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1 INTRODUCTIONQuality of chemical properties of flooded soils isgenerally determined by salinity and alkalinity,bothof these acts as inhibiting factors of plant growth.Thecorrelation of electrical conductivity and other analysisindex has been reported by …  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONNitrogen and phosphorus in the water are the nu-trients limited in natural wetlands,which seriously in-fluence on the ecosystem production and the biodiver-sity(Mitsch,Grosselin,2000).Nitrogen and phos-phorus recycles have been interrupted b…  相似文献   
在山西霍山七里峪林场,采用间接的光学测量方法对沿着海拔分布的植物群落主要层叶面积指数(LAI)进行了测量,从不同的角度对LAI的垂直分布规律进行分析。结果表明:1.海拔不同,LAI表现出很大的差异,海拔1750m左右的LAI值大于较高与较低海拔的;对LAI和海拔之间的关系进行回归,得到LAI分布的拟合方程:y=b0+b1x+b2x^2+b3x^3(R=0.712,P〈0.01)。2.同一海拔样带,阴坡LAI均大于阳坡,但对同种种群来说,阴坡树种平均胸径并不一定均大于阳坡。3.植被类型LAI比较表现为:低山针叶林〈低山灌丛〈落叶阔叶林〈落叶针叶林〈常绿针叶林;而主要群系LAI比较表现为:油松林(0.38)〈落叶松林(0.78)〈山杨林及其混交林(1.09)〈白桦林(2.00)〈辽东栎林及其混交林(3.73)。4.典型群落LAI值变化分析和人工林与天然林以,比较表明,LAI值在一定海拔达到最大值,这对于山西霍山人工林栽培和丰产林培育等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
现阶段,地质灾害评估技术人员在评估实践中,往往不注重各评估对象的差异性,采取同一评估模式,结果达不到评估的目的。在对小型水电站进行评估时,野外调查的重点,评估过程中所使用的方法以及危险性现状、预测及综合分区评估等与大型水电站、路线工程、矿山开采、民用建筑等工程有所不同。湄尼多河小型水电站工程位于云南省怒江州福贡县马吉乡境内,地质环境条件复杂,评估级别综合为二级。文章以该电站建设用地地质灾害危险性评估为例,对小型水电站建设用地地质灾害危险性评估的方法与理论进行探讨。  相似文献   
PPGIS及其在加拿大安大略省核废料处理选址项目中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了公众参与地理信息系统,给出了一个应用项目——加拿大安大略省核废料处理设施选址公众参与地理信息系统。  相似文献   
福建省滨海火电厂地质灾害问题及风险控制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滨海火力发电厂工程主要包括厂区建筑、码头、管道、取排水、填海和贮灰场等工程。其主要面临着福建省海岸带构造运动、断裂及地震活动、港湾淤积、海底滑坡、软土地基、海底活动地貌、基岩不均匀风化以及人类工程活动等主要的灾害性地质因素。通过对这些因素潜在的致灾特点分析,提出了滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制应包括选址阶段地质灾害风险回避、设计施工阶段地质灾害风险处理及运行阶段地质灾害风险监控等3方面。地质灾害风险评估是滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制的首要任务。针对滨海电厂工程的特点,评估内容应着重于地质灾害危险性评估及易损性评估。选址阶段地质灾害风险回避主要是对构造不稳定的回避。地质灾害风险处理主要是电厂工程的基础处理及管道抗冲刷处理。电厂运行阶段地质灾害风险监控主要是对建筑物基础稳定性及海域冲淤变化的监控。  相似文献   
根据对蓖麻发育期的观测,结合当地气象条件,分析了阿克苏种植蓖麻的适应性及栽培中应采取的趋利避害的技术措施。  相似文献   
Methanol has been recognised as an important constituent of the background atmosphere, but little is known about its overall cycle in the biosphere/atmosphere system. A model is proposed for the production and emission to the atmosphere of methanol by flowering plants based on plant structure and metabolic properties, particularly the demethylation of pectin in the primary cell walls. This model provides a framework to extend seven sets of measurements of methanol emission rates to the global terrestrial biosphere. A global rate of release of methanol from plants to the atmosphere of 100 Tg y–1 is calculated. A separate model of the global cycle of methanol is constructed involving emissions from plant growth and decay, atmospheric and oceanic chemical production, biomass burning and industrial production. Removal processes occur through hydroxyl radical attack in the atmosphere, in clouds and oceans, and wet and dry deposition. The model successfully reproduces the methanol concentrations in the continental boundary-layer and the free atmosphere, including the inter-hemispheric gradient in the free atmosphere. The model demonstrates a new concept in global biogeochemistry, the coupling of plant cell growth with the global atmospheric concentration of methanol. The model indicates that the ocean provides a storage reservoir capable of holding at least 66 times more methanol than the atmosphere. The ocean surface layer reservoir essentially buffers the atmospheric concentration of methanol, providing a physically based smoothing mechanism with a time constant of the order of one year.  相似文献   
Only by providing the good conditions for the growth of plants can a favorable ecologicalenvironment on which human beings rely for existence be created. The upside-down-T dou-ble-layer water-conserving afforestation way is developed according to the situation of the short-age of water resources, low soil fertility and vast land in the arid areas. The characteristics of theafforestation way are to change the microenvironment in the root area of the plants, provide thefavorable conditions for the growth of plants, and reduce the necessary conditions for the growth ofplants in large areas in the arid regions. Meanwhile, the size of its water-conserving layer can bechanged according to the size of the planted trees. The different ways of the bottom wa-ter-conserving layer can be used according to the requirements. The afforestation way is suitablefor planting trees on a small scale and also for afforesting on a large scale under the adverse cir-cumstances in the arid areas, and has been effectively used in the afforestation in the hinterland ofTaklamakan Desert and the southern marginal zone of Gurbantonggut Desert. The prospects ofthe afforestation way are broad in afforestation and desertification control in the desert regions.  相似文献   
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