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日本的防震减灾与震后救援概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本地处环太平洋地震带,1998-2007年,日本共发生震级为6.0以上的地震199次,约占全球同等规模地震总数961次的20.7%左右,但由其导致的灾害死亡人数仅占世界的9%(中国却占约30%)。他山之石,可以攻玉,中国和日本都是地震多发国家,比较而言,在国民防震减灾教育与震后救援,及日本人普遍能够从容面对地震灾害的日常习惯等方面,日本的做法及获得的经验,值得我国政府和社会公众两方面加以借鉴。  相似文献   
云南双震型地震序列震源参数特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用云南区域测震台网资料,运用布伦模式方法测算云南地区震源参数,对盐津、腾冲和川滇交界地区3个典型的双震型地震序列震源参数进行了综合分析研究。结果表明双震型地震震源参数中,首次强震的应力降较低,可能是受震源区存在障碍体的影响,构造应力未能在首次地震中得以完整释放,再次发震其应力降值较高,表明已突破障碍体。从地震预测角度,首次地震的应力降大小,可以初步判定震区未来是否可能再次发震。  相似文献   
以少震弱震的江西萍乡地区为例,通过问卷调查的方式分析了该区民众防震减灾意识的现状及特点,讨论了相应的防震减灾宣教意义。主要结论如下:1)当地民众对本地灾害的认知情况与灾害的实际发生频率基本一致;对地震等本地少发灾害影响的认可性不高。2)民众的防震减灾意识薄弱,对地震灾害基本概念了解不足,地震谣言辨识能力差,基本防震减灾技能掌握不全面。3)获取防震减灾知识与技能主要通过新闻媒体和学校。4)民众学习防震减灾知识与技能的意愿强烈。因而,有针对性地开展防震减灾教育和宣传工作,加强地震应急演练,对于提高当地民众的防震减灾技能和灾害意识,减少地震灾害损失具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
形状记忆合金橡胶对高架桥梁碰撞减震效果的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震作用下,高架桥梁相邻主梁间的碰撞会引起结构位移和加速度响应增大、应力提高,导致混凝土开裂、脱落和伸缩缝被挤压破坏,甚至引发桥梁落梁和倒塌等,因此采取减轻或者避免桥梁结构在地震作用下碰撞的措施显得尤为必要。设计制备了具有变形自恢复能力的形状记忆合金橡胶碰撞缓冲器,通过桥梁地震碰撞的振动台试验,研究了形状记忆合金橡胶缓冲器对桥梁碰撞的控制效果,提出了碰撞缓冲器吸能效率和结构自身耗能控制率指标。研究表明,形状记忆合金橡胶碰撞缓冲器具有稳定的吸能效率,能够大幅度降低桥梁结构碰撞加速度和碰撞力,这对于提高城市交通网络的地震安全性能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Raman spectra of carbonaceous material (CM) from 19 metasediment samples collected from six widely separated areas of Southwest Japan and metamorphosed at temperatures from 165 to 655°C show systematic changes with metamorphic temperature that can be classified into four types: low‐grade CM (c. 150–280°C), medium‐grade CM (c. 280–400°C), high‐grade CM (c. 400–650°C), and well‐crystallized graphite (> c. 650°C). The Raman spectra of low‐grade CM exhibit features typical of amorphous carbon, in which several disordered bands (D‐band) appear in the first‐order region. In the Raman spectra of medium‐grade CM, the graphite band (G‐band) can be recognized and several abrupt changes occur in the trends for several band parameters. The observed changes indicate that CM starts to transform from amorphous carbon to crystallized graphite at around 280°C, and this transformation continues until 400°C. The G‐band becomes the most prominent peak at high‐grade CM suggesting that the CM structure is close to that of well‐crystallized graphite. In the highest temperature sample of 655°C, the Raman spectra of CM show a strong G‐band with almost no recognizable D‐band, implying the CM grain is well‐crystallized graphite. In the Raman spectra of low‐ to medium‐grade CM, comparisons of several band parameters with the known metamorphic temperature show inverse correlations between metamorphic temperature and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the D1‐ and D2‐bands. These correlations are calibrated as new Raman CM geothermometers, applicable in the range of c. 150–400°C. Details of the methodology for peak decomposition of Raman spectra from the low to medium temperature range are also discussed with the aim of establishing a robust and user‐friendly geothermometer.  相似文献   
To study the effect of a strong underwater shock wave on a concrete dam, this research aims to improve hammer impact methods in model tests. Six 1:200 scale models were designed and tested under distributed impact loads. A device was deployed for a direct measurement of the impact force at the upstream face of the dams. The model dam bases were anchored to prevent displacement. The experimental results indicate that the top part of the concrete dam is a weak zone, and the impact failure initiates with a fracture on the top of the dam. The peak value of impact stress increases when the second crack appears in the concrete dam from the upstream face to the downstream face. And, the level of the second crack in the dam body is lower as the peak value of impact stress increases. In this study, dynamic analysis was conducted by calculating the results to verify the effectiveness of a device to directly measure the impact force. This method may be used to approximately forecast the damage of concrete dam and may also be useful in other engineering applications.  相似文献   
