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The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   
花海湖泊古风成砂的粒度特征及其环境意义   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
通过野外调查和室内分析,发现在花海剖面全新世出现了三次特有的风成砂,并对其原因进行了初步的分析。前两次风沙形成期分别与第一、第二新冰期相对应,而且分析表明第一风沙形成期的冬季风强度要比全新世其它时期强,持续时间长。这为研究本区土地退化、荒漠化等问题提供了自然背景,特别是对西部大开发战略重点之一的生态环境保护与建设具有特殊的意义  相似文献   
论述了实施岩溶石漠化分区治理的必要性;根据岩溶石漠化土地分布特点及区域自然地理、社会经济、生物资源等差异性,将我国西南岩溶区分为中高山、岩溶断陷盆地、岩溶高原、岩溶峡谷、峰丛洼地、岩溶槽谷、峰林平原及溶丘洼地(槽谷)8个岩溶石漠化综合治理区,其建设重点与主要措施分别是:中高山区重点实施封山育林育草与营造生态防护林与薪炭林,利用自然景观和原生态文化,发展生态旅游业;岩溶断陷盆地区对盆地周边山地实施封山育林育草,盆地内修缮水利设施,建设高效经果林或中草药基地;岩溶高原区保护好现有林草植被,积极发展水源涵养林与经济林,完善生态体系结构,培育生态经济型产业,合理开展生态移民;岩溶峡谷区通过封造、乔灌治理相结合,提高岩溶植被的生态功能,积极发展生态旅游业与特色农林牧业;峰丛洼地区开展封山育林育草,发展南亚热带特色林业,适度进行生态移民;岩溶槽谷区加强对石漠化区域的生态建设,提高非石漠化土地的开发利用力度;峰林平原区合理开发利用地表和地下水资源,实施封山育林和人工造林,提高森林生态功能与景观价值;溶丘洼地(槽谷)区则围绕洞庭湖流域、岩溶景观区开展封山育林育草、人工造林,加强薪炭林与沼气池建设。   相似文献   
荒漠化被列入威胁人类生存的十大环境与发展问题之一,中国作为世界上荒漠化严重的国家,荒漠化形势十分严峻。本文通过遥感手段,以中国陆域国土范围(除台湾、香港和澳门)的31个省、市、自治区为研究区域,对1975年、2000年与2017年研究区数据进行沙化、盐渍化、水蚀荒漠化专题因子时空演变的综合研究,根据地域分异、发生学及多级序列等原则将将中国划分为8个荒漠-荒漠化区,42个荒漠-荒漠化亚区和36个荒漠-荒漠化小区。以不同时期荒漠化土地类型图为依据,采用荒漠化面积变化量与荒漠化重心迁移轨迹指标进行荒漠化演化分析。为具体说明不同区域荒漠化程度,本研究根据一定时期内荒漠化土地面积增加或减少的百分比将荒漠化演化分为7种类型,通过分析得到不同荒漠化区域的时空演化及不重心迁移,据此提出中国荒漠化的重点治理目标区及防治建议。研究结果表明:① 中国荒漠、荒漠化土地种类较多,重度荒漠化面积25.18×104 km2,占荒漠化总面积的19.59%;② 1975-2017年,中国荒漠化发生明显逆转,与1975-2000年相比,2000-2017年全国的荒漠化强度显著下降,原因是荒漠化加重区面积减少以及荒漠化减弱区面积增加;③ 1975-2000年与2000-2017年,各区内荒漠化重心点坐标迁移具有同向性。本研究在分析荒漠化土地分布、形成和演变机制的基础上,进行了荒漠化分区。通过对不同荒漠化地区的面积百分比变化的比较,得到了不同时期荒漠化的时空演化模式,并分析了荒漠化演化的特点和差异。  相似文献   
Withthesocialdevelopment,humanbeingshadtopaymuchatentiontothecrisisofenvironmentastotheeconomiccrisis.Waterdeficiencyanddeser...  相似文献   
10余年来,通过对鲁东胶北地区太古宙地层的研究,原胶东群中剔除出大量的变质变形深成侵入岩,并从其底部分离出一套呈包体状态残存于花岗质岩石中的紫苏磁铁石英岩、二辉斜长角闪麻粒岩等,据此建立了唐家庄岩群。该岩群为一套经受角闪麻粒岩相高级变质的表壳岩组合,同位素测年数据为2763~2936Ma,与之相伴产出的超基性岩同位素地质年龄值为2693~3150Ma,其特征与鲁西地区沂水岩群相似,说明太古宙时鲁东和鲁西曾是一个统一的克拉通陆核。  相似文献   
The pervasive effects of invasive ecosystem engineers, that is those species that modify their environment, are well documented, but rarely have the broader impacts of one foundation invertebrate species being replaced by another been examined. In New Zealand, green‐lipped mussels, Perna canaliculus, commonly dominate wave‐exposed rocky shores. The recent appearance of an invasive ecosystem engineer, the ascidian Pyura doppelgangera, at the very northern tip of New