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通过工程实例,介绍了一种在深厚杂填土基坑中运用钢管土钉结合压密注浆技术的围护方法,对钢管土钉及压密注浆的设计及施工作了详细说明。监测结果表明,该支护方法可以有效控制基坑变形,确保基坑及地下结构施工期的安全,为类似条件的基坑围护工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
古海东  杨敏 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3531-3540
采用同济大学中型岩土离心机进行了2组疏排桩支护基坑的离心机模型试验,结合三维有限元数值分析探讨了采用规范方法计算疏排桩支护基坑桩身内力与变形的适宜性,并提出了考虑土拱效应的疏排桩支护基坑桩侧土压力的理论计算方法,最后建立了考虑土拱效应的疏排桩支护基坑桩身内力和变形的计算模型。研究结果表明:对于桩间距与桩径之比为2、3和8的疏排桩支护基坑,桩间土体无法形成土拱效应;对于桩间距与桩径之比为4~7的疏排桩支护基坑,桩间土拱效应明显;规范法计算得到桩身内力与变形结果要比离心机试验结果偏大,与规范方法相比,采用文中提出的计算方法计算疏排桩支护基坑桩身内力与变形更为合理。  相似文献   
华南、华东南地区具有厚度可达上百米的花岗岩风化残积层。高等级公路、铁路的规模建设在该地区形成了大量的花岗岩类土质高边坡。深入认识该类边坡的工程特性并提出有效的针对性边坡加固方法,对该地区公路、铁路的安全建设和正常运营具有重要意义。为了更有效指导该类边坡的稳定性分析及边坡设计,本文深入调查分析了广东和广西境内4条高等级公路沿线的44处花岗岩类土质边坡特征及其稳定性,认为控制该类边坡稳定性的因素主要有:土体的均匀性、岩脉(墙)及花岗岩球状硬核的分布情况、坡体中保留的结构面是否对坡体稳定性起控制作用。继而依据这些因素把花岗岩类土质边坡划分为岩脉(墙)隔挡型边坡、网状结构型边坡、外倾结构型边坡、浮石型边坡4种类型。深入分析了每种类型边坡的坡体结构特征、稳定特性,针对性地提出了边坡稳定性分析中应重点考虑的因素。认为花岗岩类土质边坡的土质及坡体结构特征,造成了该类边坡开挖临时自稳性较好,但具有较强的开挖卸荷效应和较弱的抗冲刷能力。最后针对每种类型的花岗岩类土质边坡,提出了相应的设计方案建议。基于花岗岩类土质边坡良好的临时自稳性,认为可进行陡开挖强支护设计,同时强调逐级开挖逐级支护、加强坡面防冲刷、边坡护脚及压顶、边坡截排水等设计建议。  相似文献   
余明辉  郭晓 《水科学进展》2014,25(5):677-683
以二元结构河岸崩塌模式为研究背景,在弯道水槽中展开系列试验,研究凹岸坡脚处成型崩塌体在水力作用下输移过程及其对岸坡稳定性与河床冲淤的交互影响。试验成果表明,崩塌体经水力分解破碎呈块状、片状或颗粒状起动,部分随水流带至凸岸或下游,堆积在坡脚附近的崩塌体残留量随水力作用大小及土体特性不同而变化。崩塌体临水面周围尤其上下游端水流紊动强烈易形成较大剪切力区,临坡面上下游端附近剪切力较无崩塌体时减小;崩塌体体积越大,对剪切力区特征的改变也越明显。崩塌体的存在虽不能制止附近岸坡的再次崩塌,但可能抑制崩岸发展及附近河床淤积的程度,崩塌体的粘性或体积越大,这种抑制作用越显著;相同崩塌体抑制附近河床淤积的程度较抑制岸坡崩塌的程度大。  相似文献   
基于福建省龙海市4类典型成土母质的垂向土壤剖面样品分析数据,研究了常量组分和微量元素含量及剖面分布特征。结果表明:研究区在温暖湿润气候条件下,化学风化作用强烈,Ca、Mg、Na、Si、K淋失贫化,含量明显低于全国均值,Al、Fe则相对富集,风化淋溶系数( ba)和硅铝铁率( Saf)值远低于全国土壤,土壤风化程度达到脱硅富铝铁阶段,花岗岩类成土母岩区风化作用尤为强烈;剖面土壤环境质量总体较好,微量元素含量与成土母质密切有关,九龙江口冲海积成因(剖面1)土壤重金属含量明显高于其他3个剖面;多数微量元素垂向分布受常量组分的控制,As、Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn与土壤中Fe等组分具有显著正相关性。因表层土壤中细粒黏质组分随地表径流淋失或下渗迁移,导致表层土壤低Fe、Al和重金属元素;在生物地球化学循环和人为污染的影响下,Hg、Cd、Pb、Zn等在表层土壤呈富集特征;多数重金属元素的相对富集系数小于1.0,且表层土壤无明显富集特征,认为除Hg、Pb等少数重金属元素外,其他元素受人为污染影响较小。  相似文献   
祁连山中部亚高山草地土壤呼吸及其组分研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
草地碳通量组分的区分及其与环境因子的关系是了解生态系统碳循环的重要环节。于2013年6-8月在祁连山中部亚高山草地开展了土壤呼吸及其组分研究,利用根去除法区分根系自养呼吸和土壤微生物异养呼吸。采用LI-8100土壤碳通量系统测定生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸及土壤微生物呼吸速率,同时测定10cm处土壤温度和5cm处土壤湿度。分析呼吸速率和环境因子的昼夜变化动态,自养呼吸和异养呼吸速率占土壤呼吸速率的比例,呼吸速率与土壤温湿度及与生物量的关系。结果表明:生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸和土壤微生物呼吸速率的日变化趋势均呈单峰型曲线,具体表现为生态系统呼吸(11.07μmol · m-2 ·s-1)>土壤呼吸(6.31μmol·m-2·s-1)>异养呼吸(4.92μmol·m-2 ·s-1)>自养呼吸(1.39μmol·m-2·s-1);自养和异养呼吸速率分别占土壤呼吸速率的22.03%和77.97%;呼吸速率与10cm处土壤温度呈指数相关,Q10值排序为:土壤微生物呼吸(Q10=3.74)>土壤呼吸(Q10=2.76)>生态系统呼吸(Q10=2.49),呼吸速率与5cm处土壤湿度呈显著线性负相关关系,双因素模型明显提高了呼吸速率与温湿度的相关性,能够分别解释土壤微生物呼吸,土壤呼吸和生态系统呼吸速率变异的89%,79%和62%;地上生物量和呼吸速率之间存在显著线性正相关关系,地下生物量与呼吸速率之间呈二次回归关系(P=0.01),未刈割草地呼吸速率大于刈割草地土壤呼吸速率,刈割一年的土壤呼吸速率大于刈割两年的土壤呼吸速率。  相似文献   
邴慧  赵淑萍  杜玉霞  黄星 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):937-942
超声波波速测试作为一种无损检测已经广泛应用到岩土工程行业,该测试方法也是获得岩土体物理力学参数的有效方法.目前鲜有关于冻土的声波测试的技术和方法的报导,已有的冻土声波测试都是在垂直方向上忽略换能器的质量并在常温下快速测试声波通过时间,难以满足测试精度.鉴此,在购置常温声波测试主机的基础上,充分考虑冻土对温度敏感的特性、换能器在水平方向的测试以及土样与换能器之间的耦合程度,设计了一种适用于多种类型的冻土超声波换能器支架和恒温箱的测试系统,恒温箱意在提供适合不同温度下土体的测试环境(-30℃~+30℃),换能器支架可供低温、提供多种尺寸冻土试样的横波和纵波的测试平台.为避免垂直测试中换能器和土样自身对测试的影响,除了支架提供水平测试平台外,在调节换能器与土样接触距离的螺杆顶端放置应变片测试冻土样与换能器之间的接触程度以提高冻土声波波速的测试精度.利用该测试系统对不同负温下冻土样品进行测试,数据结果证明了该测试系统的实用性和良好的测试精度.  相似文献   
