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We present a novel approach to understanding distance as a barrier to cycling and its use as a dependent variable in multinomial logistic regression. In doing so, this study explores distances in relation to spatially and relevant human factors such as gender and propensity to cycle among college students. College students (N = 949) participated in a health survey and stated possible predictors of cycling based on their cycle usage and preferences in the previous 30 days. While utilizing GIS in a bicycle-friendly network, we created geo-statistical GIS-groupings and performed multinomial logistic regression analysis. We examined college students to discover how their demographic and personal characteristics may mediate the deterrent properties of distance when considered as a dependent variable in cycling to a college campus. Age and propensity for cycling for transportation mediate the negative effect of distance on the likelihood of cycling. The findings also suggest that infrastructure improvements could lessen the impact of distance as a barrier to cycling and increase the likelihood of cycling for commuting.  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):127-140

Broadening the intercultural awareness and international outlook of undergraduate students is best achieved through active rather than passive learning. The international student interview provides an excellent strategy for such active learning in introductory human geography classes. It allows American-born students to enter into a dialogue with students from other countries and learn about their cultures while simultaneously reexamining their own society and cultural frames of reference. The exercise also provides instructors with an opportunity to discuss the ethics and social practices associated with interviewing. Feedback from University of Georgia students completing this assignment underscored these benefits and provided suggestions for refinement of the exercise.  相似文献   
大学生市场是旅游的一个重要细分市场,具有很大开发潜力。选取桂林中越大学生作为样本,采用问卷调查,运用频数统计、卡方分布等分析,对其旅游行为进行研究。结果显示:(1)旅游消费背景分析中旅游消费期望和旅游信息获得渠道存在差异。(2)旅游购买决策分析中旅游类型、方式、目的地范围、旅游地停留时间存在差异。(3)旅游购后分析中旅游服务要素关注点存在差异。其存在差异原因在于文化、语言、动机和处境的差异,最后在此基础上提出发展大学生旅游市场的4条建议。  相似文献   
大学生海洋意识调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以问卷形式对大学生的海洋认识进行调查,结果显示大学生海洋意识总体较弱,但大多学生关心海洋资源开发与海洋污染问题,海洋主权意识强烈。在此基础上分析了大学生海洋意识薄弱的根源以及增强大学生海洋意识的必要性。借鉴日本海洋教育经验,提出了让海洋知识教育进入大学课堂,加强各种媒介对全社会宣传海洋知识,并组织丰富多彩的活动普及海洋科学知识等途径为我国培养拥有较高海洋意识水平的大学生。  相似文献   
快速城市化背景下乡村绅士化的时空演变特征   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
何深静  钱俊希  徐雨璇  刘斌 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1044-1056
乡村绅士化是指移民从城市迁入乡村地区, 通过对一定的经济资本的利用, 来达到对乡村的自然环境与独特的生活方式及文化氛围的体验与消费的过程。乡村绅士化过程造成了乡村地区人口结构的重构以及物质景观的变迁。本文选取广州小洲村作为研究案例, 对乡村绅士化的时空特征及其演变过程进行了深入分析。研究发现, 小洲村乡村绅士化过程分为艺术先锋绅士化及学生化两个阶段。由于空间需求、付租能力、群体数量等方面的差异, 两类绅士化过程对当地的物质环境、文化、社会、经济等方面产生了不同的影响。但两者的发展紧密相连, 在时间和空间上经历了延续、重叠、更替等阶段。乡村绅士化的过程, 在一定程度上缓解了乡村社区经济发展的困境, 也没有造成对本地居民的置换。但是随着社区住房成本的上涨, 先期迁入的艺术家群体正在被付租能力更强的学生群体逐渐替换。值得注意的是, 本地村民通过积极的寻租行为成为乡村绅士化的重要推动者, 而非被置换者。研究发现, 乡村绅士化现象的中西方差异主要体现在4 个方面:经济和物质层面的影响、与城市化的关系、人口置换的后果、绅士化的推动者。这些差异主要与乡村绅士化发展的社会经济背景、机制和特殊的土地政策等密切相关。这一研究对于探讨转型期中国乡村绅士化现象的特征与机制以及乡村社区发展的模式具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):156-164