Zealand now threatens to exclude these bivalves from this habitat. Here, we report major shifts in assemblages associated with the invader and chronicle its continued spread. We examined epibiota associated with clumps of mussels and clumps of Pyura from two rocky shore habitats—pools and emergent substrata at two locations. We detected some differences in species richness in biota associated with the two foundation species, but faunal abundance only differed between the locations. These minor changes were dwarfed by the shift in species composition within clumps of each foundation species. Molluscs, particularly gastropods, and crustaceans dominated the assemblage within mussels. In contrast, tubicolous polychaetes dominated the fauna associated with the ascidian. Sessile epifauna, notably barnacles and calcareous tube‐dwelling polychaetes, were common on mussels, but never encountered on the ascidian. Multivariate analysis revealed marked dissimilarity (>80%) between the characteristic mussel and ascidian faunas with virtually no overlap. This biotic shift overshadowed any differences between habitats and locations. The broader implications of these faunal shifts for local and regional patterns of biodiversity, as well as ecosystem function, remain unclear, but deserve further attention.  相似文献   
贵州巨木地下河流域石漠化地学治理实验及其意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王明章 《中国岩溶》2010,29(2):107-112
贵州巨木地下河岩溶流域石漠化治理工程是一项从地学的角度探索石漠化治理的实验,实验以改善石漠化区岩溶地质环境为目标,以地下河的开发利用、农作物生长过程中矿物元素补偿等为手段,解决了实验区人畜饮水安全和农田灌溉缺水问题,提高了农作物产量和农产品品质,使地区经济得到了明显发展,有效地控制了不合理的人为工程活动的发生。遥感监测成果对比表明,经过治理实验区内的石漠化面积明显减少、石漠化程度显著降低。由此认为改善地质环境是石漠化治理的有效途径之一,值得提倡与推广。然而,由于西南岩溶石山区岩溶系统复杂、小型多样,不同的岩溶系统差别较大。因此,只有在查清岩溶流域系统具体的地质条件的基础上,合理制定综合治理方案,进行石漠化地学治理才能更有效。  相似文献   
石漠化景观格局对土地利用时空演变的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用是人类活动最直接的表现形式,喀斯特地区的石漠化演化与土地利用变化有密切关系,石漠化治理是在人为干预下加快恢复脆弱的喀斯特生态系统.运用3S技术和景观格局空间分析技术相结合的手段,对石漠化综合治理下,紫云县水塘小流域的土地利用及石漠化景观格局时空演变关系进行了探讨.结果表明:1.2004-2010年间水塘小流域土地利用类型以林地及草地变化较多,其他地类变动较少,其中林地面积增加10%,草地面积增加5%;2.2004-2010年间水塘小流域石漠化变化主要类型为,中度石漠化转轻度石漠化面积5%,轻度石漠化转潜在石漠化面积10%;3.2004-2010年间水塘小流域土地利用和石漠化景观格局,多样性指数各提高了0.3和0.12,破碎度指数各减少了0.138和0.16,优势度指数各降低了0.181和0.126,均匀度指数各提高了0.092和0.209,分维度指数各提高了0.02和0.18.研究发现运用土地利用与石漠化转移矩阵与景观格局相结合的分析方法,可为评价石漠化治理成效提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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