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太古宇结晶变质岩是潜山的重要储集层岩石类型, 然而对太古宇不同类型变质岩裂缝发育潜力的相对大小迄今还没有明确的标志。通过大量的岩石力学实验、岩心裂缝观测、成像测井资料分析和油田生产实践等相结合的方法, 探索分析太古宇不同岩石类型裂缝发育的相对潜力, 并提出了脆性系数(fb)的概念。岩石力学试验结果表明, 太古宇不同岩性的岩石力学性质存在差异, 脆性系数总体有随暗色矿物增加而减小的趋势; 定向构造发育的片麻岩类岩石的力学参数与变形方向密切相关, 其中片麻理与加载方向夹角大于45°时的脆性系数fb明显小于夹角小于45°时的脆性系数。大量生产实践资料表明, 定向构造发育的片麻岩类容易发育剪裂缝, 而定向构造不发育的粒岩类则容易发育张性裂缝。综合分析揭示, 不同岩性剪裂缝发育潜力从大到小的次序为:片麻岩类→混合花岗岩类→角闪岩; 不同岩性张性裂缝发育潜力从大到小的次序为:混合花岗岩类、浅粒岩→片麻岩类→角闪岩。   相似文献   
本文通过改变云峰井孔径试验,探讨了提高地下水观测井映震能力的一种途径。  相似文献   
- The authors have used a low-cost ROV of observation type for underice surveying of the Nen-Jiang Cross-river oil pipe line in the Da Qing oil field. The operation method, process and the safety measures for severe cold areas are presented. The fruitful tries and experience may be useful to ROV operators in severe cold areas.  相似文献   
卢贤锥 《福建地质》2010,29(1):22-28
测试数据准确可靠的高应变法检测,能够定量分析基桩缺陷,准确判定缺陷位置。通过工程桩的低应变法和高应变法对桩身完整性判定分析的工程实例,结合钻芯法验证,总结高应变法在不同情况下对桩身完整性的评定。  相似文献   
岩体工程质量分级应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体质量评价采用的测试技术包括地质勘察、弹性波检测和室内岩石力学试验。结合水布垭水利枢纽大坝建基岩体工程质量评价实例,对岩体工程质量分级的应用进行了研究。  相似文献   
V. Prabhakar  J. Pandurangan   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(8-9):1044-1055
A polar method for obtaining wave resonating quadruplets {K1, K2, K3, K4} in the computation of nonlinear wave–wave interaction source term of the wave model is presented with results for both deep and finite water depths. The method first determines the end radial points of the locus equation for K2, for each set of input wave vectors (K1, K3) on the symmetry. The locus of K2 (and hence K4) is then traced in the anti-clockwise direction starting with the maximum radial point on the line of symmetry. It is shown that when k3>k1, the number of points on the locus varies when the orientations of the input wave vectors are changed and reduces when the difference in the magnitude of the input wave vectors is increased. A significant advantage in this method is that the angular increment on the locus for K2 can be kept constant.  相似文献   
根据国土管理部门的业务需要,城市三维地籍测量之地下空间要素的测量工作日益受到重视,地下管线的测量、探测项目不断增多,管线定位、埋深探测技术在城市地下管线基础数据采集和三维数据库建设中发挥着重要的作用。本文介绍了目前地下管线实际应用的几种探测方法,并从应用电磁法探测地下金属管线的基本理论出发,对三种观测系统的定位及埋深探测误差进行了对比和分析。  相似文献   
A class of El Nino atmospheric physics oscillation model is considered. The El Nino atmospheric physics oscillation is an abnormal phenomenon involved in the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere interactions. The conceptual oscillator model should consider the variations of both the eastern and westem Pacific anomaly patterns. An El Nino atmospheric physics model is proposed using a method for the variational iteration theory. Using the variational iteration method, the approximate expansions of the solution of corresponding problem are constructed. That is, firstly, introducing a set of functional and accounting their variationals, the Lagrange multiplicators are counted, and then the variational iteration is defined, finally, the approximate solution is obtained. From approximate expansions of the solution, the zonal sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific and the thermocline depth anomaly of the seaair oscillation for El Nino atmospheric physics model can be analyzed. El Nino is a very complicated natural phenomenon. Hence basic models need to be reduced for the sea-air oscillator and are solved. The variational iteration is a simple and valid approximate method.  相似文献   
嵌岩桩理论研究和设计中的几个问题   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
明确嵌岩桩的定义和分类,对嵌岩桩的承载机理、临界嵌入深度、设计理论和数值模拟方法等问题进行讨论,并对未来的工作进行论述。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲软土微结构的定量研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对用不同长度的PVC管在珠海和广州两地采得的淤泥样柱施于一定荷载,然后在扫描电镜下研究软土受压后在样柱垂深方向上的微结构变化,并将样品的微结构照片扫描,在计算机内进行量化处理。结果表明,样品的孔隙分布分维差随着离施压点距离的增加而逐渐减小,从而得到两者的关系方程。据此,可了解在一定荷载下应力在软土层中向下的衰减趋势。文章还对软土的天然含水量和围压对压缩变形的影响作了初步的讨论。  相似文献   
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