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应用遥感影像进行地表地质分析,具有数据量大、耗时短、费用低廉等优势,可以快速获取大范围区域的相关地质信息,因此,近年来,卫星遥感影像广泛应用于地质分析工作中。但是由于卫星影像在不同时期内的特征不同,且有大量不同的数据源,在不同影像上获取地质特征困难,因此,如何利用影像处技术增强影像中的地质特征,成为遥感影像地质判读的研究重点。地质断裂带调查一般借助各种直接与间接的调查方法以确认断裂带的存在与否和位置,了解断裂带的活动性,并提供点状或剖面数据材料。卫星影像在追踪研究贯穿地表且可为影像所解析的断裂带上,提供真实的影像证据,有助于直接分析影像中断裂带走向和延展。利用遥感影像处理计算,将卫星影像数据叠加到DEM上编制三维地形图,并利用计算机仿真,通过不同方向的投射光源,找出最适合的观察角及最能凸显出重点区域线状地类的状态。对于地质现象的分析及解释上,可提供较平面影像细致、准确的参考依据。  相似文献   
西藏班戈地区的遥感地质调查研究表明:该区发育菱形网结状构造;错那、东错、蓬错、巴木错呈明显的"多字形"斜列,应为统一应力场下形成的伸展断陷盆地,并受到后期右行活动破坏;在东卡错-东错菱形块体中央隆起内发现有较大规模的岩浆岩侵入,推测该隆起区下为一地幔热柱;由北向南出露有东巧蛇绿岩带、东错-蓬错蛇绿岩带、白拉-觉翁蛇绿岩...  相似文献   
In the Veria-Naousa ophiolitic complex (north Greece), rodingite appears mainly in the form of cross cutting dykes within serpentinised peridotites. It is distinguished into three types, based upon the provenance of its protoliths, textural characteristics, mineralogical assemblages and geochemical affinities. Type I rodigites were derived from boninitic diabasic protoliths and their mineralogical assemblage include garnet + clinopyroxene + chlorite. Type II rodingites were formed at the expense of gabbroic precursors, comprising clinopyroxene + garnet + vesuvianite ± quartz, whereas Type III rodingites replaced diabasic tholeiitic protoliths comprising of garnets + vesuvianite + clinopyroxene + chlorite. Rodingitisation resulted in desilification, decrease of alkalies, Al, Fe, Mg and increase in Ca contents. In Type I rodingites the MREE (middle rare earth elements) and HREE (heavy rare earth elements) were slightly reduced. Type II rodingites experienced LREE (light rare earth elements) depletions, whereas MREE and HREE remained fairly stable. Restricted mobility of REE in Type III rodingites is assigned to shallow-level rodingitisation under decreasing pH.Rodingitisation occured in two distinct stages at fore-arc settings. The first stage occured under mildly oxidising conditions and enhanced CO2/H2O ratios. This stage affected the protoliths of all rodingite types. The second rodingitisation stage occured under more oxidising conditions and lower CO2/H2O ratios, which corresponds to the exhumation stage of the serpentinite-rodingite formations. Types II and III rodingites were subjected to further rodingitisation under the increasing influence of slab-derived hydrous phases at shallower depths, leading to the formation of late-stage andradite and vesuvianite. All stages of rodingitisation are estimated to have occurred under relatively moderate temperatures and pressure (~300 to 450 °C; ~2–6 kbar respectively).  相似文献   
大黄花铜多金属矿区位于赤峰金银多金属成矿带南部,是在近年来开展1:5万数字化区域地质矿产调查野外工作中发现的.区内构造处于赤峰-开原深大断裂带中.含矿围岩主要为石炭系酒局子组地层,又叠加了中生代大规模的火山喷发作用及岩浆侵入活动,具有较好的成矿地质条件.  相似文献   
李英玉  赵坚  吕辉  陈斌 《水科学进展》2016,27(3):423-429
为揭示低温水影响下的河岸带潜流层的温度场和流场分布特性,利用野外水温水位实时监测试验,研究河岸带潜流层温度场在不同季节、不同空间位置上的分布特性,并利用水温资料计算获得地下水流速。结果表明:河岸带潜流层温度场在夏季和冬季分别呈现出"上暖下冷"和 "上冷下暖"的温度分层现象;通过对温度示踪方法的4种计算方法进行分析比较,得到Hatch相位法计算的地下水流速具有较高的准确性,在2014年12月15—31日时段内流速大小为1.03×10-4~7.96×10-4m/s,在空间上,断面深度增加,地下水流速降低,且不同深度流速曲线接近平行。  相似文献   
剪切带型金矿中金沉淀的力化学过程与成矿机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
