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讨论空间应用的一种面向问题的表达方法与实现机制。为解决空间应用的描述问题,在建立时空一体化空间数据模型基础上,定义了对SQL进行扩展的时空复合查询语言,实现了对空间应用问题的非过程化描述;研究复杂空间应用的表达问题,讨论时空复合查询语言的限制,并在语言中引入流机制,通过空间应用问题的组合实现更为复杂的空间应用,并支持空间数据分布式计算;最后给出若干空间应用实例及其面向问题的表达。  相似文献   
Vatti算法是常用的矢量多边形裁剪算法之一,在其构建扫描束实现交点计算的过程中,二叉树的数据结构和递归计算方法导致其计算效率受矢量多边形边界顶点数量影响显著。本文针对Vatti算法执行过程中较为耗时的扫描束构建环节,提出了一种多边形边界顶点预排序的优化方法——VCS(Vertex Coordinate Pre-Sorting)方法,并基于该方法实现了对Vatti算法的GPU细粒度并行化。VCS方法使用双向链表对Vatti算法原有的二叉树数据结构进行了替换,以较小的额外存储空间取得了多边形边界顶点信息查找效率的明显提升。在GPU环境下采用双调排序算法对多边形边界顶点数组元素进行并行化排序并过滤出有效值,克服了原始算法使用二叉树存储导致效率低下的问题。实验结果表明,改进后的算法与原始算法相比,具有相同的计算精度;当多边形顶点数量为92万,CUDA每个线程块中的线程数量为32时,使用VCS优化方法,与采用CPU计算构建扫描束方法相比,GPU并行化方法获得了39.6倍的相对加速比,矢量多边形叠加分析算法效率总体上提升了4.9倍。  相似文献   
The right to food is increasingly evoked by a range of actors, but there is not sufficient critical analysis of distinct interpretations of what this right means in practice. Through examination of a mineral extraction project with agricultural implications, this article explores diverse human rights narratives and illuminates associated corporate efforts to minimize recognition of food as a fundamental right. A British mining company proposes the Phulbari open pit coal mine in an agriculturally important region of Bangladesh. Highly contested by affected populations, clashes in 2006 between the police and protestors turned deadly in the area. In February 2012, a group of UN Special Rapporteurs cautioned the Government of Bangladesh regarding human rights violations associated with the planned mine. They warned that the project would displace hundreds of thousands of people, while destroying fertile agricultural land. In contrast, an ongoing publicity campaign by the corporation attempts to promote their intervention as a positive step, fully compliant with international human rights and corporate social responsibility standards. Taking this case as an exemplar, the article illuminates the pursuit of mining profit and the distinct use of human rights narratives by corporations and UN Special Rapporteurs. These diverse actors represent the layering of voices weighing in on mineral extraction and associated right to food concerns. Collectively, these layered narratives represent a new terrain for the promotion and contestation of mining and highlight the need to scrutinize mining practices in light of social responsibility and human rights claims being voluntary and self-regulated.  相似文献   
A general-purpose parallel raster processing programming library (pRPL) was developed and applied to speed up a commonly used cellular automaton model with known tractability limitations. The library is suitable for use by geographic information scientists with basic programming skills, but who lack knowledge and experience of parallel computing and programming. pRPL is a general-purpose programming library that provides generic support for raster processing, including local-scope, neighborhood-scope, regional-scope, and global-scope algorithms as long as they are parallelizable. The library also supports multilayer algorithms. Besides the standard data domain decomposition methods, pRPL provides a spatially adaptive quad-tree-based decomposition to produce more evenly distributed workloads among processors. Data parallelism and task parallelism are supported, with both static and dynamic load-balancing. By grouping processors, pRPL also supports data–task hybrid parallelism, i.e., data parallelism within a processor group and task parallelism among processor groups. pSLEUTH, a parallel version of a well-known cellular automata model for simulating urban land-use change (SLEUTH), was developed to demonstrate full utilization of the advanced features of pRPL. Experiments with real-world data sets were conducted and the performance of pSLEUTH measured. We conclude not only that pRPL greatly reduces the development complexity of implementing a parallel raster-processing algorithm, it also greatly reduces the computing time of computationally intensive raster-processing algorithms, as demonstrated with pSLEUTH.  相似文献   