After nearly ten years of implementation of the first junior high school geography standards, Chinese geography educators have been increasingly incorporating fieldwork into their geography teaching. This study examined student perceptions of fieldwork from an international perspective by reviewing student fieldwork reports and administering a questionnaire to 337 junior high school students aged approximately fifteen years. The results demonstrate that the students' perceptions of fieldwork were primarily positive and that they found field experience to be interesting. Fieldwork provided the students with deepened understanding of issues, cognitive and affective benefits, transferable skills and knowledge, social skills, demonstration, and memorable experience. In addition, some factors for improving geographic fieldwork were identified.  相似文献   
戚云亭  任然  曹凯 《地理科学进展》2022,41(10):1913-1925
随着出国留学人数和留学回国人数的不断增加,海归就业难的情况引发了一系列公共讨论,也进入了学者的研究视野。论文借助布迪厄的实践理论及场域、共知、惯习、资本等作为概念工具,基于33位硕士归国人员与73位雇主的访谈资料,从地理学角度分析了留学归国人员的求职困境。结果表明,留学归国人员和雇主分别处于国际教育场域和本土就业场域。国际教育场域以西方机构发布的全球院校排名为主要表征,根植于西方为主导的全球高等教育等级体系。因而留学人员往往认为留学获取的资本在本土就业场域具有可转换性,有利于个人及家庭的向上社会流动(upward social mobility)。而雇主的招聘实践受到本土就业场域内一系列本地化规制的影响,近年来对海外资本的需求和认可度逐渐降低,更加重视本地化文化资本和植根于本地场域的具身体验。论文的分析兼顾本土地方实际、全球教育结构以及个人能动性,为留学归国人员和雇主之间关于海外资本价值的非对称认知与相关实践提供了理论解释,揭示了资本在社会流动性、全球化背景下的跨地方动态转换过程,并强调移民语境下的资本、共知、惯习等具有明显的地方根植性特征。  相似文献   
鲁西南地区中小学生防震减灾科普认知及需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解鲁西南地区中小学生对防震减灾科普的认知情况及需求,采用问卷调查等方法对鲁西南地区典型城市菏泽市开展了此次研究。研究发现,该地区中小学生总体上在地震科学常识、地震部门工作内容以及避震救助技能和识别谣言能力方面处于中等偏上水平,但在部分题目上也存在认知度较低的状况。在防震减灾科普的态度和需求偏好方面,97.04%的学生表示愿意参加防震减灾知识培训,大部分学生还是偏好传统媒体的渠道与形式。另外,在示范与非示范学校、城区与乡镇学校、中学与小学的对比中,发现了明显的群体差异性。本次调查对今后开展山东全省公众的防震减灾科普认知及需求状况研究提供了一定的依据和指导。  相似文献   
为了解雄安新区防震减灾科普教育在中小学校园内开展情况及学生对防震减灾知识的认知和需求,课题组2020年年底在雄安新区3县选取部分中小学开展问卷调查.调查表明,雄安新区中小学生对防震减灾知识关注度较高且参加意愿较强,对地震应急避险知识认知水平较高,在地震预警常识、地震谣言辨别方面处于中等偏上水平,但震后救援、自救互救认知...  相似文献   
Ruth Fincher 《Geoforum》2011,42(5):539-549
In creating separate and distinct spaces and forms of socialising for themselves, ‘international’ and ‘local’ university students in central Melbourne are influenced by three key, spatially-linked processes. The first is institutional - it includes the allocation of international students to a certain type of housing which differs from that chosen by local students, and the practice of universities, student clubs and local churches to gather international and local students into separate groupings. The second is locational. It is the process by which international students find themselves living principally in and around the edge of the central city, an entertainment district with rowdy characteristics that these students often find distasteful. Local students, in contrast, locate in the inner suburbs for the most part, at a distance from the city centre hotspot. The third process sees socialising habits that are enacted in and by virtue of the public places in which they occur. This self-enacting socialisation further separates local students from international students. All three processes demonstrate how certain characteristics of the built environment can be invested with particular meanings and become complicit in shaping racialised social interactions.  相似文献   
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