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Lei LIU  Fei HU 《大气科学进展》2019,36(10):1121-1128
In this paper, we use fluctuation analysis to study statistical correlations in wind speed time series. Each time series used here was recorded hourly over 40 years. The fluctuation functions of wind speed time series were found to scale with a universal exponent approximating to 0.7, which means that the wind speed time series are long-term correlated. In the classical method of extreme estimations, data are commonly assumed to be independent (without correlations). This assumption will lead to an overestimation if data are long-term correlated. We thus propose a simple method to improve extreme wind speed estimations based on correlation analysis. In our method, extreme wind speeds are obtained by simply scaling the mean return period in the classical method. The scaling ratio is an analytic function of the scaling exponent in the fluctuation analysis.  相似文献   
基于WAVEWATCH III,在输入相同的风场条件下,评估了三个输入耗散项WAM3,WAM4以及TC96在是否考虑大气稳定性时的模拟能力。通过5组实验,用南海的测波雷达数据以及研究区域内HY-2高度计的有效波高数据对不同源项的模拟结果进行了比较分析,研究区域为100-135°E,0-35°N。对TC96中的风速校正参数进行了敏感性分析。结果表明,这几种源项在涌浪占主导时的模拟效果都不太理想;考虑大气不稳定性的TC96源项模拟的效果最好;大气不稳定性的影响是以一种所谓的“高效风速”的策略来反映的,其中最重要的一个参数为风速转换参数,这个参数非常敏感,在对特定区域进行模拟之前,应先分析出这个参数的最优值。  相似文献   
Based on the core samples collected in different geological tectonic units in the southern South China Sea, the double parameter equations between sediment sound speed and physical parameters were developed. According to the double parameter equations, the influences of physical parameters (porosity, mean grain size, wet bulk density, and clay content) on sediment sound speed were analyzed. To analyze the sensitivity of each parameter in the double parameter equations, the error norm method was introduced. The most influencing physical parameters with relative order were analyzed using the error norm method. These results show that porosity has a major influence on the sound speed, and the most influential physical parameters on sound speed are as follows: porosity > wet bulk density > clay content > mean grain size.  相似文献   
The propulsive efficiency maximization of contra-rotating azimuth propulsor (CRAP) at model scale is investigated through searching the optimal matching rotational speeds of the forward propeller (FP) and rear propeller (RP) of CRAP based on the potential-based panel method. The hydrodynamic performance of CRAP with changing rotational speeds (FP and RP may have different rotational speeds) are calculated. When the inflow velocity is certain, the cubic spline interpolation method is used to get the equal thrust points at which CRAP has the same thrust with the corresponding conventional propeller (CP). Then, the delivered powers at these equal thrust points are further obtained through cubic spline interpolation method. The rotational speeds of FP and RP at the equal thrust point corresponding to the minimal delivered power are the optimal matching rotational speeds of CRAP. The optimal matching calculations are carried out at different inflow velocities. The results of the optimal matching investigation show that CRAP has the lowest delivered powers when FP and RP have the optimal matching rotational speeds and that the energy saving level decreases with the increase of inflow velocity. The optimal matching rotational speed ratio decreases with the increase of inflow velocity. In general, the delivered powers of CRAP having optimal matching rotational speeds at different inflow velocities are obviously smaller than those of CP.  相似文献   