剪切带型金矿是一种重要的金矿床类型,有关该类型金矿的成因问题已开展了大量研究,但对于剪切带中金的沉淀析出机制和成矿过程仍存在较大争议,对于赋矿部位的构造属性与矿床关系的研究尚显薄弱。对此笔者整理分析了近年来国内外有关剪切带型金矿的研究进展,并结合我国胶东金矿的研究实例,运用断层阀和力化学理论分析发现,无论是脆性还是韧性剪切带,无论是脉型还是蚀变岩型金矿,其成矿的关键部位均与构造应力集中而导致的脆性破裂(特别是R、T、R’破裂的产生)和碎裂作用以及(多期)岩体侵位密切相关,并且脆性破裂所导致的压力骤降从而引发流体闪蒸的力化学过程可能是造成金沉淀析出成矿的有效机制,其中多期岩体侵位所提供的流体是成矿的物质基础。此外,从国内外实例可以看出,剪切带中的脆性破裂不仅发生于脆性或脆韧性构造域,也可以发生在较深层次的韧性构造域中,尽管韧性域中产生脆性破裂的原因还不十分清楚,但这可能是韧性剪切带成矿的关键机制之一。最后,综合岩体、流体、剪切带三者对成矿的耦合作用,文中提出剪切带型金矿的成矿机理为:(多期)岩体侵位-热液活动-构造剪切-应力集中-脆性破裂(碎裂)产生-压力骤降-流体闪蒸-元素(金)析出,如此循环往复方可形成大型剪切带型金矿。  相似文献   
Contaminant migration behaviour in the unsaturated zone of a fractured porous aquifer is discussed in the context of a study site in Cheshire, UK. The site is situated on gently dipping sandstones, adjacent to a linear lagoon historically used to dispose of industrial wastes containing chlorinated solvents. Two cores of more than 100 m length were recovered and measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), inorganic chemistry, lithology, fracturing and aquifer properties were made. The results show that selecting an appropriate vertical sampling density is crucial both to providing an understanding of contaminant pathways and distinguishing whether CHCs are present in the aqueous or non-aqueous phase. The spacing of such sampling should be on a similar scale to the heterogeneity that controls water and contaminant movement. For some sections of the Permo-Triassic aquifer, significant changes in lithology and permeability occur over vertical distances of less than 1 m and samples need to be collected at this interval, otherwise considerable resolution is lost, potentially leading to erroneous interpretation of data. At this site, although CHC concentrations were high, the consistent ratio of the two main components of the plume (tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene) provided evidence of movement in the aqueous phase rather than in dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL).  相似文献   
黄婉康  康振川 《矿物学报》1989,9(2):104-111
在两个斜方辉石样品中观察到G.P.区亚稳相。内蒙古暗色辉长岩古铜辉石成分是En_(77)Fs_(18·6)Wo_(4·4),其高分辨象显示了密集的单层G.P.区;玄武岩中变辉长岩包体古铜辉石成分是En_(72·2)Fs_(25·7)Wo_(2·1),具双层G.P.区。该包体与具多层G.P.区的月岩橄长岩相似,后期冷却极快。在地体火成岩体结晶和冷却过程中易出现单层G.P.区,而岩体的大小,冷却的快慢可能影响G.P.区的密度。对N-14样品不同放大倍数的高分辨象G.P.区线密度和面密度的统计值同样具代表性。文中设想了G.P.区出溶的假二元系相图。  相似文献   
为了研究郯庐断裂带(安徽段)构造活动对其周边地表水系形态及其发育特征的影响,本文基于DEM数据,利用GIS空间分析功能并结合郯庐断裂带构造运动特征,对郯庐断裂带(安徽段)周边水系的几何分布特征进行研究。研究表明:郯庐断裂带(安徽段)在不同地质历史时期对区内地表水系产生错动影响。受郯庐断裂三叠纪到白垩纪期间左旋走滑运动影响,两条二级水系在大别山区自西北向东南流经郯庐主干断裂及次级断裂时与断裂呈近似直角相交并发生左旋错动。大别山地区的皖河流域与华阳河流域水系受郯庐断裂第四纪以来逆右行平移运动影响流向由东南向同步大幅度拐向南西,表现为右旋扭错;巢湖流域水系受五河—合肥断裂和石门山断裂影响也出现了右旋位错。此外,受郯庐断裂带构造运动形成的合肥盆地和地堑式嘉山盆地的影响,池河的主河道沿合肥盆地东侧的沉降带和石门山断裂与嘉庐断裂之间的嘉山盆地发育。  相似文献   
阮培华 《现代地质》2000,14(3):307-314
间带不同性质的底质中 ,介形虫动物群的特征和生态分布各不相同。在岩石滩和沙滩中介形虫较丰富、多样 ,前者具有 Xestoleberishanaii,Cythere lutea lutea,Loxoconcha hattorii,Aurila cymba等 ,而后者有 Sinocytheridea impressa,Pistocythereis bradyformis,Bicornucytherebisanensis,Cushmanidea subjaponica等。泥质滩中介形虫通常很少 ,有 Loxoconcha binhaiensis和L.ocellata等。受高潮和中潮影响的河口区 ,通常介形虫丰度和多样性的分布较低 ,都是适应环境变化很强的属种 ,并具有海、陆相介形虫分布的混合区段。朝向海洋方向 ,非海相介形虫的百分含量呈逐渐降低变化 ,而海相介形虫正好相反。  相似文献   
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