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贡献权重叠加法是对滑坡本底因子和承灾体因子在滑坡发育中的贡献率进行统计后,通过贡献率均值化、规一化处理,利用权重转换模型计算出每一个因子内部的权重——自权重和因子相互之间的权重——互权重。将滑坡因子、承灾体因子和两者的自权重、互权重分别相乘叠加,得到滑坡危险度和易损度区划结果,再将2项结果相乘得出滑坡风险区划结果。  相似文献   
利用WQI模型和水环境健康风险评价模型对20092011年嘉陵江干流重庆段6个饮用水水源地进行评价,并将影响这两种方法的主要因素进行分析比较。结果表明,6个水源地水质总体较好且城郊差异不大,但健康风险等级普遍偏高,城区明显高于郊区;各污染物都可能影响到WQI值,而砷、镉尤其是六价铬等化学致癌物是影响总健康危害风险的主要因素。两种模型侧重点不同,综合运用将更有助于客观全面评价水体质量和对人体健康的影响。  相似文献   
海洋风电勘察不同于陆地,钻探要依靠水上平台,为了确保海洋勘察施工的安全,应考虑各种危险有害因素,及有效评估安全风险,再通过编制一系列的安全措施予以防范,以确保海洋勘察施工的需要。  相似文献   
Assessment of ecological risk (ER) is a key approach to adapting and mitigating ecological deterioration in cities of developing countries. In developing countries, the ecological landscapes such as vegetation cover, water bodies, and wetlands are highly vulnerable due to rapid urban expansion. Therefore, urban ER (UER) assessment and its drivers are crucial to guide ecological protection as well as restoration. This study aims to explore the spatiotemporal pattern of UER and the impact of urban spatial form on UER in the Kolkata Megacity Region (KMR), India. This study developed a UER index and used spatial regression models across the urban centres. The ER has been assessed at city scale as well as grid-scale (2 km × 2 km and 5 km × 5 km) from 2000 to 2020. The results showed that ER has substantially increased over the last 20 years. The urban centres with very high and high ER substantially increased, i.e. from 21.95% in 2000 to 31.70% in 2020. Kolkata and its surrounding urban centres were mostly characterized by very high and high ER. ER was influenced by spatial variables (such as land use and landscapes pattern). However, remote sensing parameters were weakly related to ER. The spatial lag model (SLM) (R2 = 0.8686) was found to be better fit model than spatial error model (SEM) (R2 = 0.8661) and ordinary linear regression model (OLS) (R2 = 0.8641). Thus, the findings of the study can improve research and a comprehensive framework for urban ecological resources and provide a scientific basis for urban ecosystem planning and restoration. In addition to this, it will guarantee the sustainable utilization of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   
曹亮  叶唐进  陶伟 《地质与资源》2023,32(1):113-119
川藏公路巴塘至拉萨段沿线边坡地质灾害较为严重.根据多年来采集的边坡灾害数据, 利用地理信息系统(GIS)综合插值等多种方法分析了该段公路沿线典型边坡地质灾害的危险性. 研究表明: 低度、中度、高度危险区占总里程的78.9%, 总长度1 008 km, 其中高度达到30.28%, 而基本无危险区里程为270 km, 占总里程的21.1%. 通过野外复核, 该分析结果较为合理可靠.  相似文献   
胡秀艳  谢红青  景山 《江苏地质》2023,47(4):412-419
选取扬州邵伯地区作为研究区,根据评价标准(GB 15618—2018)对其农田土壤环境质量及生态风险进行评价。研究区农田土壤中8种重金属元素平均含量均低于农用地污染风险筛选值,除Ni外其余7种重金属元素的平均含量均超过江苏土壤平均背景值,其中Hg含量均值为江苏土壤平均背景值的2.16倍;通过对比内梅罗指数法和综合指数法评价结果,认为综合指数法能更客观准确地反映研究区农田土壤环境质量状况,结果显示研究区农田土壤轻度污染以上样本占总样本的2.35%;研究区农田土壤属中度生态风险,综合潜在风险指数平均值为200.56,主要贡献因子是Hg。  相似文献   
降雨型浅层滑坡危险性预测模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分析SHALSTAB和TRIGRS等浅层滑坡物理确定性模型存在的问题,提出了基于降雨入渗动态守恒的瞬态降雨入渗模型,该模型考虑了初期降雨过程、降雨历程以及饱和非饱和入渗过程,证明了SHALSTAB模型是该模型的特殊形式,并克服了TRIGRS模型参数繁多及一维入渗路径的问题.将无限边坡模型、瞬态降雨入渗模型和GIS进行耦合,研发了可用于大范围降雨型浅层滑坡危险性预测的集成系统,根据边坡的地质条件、地形参数和降雨特征即可对降雨条件下浅层滑坡的危险性进行评估.  相似文献   
In Canada, Montreal is the second city with the highest seismic risk. This is due to its relatively high seismic hazard, old infrastructures and high population density. The region is characterised by moderate seismic activity with no recent record of a major earthquake. The lack of historical strong ground motion records for the region contributes to large uncertainties in the estimation of hazards. Among the sources of uncertainty, the attenuation function is the main contributor and its effect on estimates of risks is investigated. Epistemic uncertainty was considered by obtaining damage estimates for three attenuation functions that were developed for Eastern North America. The results indicate that loss estimates are highly sensitive to the choice of the attenuation function and suggest that epistemic uncertainty should be considered both for the definition of the hazard function and in loss estimation methodologies. Seismic loss estimates are performed for a 2% in 50 years seismic threat, which corresponds to the design level earthquake in the national building code of Canada, using HAZUS-MH4 for the Montreal region over 522 census tracts. The study estimated that for the average scenario roughly 5% of the building stock would be damaged with direct economic losses evaluated at 1.4 billion dollars for such a scenario. The maximum number of casualties would result in approximately 500 people being injured or dead at a calculated time of occurrence of 2?pm.  相似文献   
平原区超采地下水引发的地面沉降地质灾害已成为影响这些地区经济可持续发展的重要因素,风险管理是实现灾害防治从被动应对向主动防御转变的标志。根据地面沉降地质灾害自身特点,从其易发性、易损性和抗风险能力三方面进行分析评价,初步构建了地面沉降风险评价指标体系,介绍了常用的数学模型方法和空间分析技术,最后以苏锡常地区为例进行了实例研究。结果表明,决定当前地面沉降区风险分布的首要因素是地区经济发展水平,就相同级别的地面沉降而言,其对经济发达地区所造成的侵害要高于经济欠发达地区;其次才是地面沉降灾害发生程度。由此建议加大抗灾投入,增强区域风险抵御能力。  相似文献   
吉林西部地区高砷地下水砷的阈值分析及风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高砷地下水导致的砷中毒是吉林西部地区近年来新发现的地方病。为评价饮用水中砷对人体健康产生的潜在危害,在野外调查、采样分析的基础上,开展了水砷安全阈值分析 ,确定了砷的总质量浓度0.05 mg/L为研究区的水砷安全阈值,建立了地下水健康风险评价模型,进行了地下水砷健康风险评价。结果表明:研究区地下水砷引起的个人年均风险度最高达2.11×10-3 a-1,其中高砷的第四系承压水中97.06%的采样点水砷对人体的个人年均致癌风险度,大于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受值5.0×10-5 a-1;作为备用水源的第三系大安组、泰康组承压水69.57%采样点砷的致癌风险度也超过最大可接受风险水平。通过对风险度评价结果与砷中毒病情等资料的对比分析,风险评价结果与砷中毒病情基本一致,验证了评价结果的合理性。  相似文献   
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