尔一库仑法:即c法和φ法;二是临界水力坡度法(Ic法).  相似文献   
论上海软土地基⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的定值问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海地区深部土层⑦⑧⑨层埋深在30~70m。对其压缩模量Es的定值问题,现行《上海市地基基础设计规范》(DGJ08 11 1999)(后文中简称《规范》)长期以来确定室内试验E0 1~0 2值为沉降计算值,导致沉降计算值与建(构)筑物实际沉降量之间相差2~8倍。为符合规范的变形要求,设计人员不得不采取桩加粗、加长、加密的办法,从而造成桩基投资的极大浪费。为了正确认识深部土层的Es值,上海岩土工程界进行了多种形式的试验研究。近年来,笔者结合上海高、大、深、重建(构)筑物的工程实践,深入进行上海深部⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的试验研究,获得许多新的认识,对其定值问题作了研究,提出⑦⑧⑨层的建议值,供同行参考研讨。  相似文献   
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