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极端高温对人类健康与城市社会发展影响显著,如何衡量城市高温特征及其社会后果是地理学人地关系研究的新命题。将社会脆弱性分析工具应用到该命题研究中,以中国296个城市为研究对象,采集各城市日最高气温数据、社会经济统计数据和人口普查数据,建立了高温日数、高温强度、热浪频次、热浪持续时间和热浪强度等表征城市高温特征的量化指标,对1960—2016年中国主要城市高温特征进行了系统分析;基于城市高温社会脆弱性分析框架,从暴露度、敏感性和适应能力3个维度构建中国城市高温社会脆弱性评价指标体系,并开展社会脆弱性评价,划分社会脆弱性等级,分析城市社会脆弱性致脆原因。结果表明:① 中国极端高温和热浪事件的分布主要集中在南方城市,尤其是在华东和华中地区,尽管北方城市高温热浪事件较少,但高温强度较为突出。② 中国城市高温暴露度指数具有明显的空间集聚特征,而各城市的敏感性指数和适应能力指数分布较为分散。③ 中国高社会脆弱性指数城市主要集中在华东和华中大部分地区,以及西南和华北少部分地区;高、中、低社会脆弱性指数城市比例分别为25.3%、46.3%和28.4%。④ 社会敏感致脆型城市数量最多(46.9%),其次为高温暴露致脆型(44.3%),适应能力不足致脆型城市数量最少(8.8%),在高社会脆弱性城市中,暴露度指数贡献度最大,中、低社会脆弱性城市中敏感性指数贡献度最大,适应能力指数对城市高温社会脆弱性的贡献度较小。本研究可在灾害-社会关系研究、城市高温特征的量化表达与高温社会脆弱性评价等方面提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
吴寅姗  刘云刚  周雯婷 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1072-1081
在社会建构视角下,边界并非固化的界线,各种社会力量亦在持续塑造着边界的功能与特性。采用深度访谈、实地调查和文本分析研究方法,从社会建构的视角,探讨了不同主体基于日常跨境实践对中英街边界的社会建构,以及在此基础上的边境空间管控应对策略。结果发现,在20世纪80年代改革开放背景下,中英街的边贸旅游经济发展为居民参与跨境小额贸易提供了契机,中英街居民的身份与水客的身份由此实现了高度的融合;而在20世纪90年代内地实行市场经济及香港回归的背景下,中英街边贸旅游经济衰落,中英街地区居民的身份与水客的身份逐渐分离。在此过程中,各主体响应边界管控政策变化,塑造了不同的边界生活空间。未来边界管控政策的制定与实施,需要以理解边界空间的历史和现状为前提。  相似文献   
Considerable attention has been devoted to the possible effects of global climate change on the environment of the circumpolar world. With regard to the Inuit, the aboriginal culture of Arctic Canada, research interest has focused principally on the vulnerability of the hunting and harvesting component of the traditional food system, otherwise frequently referred to as the subsistence system, if wild terrestrial and marine resources become less available. Although also concerned with the traditional Inuit food economy, this paper concentrates on the customary institutional mechanisms by which the Inuit distribute and share the products obtained from hunting. After analysing this social economy, a review of the data on recent climate-related range changes of a number of Arctic animal populations is carried out, in terms of how projected environmental changes may affect this other aspect of Inuit subsistence. After tentatively concluding that some species substitution and/or replacement will occur, the final aspect of the paper considers the potential for the possible exclusion of these "replacements" as a result of the political aspect of climate change.  相似文献   
安徽省县际经济联系网络结构演变及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
选取安徽省全部78个县级经济区域作为网络节点,采用修正后的1996年、2004年及2013年的经济联系强度反映节点之间的联系,运用GIS工具和社会网络、空间马尔科夫等方法分析县际经济联系网络结构的动态变化及其影响因素。结果表明:安徽省县际经济联系网络密度不断增强,县际经济联系逐渐多向化、稠密化、纵深化;合肥中心城区一直处于网络中心,经济扩散能力不断增强;无为、怀远、肥东等县逐渐成为衔接地区经济联系的“门户节点”;县际经济联系网络结构具有分层集聚特征,基本上形成“四大八小”的空间格局;影响县际经济联系网络结构演变的因素主要包括要素集聚与扩散、空间近邻作用、交通可达性改善、政策激励与引导。  相似文献   
Widespread agreement exists on the broad outlines of the concept of sustainable development for developing countries. This calls for a development model capable of meeting basic needs without depleting natural resources at a rate that robs future generations of their use. In this regard, citizen participation is also considered key to legitimise such policy choices. However, there is considerable disagreement over the substance and meaning of the major components of the concept and the relationship between them. This paper argues that positions in policy disputes over the sustainable development of the forest cluster in two distinct approaches: market‐friendly initiatives and grassroots development. Since market economies prevail almost everywhere, the question that is posed concerns the conditions under which the grassroots development approach is included as a significant complement to market‐friendly initiatives. This is a political question, requiring an examination of actors, interests and power resources. The paper thus applies a political economy framework to a paired comparison of Mexico, where grassroots development approaches (community forestry) had notable successes, and Chile, where market‐friendly forest policy crowded out alternatives.  相似文献   
论文以南京主城区为例,运用GIS空间分析与社会记忆理论,探讨街巷地名变迁的时空格局与动因机制。研究发现:新增地名主要分布于老城区外围,消失地名主要分布于老城区内部。老城南既是现存街巷地名密度最大,也是消亡强度最大的地区。新增地名在20世纪50—80年代集聚于下关区沿江地带与明城墙内的老城区,90年代以来散布于老城区外围。民国开始政府成为命名主体,政府主导性与企业自主性不断增强。现存街巷以周边民居、祈愿祝福、异域文化和山水地物类为主要命名依据,既传承老城区的命名传统,也体现新城区的发展理念。宗教信仰、历史人物、经济活动、市政设施、自然方位类地名易随社会意识形态与城市功能空间的转变而消亡。权力与资本的介入催生大量新式地名,记忆的惯性延缓了老地名的消亡,记忆的社会建构性驱动地名的演进。  相似文献   