A recent fascinating development in the study of high-grade metamorphic basements is represented by the finding of tiny inclusions of crystallized melt(nanogranitoid inclusions) hosted in peritectic phases of migmatites and granulites. These inclusions have the potential to provide the primary composition of crustal melts at the source. A novel use of the recently-published nanogranitoid compositional database is presented here. Using granulites from the world-renowned Ivrea Zone(NW Italy) on which the original melt-reintegration approach has been previously applied, it is shown that reintegrating melt inclusion compositions from the published database into residual rock compositions can be a further useful method to reconstruct a plausible prograde history of melt-depleted rocks. This reconstruction is fundamental to investigate the tectonothermal history of geological terranes.  相似文献   
腾冲火山区小震震源机制特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2002年6~9月,一个由15台流动数字地震仪组成的布设在腾冲火山区的临时地震监测台网,记录到了16个发生在近代火山活动十分活跃的马鞍山火山至热海地区内的小震。求其震源机制解,发现其中绝大多数地震的破裂面具有以水平走滑为主的破裂特征,个别地震破裂面则具有较大的倾滑分量。这表明了腾冲火山区地震震源机制解的多样性及地震破裂方式的复杂性。  相似文献   
To identify chemical group affinities and infer the occurrence of thermal metamorphism or aqueous alteration in their histories, we quantified 43 trace elements in the CM or CM-related Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites EET 96010, LAP 02277, MET 01070, and WIS 91600. We also analyzed LAP 02206, a CV chondrite, to add to our comparison database. We present whole-rock oxygen isotope data for LAP 02206, LAP 02277, and MET 01070 to complement our trace element results. With these data, we confirm the CV classification of LAP 02206 and CM or CM-like classification for the other four chondrites in this study. On the basis of moderately volatile element content, our results show that EET 96010 experienced open-system heating, while any heating LAP 02277 and MET 01070 may have experienced was in a chemically closed-system. WIS 91600, on a trace element basis, appears to be CM-like material. Our analyses support the idea that CM material has experienced a wide variety of post-accretionary processing.  相似文献   
The Earth’s impact record is known to be rather limited in both time and space. There are ca. 190 impact structures currently known on Earth, representing a minor fraction of all the impact events that contributed to the initial formation of our protoplanet, and then to formation and modification of the surface of the planet. Moreover, the distribution of impact structures on Earth is manifestly uneven. One continent that stands out for its relatively small number of confirmed impact structures and impact ejecta occurrences is South America. The limited impact record for this large continent makes a robust case that there is a significant potential for further discoveries. Significant information on the impact record of South America is dispersed in different types of publications (journal articles, books, conferences abstracts, etc.), and in several languages, making it difficult to access and disseminate it among the geoscientific community. We aim to present a summary of the current knowledge of the impact record of this continent, encompassing the existing literature on the subject. It is published in two parts, with the first one covering an up-to-date introduction to impact cratering processes and to the criteria to identify/confirm an impact structure and related deposits. This is followed by a comprehensive analysis of the Brazilian impact structures. The Brazilian impact record accounts for the totality of the large structures of this kind currently confirmed in South America. The second part will examine the impact record of other countries in South America, provide information about a number of proposed impact structures, and review those that already have been discarded as not being formed by impact.  相似文献   
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