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The τω model of microwave emission from soil and vegetation layers is widely used to estimate soil moisture content from passive microwave observations. Its application to prospective satellite-based observations aggregating several thousand square kilometres requires understanding of the effects of scene heterogeneity. The effects of heterogeneity in soil surface roughness, soil moisture, water area and vegetation density on the retrieval of soil moisture from simulated single- and multi-angle observing systems were tested. Uncertainty in water area proved the most serious problem for both systems, causing errors of a few percent in soil moisture retrieval. Single-angle retrieval was largely unaffected by the other factors studied here. Multiple-angle retrievals errors around one percent arose from heterogeneity in either soil roughness or soil moisture. Errors of a few percent were caused by vegetation heterogeneity. A simple extension of the model vegetation representation was shown to reduce this error substantially for scenes containing a range of vegetation types.  相似文献   
Interactions between surface and groundwater are a key component of the hydrologic budget on the watershed scale. Models that honor these interactions are commonly based on the conductance concept that presumes a distinct interface at the land surface, separating the surface from the subsurface domain. These types of models link the subsurface and surface domains via an exchange flux that depends upon the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient across the interface and a proportionality constant (a measure of the hydraulic connectivity). Because experimental evidence of such a distinct interface is often lacking in field systems, there is a need for a more general coupled modeling approach.  相似文献   
郭腾云  董冠鹏  孙威 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1873-1881
借助Verdoorn法则,并将其拓展至区域经济研究框架,以京津冀都市区为研究区域,将其经济增长过程分为1995~2000年、2000~2007年及1995~2007年3个时段,采用Spa-tial Durbin Model和空间贝叶斯异方差回归模型将空间自相关和空间异质性纳入传统Ver-doorn法则的经验估计中,得到...  相似文献   
安塞油田长2、长3油层组主要发育辫状河和曲流河沉积,其中河道砂体展布形态受沉积微相控制,呈NE—SW向带状展布,是主要的油气储集层。原生粒间孔和次生粒间溶蚀孔是目的层位的主要孔隙类型,孔喉结构为中小孔—中细喉型及小孔—微喉型,前者为中上等储层,后者为中等储层。储集层孔隙结构和渗透性受成岩事件的影响较大,主要包括机械压实-化学压溶作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用等。储层孔隙丧失的主要原因是压实、压溶作用和胶结作用,其中,石英、长石次生加大和方解石胶结是造成储层物性降低的主要原因,而包围在碎屑颗粒周围的绿泥石薄膜一方面使粒间孔减小,另一方面阻止了部分石英、长石加大及方解石的沉淀,在一定程度上保存了部分原生粒间孔隙,从而使储层物性较好。表生成岩阶段的大气降水及晚成岩阶段有机质分解形成的酸性流体,是碎屑长石和部分胶结物溶解从而形成大量次生孔隙的主要介质。安塞油田长2和长3油层组在纵向上隔夹层较发育,沉积韵律主要为正反复合韵律,导致了储层较强的非均质性,其中长3油层组较长2油层组非均质性强。  相似文献   
从空间信息语义层中的元数据互操作角度出发,讨论适用于空间信息元数据互操作的理论和方法,并提出基于扩展的元数据互操作协议的空间信息元数据互操作理论应用技术框架。  相似文献   
Zhou  Rubo  Lin  Meizhen  Gong  Jianzhou  Wu  Zhuo 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):831-845
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land use/land cover change (LUCC) has considerable impact on ecosystem services. It is essential to quantify the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of ecosystem...  相似文献   
The importance of soil moisture inputs and improved model physics in the prediction of the daytime boundary-layer structure during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997 (SGP97) is investigated using the non-hydrostatic fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model MM5. This is Part II of a two-part study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed boundary-layer structure. Part I focuses on observations and utilizes a simple model while Part II uses observations and MM5 modelling. Soil moisture inputs tested include a lookup table based on soil type and season, output from an offline land-surface model (LSM) forced by atmospheric observations, and high-resolution ( 800 m) airborne microwave remotely sensed data. Model physics improvements are investigated by comparing an LSM directly coupled with the MM5 to a simpler force-restore method at the surface. The scale of land surface heterogeneities is compared to the scale of their effects on boundary-layer structure.The use of more detailed soil moisture fields allowed the MM5 to better represent the large-scale (hundreds of km) and small-scale (tens of km) horizontal gradients in surface-layer weather and, to a lesser degree, the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, which was evaluated against observations measured by differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The benefits of coupling an LSM to the MM5 were not readily evident in this summertime case, with the model having particular difficulty simulating the timing of maximum surface fluxes while underestimating the depth of the mixed layer.  相似文献   
Two biodegradation models are developed torepresent natural attenuation of fuel-hydrocarbon contaminants as observed in a comprehensive natural-gradient tracer test in a heterogeneous aquifer on the Columbus Air Force Basein Mississippi,USA.The first, a first-order mass loss model,describes the irreversible losses of BTEX and its individual components, i.e.,benzene(B),toluene(T),ethyl benzene(E),and xylene(X).The second, a reactive pathway model,describe ssequential degradation pathways for BTEX utilizing multiple electron acceptors,including oxygen,nitrate,iron and sulfate,and via methanogenesis.The heterogeneous aquifer is represented by multiple hydraulic conductivity( K) zones delineated on the basis of numerous flowmeter K measurements.A direct propagation artificial neural network(DPN)is used as an inverse modeling tool to estimate the biodegradation rate constants associated with each of the K zones.In both the mass loss model and the reactive pathway model,the biodegradation rate constants show an increasing trend with the hydraulic conductivity.The finding of correlation between biodegradation kinetics and hydraulic conductivity distributions is of general interest and relevance to characterization and modeling of natural attenuation of hydrocarbons in other petroleum-product contaminated sites.  相似文献   
基于通用陆面模型(CoLM)和确定性集合卡尔曼滤波算法发展了一个考虑模型次网格变异性的MODIS雪盖同化方案,提高雪深模拟的估计精度。利用北疆阿勒泰地区5个气象站点2007年11月至2008年4月逐日雪深观测数据对同化结果进行了验证。结果表明,该同化方案不需要对MODIS雪盖观测数据进行扰动,能明显提高雪深模拟的精度。另外,雪深同化结果与地面观测雪深具有一致的时间变化趋势,能准确地反映积雪深度在各个不同时段的变化特性。  相似文献   
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