Social media are increasingly recognized as a useful data source for understanding social response to hazard events in real time and in post-event analysis. This article establishes social media–enhanced decision support systems (SME-DSS) as a synergistic integration of social media and decision support systems (DSSs) to provide structured access to native, near real-time data from a large and diverse population to assess social response to social, environmental, and technological risk and hazard events. We introduce a prototype SME-DSS entitled socio-environmental data explorer (SEDE) to explore the opportunities and challenges of leveraging social media for decision support. We use a winter storm during 25–28 January 2015 that accumulated record amounts of snow along the East Coast of the United States as a case study to evaluate SEDE in helping assess social response to environmental risk and hazard events as well as evaluate social media as a theoretical component within the social amplification of risk framework (SARF) that serves as a theoretical foundation for SME-DSS.  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: The Rice Economy of Asia . Randolph Barker and Robert W. Herdt with Beth Rose. Using Microcomputers: A Guidebook for Writers, Teachers, and Researchers in the Social Sciences . Blaine A. Erie—the Lake that Survived . Noel M. Burns. Geology and Society . Donald R. Coates. Caves and Karst of Kentucky . Percy H. Dougherty, ed. Altered Harvest: Agriculture, Genetics, and the Fate of the World's Food Supply . Jack Doyle. The Middle East and North Africa, A Political Geography . Alasdair Drysdale and Gerald H. Blake. Clamor at the Gates. The New American Immigration . Nathan Glazer, ed. Development and the Landowner: An analysis of the British experience . Robin Goodchild and Richard Munton. Discovering Landscape in England and Wales . Andrew Goudie and Rita Gardner. The Modern Plantation in the Third World . Edgar Graham and Ingrid Floering. Social Relations and Spatial Structures . Derek Gregory and John Urry, eds. The World Food Problem 1950–1980 . David Grigg. Costa Rica: A Geographical Interpretation in Historical Perspective . Carolyn Hall. The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization . David Harvey Consciousness and the Urban Experience: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization . David Harvey. Reviving Main Street . Deryck Holdsworth, ed. Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviation . John Howe and Peter Richards, eds. Uneven Development in Southern Europe: Studies of Accumulation, Class, Migration and the State . Ray Hudson and Jim Lewis, eds. Karst Geomorphology . J. N. Jennings. The Geomorphology of North-west England . R. H. Johnson, ed. Climate Impact Assessment: Studies of the Interaction of Climate and Society . Robert Kates, Jesse Ausubel, Mimi Berberian, eds. Public Service Provision and Urban Development . Andrew Kirby, Paul Knox, and Steven Pinch, ed. State and Market: The Politics of the Public and the Private . Jan-Erik Lane, ed. Living Cities . Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Urban Preservation Policies. World Climatic Systems . John G. Lockwood. Urban Ethnicity in the United States. New Immigrants and Old Minorities . Lionel Maldonaldo and Joan Moore, eds. Culture and Conservation: The Human Dimension in Environmental Planning . Jeffrey A. McNeely and David Pitt, eds. The Andean Past. Land, Societies, and Conflicts . Magnus Mörner. Gaia: An Atlas of Planet Management . Norman Myers, ed. Progress in Industrial Geography . Michael Pacione, ed. Progress in Political Geography . Michael Pacione, ed. Rivers and Landscape . Geoff Petts and Ian Foster. Urbanization and Planning in the 3rd World: Spatial Perceptions and Public Participation . Robert B. Potter. One Island, Two Nations? A Political Geographical Analysis of the National Conflict in Ireland . D. G. Pringle. Circulation in Third World Countries . R. Mansell Prothero and Murray Chapman. The Ozarks Outdoors: A Guide for Fishermen, Hunters, and Tourists . Milton D. Rafferty. Suburban Burglary: A Time and a Place for Everything . George Rengert and John Wasilchick. Geomorphology and Soils . K.S. Richards, R.R. Arnett, and S. Ellis, eds. The Homes and Homeless of Post-War Britain . Frederick Shaw. Indochinese Refugees in America . Paul J. Strand and Woodrow Jones, Jr. Wild Horses and Sacred Cows . Richard Symanski. Forever Wild: Environmental Aesthetics and the Adirondack Forest Preserve . Philip G. Terrie. The Regional Economic Impact of Technological Change . A.T. Thwaites and R.P. Oakey, eds. The Good Life . Yi-Fu Tuan.  相似文献   
近年来,由于日益广泛的应用领域对地理信息系统(GIS)的要求不断提高,使得GIS技术迅速发展,许多计算机领域的新技术如WebGIS技术、面向对象的数据库技术、三维技术、图像处理、人工智能技术和GPU计算技术都融合应用到GIS中,为GIS提供了先进的发展工具和手段。本文针对其发展趋势提出组建GIS图形工作站,图形工作站技术将在未来GIS的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   
空间信息共享是一个涉及理论、技术、标准与环境的综合的复杂问题。其中,空间数据模型理论是内在的核心要素,共享技术、空间信息标准与政策法规环境则是外在的必要条件。综合论述各要素的内涵、发展与重要意义,得出结论:综合、集成、分布式的海量空间数据模型亟待突破,网络、网格与数据库技术需与空间信息技术进一步融合,开放环境下的空间数据标准需要整合与完善,并呼吁理性的政策法规等社会环境。  相似文献   
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