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遥感影像三维可视化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张顺谦 《气象科技》2004,32(4):233-236
利用DEM高程资料实现遥感影像的三维显示可大大提高遥感监测产品的使用价值,而商用软件成本高操作繁琐普及困难。利用计算机图形学知识和Delphi编程语言,开发了一套遥感影像三维可视化软件。对在开发过程中遇到的有关DEM数据的裁剪与拼接、图像配准、地表模拟、透视变换、消隐处理、光照和阴影效果以及颜色变换等问题的解决方案和实现方法作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   
Johan M. Bonow   《Geomorphology》2005,72(1-4):106-127
Classifications of large-scale landscapes in Greenland have traditionally been based on type and intensity of glacial erosion, with the general idea that present landforms are mainly the result of erosion from ice sheets and glaciers. However, on southern Disko and in areas offshore in Disko Bugt, a basement surface has preserved remnants of weathered gneiss and pre-Paleocene landforms, recently exhumed from Paleocene basalt. Isolated hills and lineaments have been mapped in a digital terrain model and aerial photographs. Offshore have hills been mapped from seismic lines. The medium size bedrock forms on southern Disko as tors, clefts and roche moutonées have been studied in the field. Remnant saprolites were inventoried, sampled and analysed according to grain size and clay mineralogy. The basement surface retains saprolites up to 8 m thick in close relation to the cover rocks. The landforms in the basement rocks belong essentially to an etched surface only slightly remodelled by glacial erosion and, below the highest coastline, also by wave action. The outline of hills is governed by two lineament directions, ENE–WSW representing the schistocity of the gneiss and NW–SE fracture zones. These structures are thus interpreted to have been exploited by the deep weathering while the frequent N–S lineaments have not and thus might be younger. Main ice-flow has been from the NE and has resulted in plucking of SW facing lee sides, however the resulting bedrock forms are mainly controlled by structures and orientation of joints. The identification of re-exposed sub-Paleocene etch forms on Disko and the hills of similar size offshore, forming a hilly relief, have implications for identification of a hilly relief south of Disko Bugt, its relation to younger planation surfaces as well as for conclusions of uplift events.  相似文献   
利用2007—2011年MODIS、GlobAlbedo和ERA-Interim的3种地表反照率产品,借助地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)空间化技术,对中国地区3种地表反照率产品进行了对比分析。结果表明:3种产品与气象站观测值的时间分布趋势一致,冬季高夏季低,且相关性较高。3种产品中,MODIS与GlobAlbedo的绝对差异值最小,ERA-Interim与MODIS、GlobAlbedo的绝对差异值较大。3种产品在青藏高原和西北山地区域表现出较大的差异,且差异表现为冬半年高,夏半年低。3种产品之间相关性最高的是MODIS与GlobAlbedo,最低的是MODIS与ERA-Interim, 3种产品在40°N以北具有较好的相关性。且在夏季和冬季地表反照率均值的表现说明,ERA-Interim相比MODIS、GlobAlbedo难以反映地表反照率受地形和土地覆被的影响。  相似文献   
Based on the latest oceanic surface drifter dataset from the global drifter program during 2000–2019, this study investigated the global variation of relative frequency shift(RFS), near-inertial energy(NIE) and inverse excess bandwidth(IEB) of near-inertial motions, and analyzed their relations with oceanic mesoscale dynamics, relative vorticity and strain. Compared with previous works, we have some new findings in this study:(1) the RFS was high with negative values in some regions in which we found a significant blue shift of the RFS in the equatorward of 30°N(S) and from 50°N to 60°N in the Pacific, and a red shift in the western boundary currents and their extension regions, the North Atlantic and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current regions;(2) more peak values of the NIE were found in global regions like the South Indian Ocean, the Luzon Strait and some areas of the South Ocean;(3) the global distribution of the IEB were characterized by clear zonal bands and affected by vorticity and wind field;(4)the RFS was elevated as the absolute value of the gradient of vorticity increased, the IEB did not depend on the gradient of vorticity, and the eddy kinetic energy(EKE) weakened with the decrease of the absolute value of RFS;(5) the NIE decreased with increasing absolute value of the relative vorticity and the gradient of vorticity, but it increased with increasing strain and EKE when EKE was larger than 0.003 2 m~2/s~2.  相似文献   
汶川MS 8.0地震地表破裂带   总被引:90,自引:15,他引:75  
2008年5月12日14时28分4秒,四川省汶川县发生MS8.0大地震。发震断裂为龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂。该次地震的地表破裂可分成2条,分别出现在龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂、彭县-灌县断裂上,前者破裂长度约200km,后者破裂长度约80km。本次地震的最大垂直和右旋水平同震位移出现在都江堰市虹口乡附近的映秀-北川断裂上,分别为(5±0.2)m和(4.8±0.2)m。破裂带南段出露的地表断层产状为N32°E/NW∠76°,其上的侧伏角为S75°~80°W,反映了该次地震在南段以逆冲运动为主,兼有少量的右旋走滑分量  相似文献   
Acidic species, such as Nitrate, in polar snow and firn layers are “reversibly” deposited, and are sufficiently volatile to undergo significant postdepositional exchange between snow/firn and the atmosphere. Through comparison of the snowpit and snowpack nitrate concentrations from central East Antarctica and the headwater of ürumqi River, we conclude that the nitrate peaks in the uppermost surface snow layers in central Antarctica are not related to an atmospheric signal and must account for post-depositional effects. Such effects, however, are not found in the surface snowpack nitrate profiles from the headwater of ürumqi River. Two reasons may account for the post-depositional difference. At first, nitrate in the polar snow and firn layers appears to be hydrated ion, which can be taken up by the atmosphere, while at the headwater of ürumqi River it seems mainly as mineral ion, which assembles the behavior of aerosol-derived species that are “irreversibly” deposited and do not undergo significant post-depositional exchange with the atmosphere. Secondly, the chemical features of the snow and ice on the Antarctica are mainly determined by wet deposition, to the contrary, dry deposition is more significant at the headwater of lUrumqi River than that on the East Antarctic Plateau.  相似文献   
分析了高原地面加热场强度距平指数与四川盆地伏旱及主汛期降水的联系。结果表明,高原前期加热强度同四川盆汛期降水和伏旱程度密切相关。把这些关系引入汛期降水预测模型对提高短期气候预测能力有一定积极意义。  相似文献   
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