传统复杂网络话题传播研究,重点关注的是单个话题在网络中的传播,较少考虑多话题之间的相互影响因素。论文分析舆论传播过程中多个话题之间的竞争关系对话题传播的影响机制,建立基于复杂网络的多话题信息传播模型。通过对模型仿真实验及其结果分析表明,当引入个体信息环境影响因素后,一个话题的影响力大于舆论话题环境中其他话题的平均影响力,才会有较大概率影响到更多个体,否则只能在小范围内传播;个体对于话题记忆能力的变化在不同网络中会产生不同影响,在随机网络和BA网络中,人们对于话题的记忆越深,其传播的影响范围越大,而在规则网络和小世界网络中,较小的记忆长度能够让话题传播影响力更大;同时,在具有社群结构的网络中,度大的节点并非会一定会更多的参与某一话题的传播,因为度大的节点有更大概率获得更多的话题。  相似文献   
This paper develops a parallel dynamic programming algorithm to optimize the joint operation of a multi-reservoir system. First, a multi-dimensional dynamic programming (DP) model is formulated for a multi-reservoir system. Second, the DP algorithm is parallelized using a peer-to-peer parallel paradigm. The parallelization is based on the distributed memory architecture and the message passing interface (MPI) protocol. We consider both the distributed computing and distributed computer memory in the parallelization. The parallel paradigm aims at reducing the computation time as well as alleviating the computer memory requirement associated with running a multi-dimensional DP model. Next, we test the parallel DP algorithm on the classic, benchmark four-reservoir problem on a high-performance computing (HPC) system with up to 350 cores. Results indicate that the parallel DP algorithm exhibits good performance in parallel efficiency; the parallel DP algorithm is scalable and will not be restricted by the number of cores. Finally, the parallel DP algorithm is applied to a real-world, five-reservoir system in China. The results demonstrate the parallel efficiency and practical utility of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
This paper analyses local level apprenticeship contracts and networks to highlight informal urban livelihoods within the context of socio-economic vulnerability and wider contemporary changes taking place in Koforidua, Ghana. It does so by specifically examining the complex entanglements of interpersonal relationships that characterize apprenticeship contracts within which home-based entrepreneurs and artisans in Koforidua engage in to sustain both current livelihoods, as well as to shore themselves against socio-economic vulnerability triggered in part by adjustment. As a result of the changing geography of the city, network entanglements, comprising resilient ties and egalitarian relations, have become vital to urban livelihoods in this community. However, apprenticeship contracts and the networks they engender can be a double-edged sword. For instance, demands of reciprocity or support from co-network members, neighbours and family, can be so taxing that some individuals opt out of the network. This tension notwithstanding, this paper contends that apprenticeship contracts and the network spaces they create have created a new social cohesion and community that transcend the traditionally known spaces of social support, i.e. ethnic ties, family ties or even institutional support.  相似文献   
杨彦军  杨宇  张文喜 《矿物岩石》2003,23(2):108-110
针对开发早期气田缺乏产能试井资料的实际情况,由于无法用传统的压力降法计算产能方程,故而基于最优化算法,提出了一种利用稳定生产数据和井控储量求取气井产能方程系数的新方法。在只知道稳定生产数据情况下便可进行计算分析。该方法在气田进行了实际应用,并和实际资料以及传统试凑法计算的结果进行了比较,表明方法的计算结果较为可靠。  相似文献   
在传统村落长期除水害、兴水利的营建与发展过程中,通过适应天然水体和利用地域水系形成了一整套成熟的策略,有着朴素的理水生态智慧。本研究从村落水系格局梳理、空间特征计算、水环境量化三个方面,对江西流坑村的理水策略和效果做出定性和定量的分析,探索村落理水研究的技术方法和潜力。研究结果表明,流坑村具有源头引水—中程排水—末端调蓄的层次清晰的水系格局:通过三维点云计算可知,其选址精确利用了微地形,采用多水源理水策略,形成了一个有机的水系格局,为村落各类需求提供了充足水源;采用双水源理水策略;村中塘湖可容纳83.0%的雨水,且植被面积约占村落总面积的34.7%,具有较高的地表渗透率,中程排水效果甚佳;通过水环境质量检测可知,其塘湖水体环境质量良好,末端调蓄功能较强。该研究旨在填补以往对传统村落理水非量化研究的空缺,挖掘传统村落隐没的信息和价值,加深人们理解传统村落水利统筹、布局和营建的生态智慧,实现传统村落水利文化遗产保护与现代利用的双赢,为我国村镇聚落发展建设过程中妥善处理雨洪问题、实现水资源可持续、保护生态环境提供有益启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
转型时期我国城镇居民主要通过市场竞争机制和科层分配体制来获取个人住房,获取稀缺的住房资源的途径和机会的差异在一定程度上反映了住房不平等和社会分化。处于体制转型时期的中国城镇,制度、市场和家庭因素等多重因素相互交织,共同影响中国城镇居民住房选择。以覆盖全国88 个城镇的《中国综合社会调查(CGSS)》(2005 年城镇部分) 调查资料为基础,本文分析了转型背景下中国城镇居民住房类型分化及其影响因素,研究发现:改革 开放30 多年以来,中国城镇的住房自有率大幅度提高,其主要原因从1998 年前的公房房改政策向1998 年后住房市场化政策转变。家庭生命周期、家庭收入、户籍、单位性质、职业等变 量显著影响住房选择,体现市场与制度对住房资源分配的双重影响。经济发达地区由于住房资源紧缺、住房价格高,居民住房承受能力差异较大,工作单位性质、户籍和家庭生命周期变量对住房选择的影响更显著。随着住房市场化进一步发展和住房制度改革的逐步深入,地方政府应逐步放宽社会住房的享受标准,尤其是户籍限制条件;开发商应更关注社会经济快 速转型背景下的家庭结构变化及其对居住偏好的影响。  相似文献   
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