The effects of hurricane forward speed(V) and approach angle(θ) on storm surge are important and a systematic investigation covering possible and continuous ranges of these parameters has not been done before. Here we present such a study with a numerical experiment using the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model(FVCOM).The hurricane track is simplified as a straight line, such that V and θ fully define the motion of the hurricane. The maximum surge is contributed by both free waves and a forced storm surge wave moving with the hurricane.Among the free waves, Kelvin-type waves can only propagate in the down-coast direction. Simulations show that those waves can only have a significant positive storm surge when the hurricane velocity has a down-coast component. The optimal values of V and θ that maximize the storm surge in an idealized semi-circular ocean basin are functions of the bathymetry. For a constant bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs when the hurricane approaches the coast from the normal direction when the free wave generation is minimal; for a stepped bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs at a certain acute approach angle which maximizes the duration of persistent wind forcing; a step-like bathymetry with a sloped shelf is similar to the stepped bathymetry, with the added possibility of landfall resonance when the free and forced waves are moving at about the same velocity. For other cases, the storm surge is smaller, given other parameters(hurricane size, maximum wind speed, etc.)unchanged.  相似文献   
利用全球卫星导航系统反射信号技术(GNSS-R)反演海面风速时,得到的双基雷达横截面积由于几何因素的影响不能直接用来反演风速.针对这一问题,对功率校准后的数据进行几何校正,在分析全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)海面反射信号特征的基础上,分析了几何因素对风速反演的影响,对双基雷达横截面积和有效散射区域进行校正,得到相应反射点的反射信号功率;最后对所求得的反射信号参数进行仿真验证.实验结果表明,海面风速反演的均方根误差为2.61 m/s,反演风速与真实风速的相关系数为0.57,校正后的归一化双基雷达横截面积能够有效地反演海面风速.  相似文献   
中国近海声速剖面的模态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用WOA05数据集提供的气候态声速场数据,通过模糊C-均值聚类分析,得到了中国近海声速剖面模态特征的区域性分布和季节性变化。结果表明,中国近海的声速剖面结构可分为深海型(D型)、浅海型(S型)和过渡型(T型)三个基本类型。深海型剖面为"季节性跃层/正梯度+主跃层+深海声道+深海正梯度"结构,南海和菲律宾海因所属水系不同呈现出明显差异;浅海型剖面季节性变化强烈,冬季为正梯度或均匀型结构,其它季节为"混合层+季节性跃层+下均匀层"结构,负梯度强度与季节性跃层的变化有关,在夏季达到最强;过渡型剖面形态与邻近的深海型上层结构类似,但因受地形制约产生与深海型不同的声传播特征。海面太阳辐射、海洋环流、混合层以及水团配置的季节性变化导致的温盐场空间分布差异是造成不同海区、不同季节声场速剖面结构差异的根本原因。  相似文献   
Mapping wind with high-frequency(HF) radar is still a challenge. The existing second-order spectrum based wind speed extraction method has the problems of short detection distances and low angular resolution for broad-beam HF radar. To solve these problems, we turn to the first-order Bragg spectrum power and propose a space recursion method to map surface wind. One month of radar and buoy data are processed to build a wind spreading function model and a first-order spectrum power model describing the relationship between the maximum of first-order spectrum power and wind speed in different sea states. Based on the theoretical propagation attenuation model, the propagation attenuation is calculated approximately by the wind speed in the previous range cell to compensate for the first-order spectrum in the current range-azimuth cell. By using the compensated first-order spectrum, the final wind speed is extracted in each cell. The first-order spectrum and wind spreading function models are tested using one month of buoy data, which illustrates the applicability of the two models. The final wind vector map demonstrates the potential of the method.  相似文献   
Measurements from the GEOSAT, ERS-1 and 2 and Topex/Poseidon satellites have now accumulated to over 15 years of global ocean wave and wind data. Extraction of wave height, wind speed and wave period from the satellite altimeters and directional wave spectra from the synthetic aperture radars are reviewed along with recent validation and calibration efforts. Applications of the data to a variety of problems illustrate the potential of satellite wave measurements.  相似文献   
2004年2月、9月、12月和2005年3月,利用澳大利亚产的微侵蚀计(M EM,M icroe-rosion m eter)对湖南郴州礼家洞观测点非岩溶流水中的碳酸盐岩(包括石灰岩和白云岩)试块进行了侵蚀速率的精确测定,共取得数据1550个。用SPSS应用软件对数据进行了处理,发现礼家洞非岩溶流水中的碳酸盐岩的侵蚀速率异常的高,最大的达到了13.6mm/a。在每次测量碳酸盐岩侵蚀速率的同时,使用德国WTW公司生产的MultilineP3多参数自动记录仪,对每个碳酸盐岩试块放置点的水温、pH值、电导率进行了现场监测,并取回水样分析了其中的主要阴阳离子浓度。通过对这些水化学资料的分析,发现礼家洞非岩溶流水的侵蚀能力很强,表现在水的CO2分压很高(可达到12882Pa),而方解石和白云石的饱和指数很低(分别达到-4.78和-10.35)。对比发现,非岩溶流水中碳酸盐岩的侵蚀速率与其方解石和白云石的饱和指数呈负相关关系,即水中方解石和白云石的饱和指数愈低,碳酸盐岩的侵蚀速率就愈高。此外,观察发现,碳酸盐岩试块本身的结构特别是本试验中白云岩的粗晶结构对其侵蚀速率有巨大的影响,反映了机械侵蚀(流水的物理搬运)对侵蚀速率的贡献(可达90%以上),这与传统的将碳酸盐岩试片放入土壤中测得的主要是化学溶蚀速率不同。  相似文献   
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