In this paper, we proposed a new method that has been developed based on the surface soil moisture content (SSMC) to more efficiently calculate the groundwater evaporation in variably saturated flow modeling. In this method, the empirical formula to calculate evaporation was modified and the value of the formula varies from zero to one as a closed interval. In addition, the simulation code for calculating the groundwater evaporation based on the SSMC method was incorporated into the EOS9 module of Tough2, a variably saturated flow modeling code. Finally, two numerical tests and a case simulation were conducted to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the SSMC method. Simulation results indicate that the SSMC method is capable of appropriately simulating the characteristics of water flow in vadose zone and the amount of evaporation with the variable water table. And such results are in coincidence with the value calculated by the logistic function method, and fit well with the measured data globally rather than locally.  相似文献   
Summary A large scalein situ compression test of a laminated coal cube is described. The cube was uniformly loaded by a system of hydraulic jacks supplied simultaneously from one pump. At the same time both load and deformations were controlled. Deformations were measured by 60 longitudinal gauges located at the side surface of the cube in the regular net. Due to the heterogeneity of the rock the readings showed scatter. As a first approximation, the scattered data were fitted to the plane using the least square method. Orientations of the planes were analysed and show permanent relative movement between adjacent lamina indicating complex behaviour of the cube under loading. Detailed analysis of this behaviour indicated that the cube was subjected to both bending and twisting.  相似文献   
Summary A review of the benefits of assisting mechanical tools, notably drag bits, with moderate pressure waterjets suitably directed with respect to the bit is given. These benefits include reduced bit forces, especially the bit normal force, reduced bit wear, reduced dust make, and reduced incidence of frictional sparking. The research work that has been conducted to date to investigate this phenomenon has been empirical in nature. Experiments are described that extend the data bank of this empirical knowledge. In addition, experiments aimed at gaining a better understanding of the fundamentals of the rock fragmentation process with this hybrid cutting method are outlined.Results from the first of these experimental series are used to make recommendations as to the position of the jet with respect to the bit, the stand-off distance between the nozzle exit and the bit/rock interface, and the jet energy. In addition, preliminary findings are reported regarding the increase necessary in the jet energy when the bit velocity is increased. Results from the second test series are discussed in the context of rock fracture behaviour induced by mechanical bits acting alone. The likely influence of waterjets on these fracture processes is analysed. It is concluded that, in terms of the bit force reductions, a dominant influence of the jets when used in conjunction with sharp drag bits, is continuous removal of the rock debris that forms ahead of the advancing bit. The observed reductions in bit wear and incidence of frictional sparking are attributed to reduced heat loading of the bit during the cutting operation. Reductions in the dust make are attributed to effective wetting of the fine rock particles before they become entrained in the airstream.  相似文献   
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