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基于小波变换的SAR图像噪声滤除方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
合成孔径雷达(SAR)的相干斑噪声严重影响图像质量,降低图像的可判读性。常用的空间自适应滤波方法在滤除噪声的同时,损失了图像中的大量边缘细节信息。介绍了一种基于小波变换的SAR图像噪声消除方法,充分考虑噪声的统计特征,并把小波变换与空间滤波两者有机结合起来。通过滤波实验与其它滤波方法的对比。表明此小波滤波方法能更有效地消除SAR图像中的斑点噪声,而且能有效地保持图像中的纹理细节和边缘信息.  相似文献   
损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
付玉华  李夕兵  董陇军 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1420-1426
岩体条件复杂多变,为了提高光面爆破的适应性、改善光面爆破效果,对损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数进行研究。通过对深部岩体巷道光爆层原岩应力场、光面爆破机制和振动损伤特征进行分析,基于爆炸应力波和爆生气体综合作用理论,考虑高原岩应力和岩石损伤影响,提出了损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数确定的计算方法。研究表明, (1)高原岩应力相当于提高了岩石的抗拉强度,不利于炮孔初始裂纹的形成及贯通,宜减小周边眼间距;(2)岩石损伤后,其他条件不变,光面爆破的炮孔间距和抵抗线值可适当加大;(3)高原岩应力和损伤条件下,光面爆破的炮孔间距较小时,容易造成爆后围岩损伤,降低围岩的稳定性能,因此,提高爆破效果的同时应及时加强支护,以确保施工安全和围岩稳定;(4)本文提出的光面爆破参数计算公式,经现场爆破验证效果良好,适用于复杂多变的岩体环境。  相似文献   
温特斯法在夏季温度预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温特斯法可以对具有随机性、线性、季节性变化的时间序列进行预测,用温特斯法作了一次温度预测尝试。依据温特斯法的基本理论及3个平滑方程的递推公式、初始值公式和预测模型公式,将夏季6、7、8月的月平均温度看作具有随机性、线性、季节性变化的时间序列,应用温特斯法建立了河南省5个代表站夏季温度预测模型,并对2000~2004年夏季温度进行试报,得到了较好的预测结果,平均预测准确率(TS)为75%,此方法可作为预测气温的一种方法,在业务预报中应用。  相似文献   
A consistent theme in recent work on developing exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) has been the importance attached to visualization techniques, particularly following the pioneering development of packages such as SPIDER and REGARD (Haslett et al. 1990).  The focus on visual techniques is often justified in two ways: (a) the power of modern graphical interfaces means that graphics is no longer a way of simply presenting results in the form of maps or graphs, but a tool for the extraction of information from data; (b) graphical, exploratory methods are felt to be more intuitive for non-specialists to use than methods of numerical spatial statistics enabling wider participation in the process of getting data insights. However, little work has been done to decide which visualization tools might be needed to support ESDA, or how they can be most effectively implemented.  This paper briefly reviews a theoretical framework that has been suggested for addressing these issues, which comprises two elements: firstly a data model, based on the distinction between rough and smooth properties of spatial data, that defines what an analyst is looking for in data (Haining et al. 1998) and secondly a theoretical model for assessing the quality of visualisation tools (Cleveland 1994). The emphasis of this paper is the use of the theoretical framework to structure an assessment of SAGE, a software system that has been written for the spatial statistical analysis (including both exploratory and confirmatory data analysis) of area based data linked to a GIS. The aim of the assessment is to identify the desirable features of the system (that might be employed in other systems) whilst also highlighting what the additional requirements are thereby contributing to the development of systems for ESDA that contain good quality scientific visualization tools for exploratory spatial data analysis. Received: 30 September 1998/Accepted: 17 September 1999  相似文献   
王萍  闫春遐  徐少朋  卢焕珍 《气象》2015,41(6):771-777
低空暖脊的出现意味着一种天气不稳定因素的形成,因此,基于温度场的暖脊线的正确识别对于天气预报具有重要意义.本文在分析山脊线算法用于提取暖脊线时暴露出的问题的基础上,提出一种纠偏算法,配合使用为反映暖脊线气象特点所构建的规则,提取到干扰较少的暖脊特征点;根据最小二乘法点拟合线的思想,提出一种光滑中轴算法,得到质量较高的暖脊线.实验表明,本文算法绘制的暖脊线与气象专家手工绘制的暖脊线吻合较高,击中率高达97%,未发现误识.  相似文献   
时序资料的时间窗平滑法及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴光节 《天文学报》1994,35(4):415-423
观测资料的平滑处理,是数据分析中一类重要的常用方法,平滑处理的目的,在于既保留资料中的主要有用信号,又消除或削弱随机误差,本文对密集采样时序资料,提出了时间窗平滑法,并以光谱和光电测量资料为例,通过分析PDM技术中拟合曲线的计算,说明了它的性质与应用,与高斯权函数平滑法相比,此方法计算简便,且有更明确的物理意义,与观测值多点合并法相比,有更好的采样一致性和避免损失实际的分辨率,当用于等间距时序资料  相似文献   
谱图重排的谱分解理论及其在储层探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谱分解理论是把单道地震记录分解为连续的时频谱平面,是地震资料处理和解释的重要技术之一.由于谱分解方法的多解性,所以同一道地震记录因为分解方法不同,得到的时频谱是不一样的.短时傅里叶变换,小波变换,S变换和匹配追踪算法都是对信号开窗分析,这些方法都受到不确定性原理的限制.Wigner-Ville变换避开了不确定性原理的限制,但是交叉项的存在限制了本方法的使用.本文利用谱图重排的时频分析方法(RSPWV)对合成的单道地震记录和实际的地震资料进行了分析.与短时傅里叶变换和匹配追踪算法的比较得出:此方法具有较高的时频分辨率,能够很好地识别气层.  相似文献   
介绍了绘制断面图中的各种插值方法,具体包括线性插值和分段非线性插值;分析了目前使用的线性插值方法绘制断面图的不足:精度一般、不光滑;提出了用分段非线性插值绘制断面图的方法;分段非线性插值精度高、光滑性好,所以分段非线性插值绘制断面图能很好地弥补线性插值的不足,而且它在计算机处理水文数据领域有不错的应用前景。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of modelling the stage–discharge relationship by curve fitting using the least squares method. Our basic idea is to present new models which are more flexible and have the ability to model phenomena with increasing or unchanging carrying capacity. The new models present a generalization of some sigmoid smooth models commonly used in practice. They are characterized by a curvilinear asymptote and may have several inflection points. The use of these models on six real datasets collected from the US Geological Survey’s website proves their performance and their ability to model hydrological phenomena.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Yue  相似文献   
冻土光面爆破参数模型试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宗琦 《冰川冻土》1998,20(1):60-63
以冻结砂土为原型进行冻土光面爆破参数的模型试验研究.结果表明,冻土中实施光面爆破是可行的;当炮孔直径35~50mm时,较为合理的光面爆破参数为:炮孔间距500~700mm,装药密集系数0.8~1.2;较为合理的光面爆破装药结构为径向空气间隙和轴向空气垫层不偶合装药.  相似文献   
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